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S3 LIVE: Singapore Sail Grand Prix 2023 | Ziua 1

32 thoughts on “S3 LIVE: Singapore Sail Grand Prix 2023 | Ziua 1”
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Great footage as Usual
It is like Roller Derby. The same people all the time on different boats. Only Australia and New Zealand competitive. They let everyone else look good occasionally. Great spectacle but not real.
Hoping for better conditions tomorrow!
Love how the flight control practice shows off in low wind conditions. Sometimes I miss more coverage of the tight tacks on the race rather than seeing boats that already crossed the line. Good coverage otherwise, thanks!
Clueless commentary again. “Australia’s out the back and has left it too late”… Aus second around Mark 1
Hay good times but the commentators need to get their s*** together they have made so many stuff ups it's not funny
I used to be a SailGP-fan, especially with Switzerland joining in. But these are ridiculous races, once up, once down and over the finish line … I can't believe it! What's the problem with a race taking 30, 40 oder 50 minutes? I don't understand …
Fun intro
I think it’s 2023..
4 legs ridiculous
Good consistency Canada, and a great call to tack away from GBR on the second race!
Team completely missed GBR great tactics and sailing from Ben Ainslie in race 2…
Race 1 intro begins at 1:16:50.
I forgot to turn the sound off,….. now i have a headache
I'll say one thing. He turned down. FFS.
That was some hard going today, hopefully tomorrow's forecast is correct and they'll be able get foiling! Great coverage, and I look forward to tomorrow's racing!
EHHHHH! did Canada race? barely heard them mentioned by the commentary

good job Canada
So in that crash scene it looks like everybody was on port. In that situation it's hard to tell on TV who's Windward or leeward. That could have been a gnarly crash.
Que mala, malísima, es la tripulación española.
It started out slow, but that Race 2 finish was tight!
its 2023
Jordi Xamar no tiene nivel para llevar este barco,el team Spain debe reflexionar
Let’s go to a light air venue and sail 7 minute races with 1 upwind leg said nobody trying to expand viewership
Race officials need to choose better times and conditions to race who cares about time slots for viewership. Who wants to watch Sail gp when there's no speed or no foiling. Absolute disaster shame on Sail gp,maybe day 2 officials will pull there heads outta the sand
Fight for your life!
you die!
Not the government problem.
Seems like Tom still has so much love for Pete

That was horrible. There are so many fantastic places to sail in the world that have super consistent winds…but they don't all have the money that Singapore does….in this vane, I vote for Qatar for the next Winter Olympics.
Just let them do a full race!!
no way NZ should have gotten a penalty, what is going on with these umpires.
hardly worth watching, and why no 3rd race?