Prima zi de navigare cu o veche barca cu vele – Ep 19 Sailing ORIYO

Prima zi de navigare cu o veche barca cu vele - Ep 19 Sailing ORIYO

Salutare tuturor, în sfârșit gata de navigare. Oriyo așteaptă un greu timp de 17 ani și ceva. Am făcut atât de multe și, totuși, nu știm dacă am făcut suficient. Dar este timpul… Așa că hai să ieșim din Port Saint Louis și să ne uităm la ea navigând din nou! Ce zici de un prim pas într-un parc național pentru a începe cu… Noroc. Cătușe și carabiniere textile – Nodus Factory : ––––––––––- ––––––––––––––– Bună, Suntem Stéphanie și Valéry, povestea noastră începe la greu când găsim o barcă neglijată în sudul Franței. Urmăriți reparația completă a acestei bărci vechi, care va necesita atât de multe lucrări atente și intense cu barca. Vino alături de noi pentru a călători prin această călătorie în noua noastră viață de navigator. Site: Instagram Sailing ORIYO: Instagram Valéry:


21 thoughts on “Prima zi de navigare cu o veche barca cu vele – Ep 19 Sailing ORIYO

  1. That was a wonderful sailing episode and all your work paid out! It also was an interesting transition from being stressed out to plain happiness. 🙂 Small tip: Get external clip on microphones. The voiceovers show Stéphanie has a great voice.

  2. So many fine moments in this episode: tears of joy (and a bit of trepidation?), your national anthem (La Marseillaise) in the background, the waves slapping against her hull after so many years on the hard, and then the sails unfurling and carrying you along sans the motor. Thank you for sharing such a glorious moment in time with us.

  3. Finalement à voile ! Le bateau est superbe, j’aime beaucoup le tableau arrière en gris. Il y a toujours des récompenses pour les couples qui travaillent aussi bien et aussi fort que vous. Je me souviens de la fonte du plomb pour la quille et tout le reste. Profitez de ces beaux moments.

  4. 👍. Bravo et félicitations. Je suis toujours autant perturbé par le décalage de vos vidéos (ceci n’est pas un reproche). Vous êtes peut être en ce moment à l’autre bout du monde devant une caïpirinha mais, quoi qu’il en soit, je vous souhaite à tous les deux une année de bonheur et de navigation azimutale.

  5. Very happy for you two! Keep the videos coming. You are both very entertaining and I look forward to sharing your journey with you.

  6. Well, I'm up to date and I think this is called binge-watching. What you both did in two years took me two day's 😉
    My last sailtrip was (as crew on A GibSea 402) the Collin Archer Memorial Race. From Lauwersoog (in the northeast of The Netherlands) to Larvik in Norway 420nm. In 2013 with same ship skipper and and his brother I sailed from the Azores to Amsterdam, about 1800nm. Seen thousands of dolphins, whales and last trip even two orcas, no wind flat sea and storm with gusts over 45kn and I enjoyed every moment of it! I sail since my sixth but never owned my own boat, advantage is the experience of many different type's of boats I sailed either as crew or charter.
    I'm now looking into your website and just learned about Valéry's solo crossing. And of course I love to follow your coming adventures on Oriyo so thank you for sharing!

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