Nimeni nu poate afla secretele Pentagonului. Cel puțin, asta este înțelepciunea convențională. Dar din când în când, oamenii devin martori la fenomene ciudate asociate cu instalațiile militare secrete. De exemplu, relativ recent, o navă de pescuit care traversa Oceanul Pacific spre Vancouver a observat pe cer un obiect neidentificat care arăta ca un avion de formă ciudată. Dar obiectul nu s-a mișcat deloc ca un avion tipic și, la un moment dat, a dispărut pur și simplu în aer subțire. Pescarii au postat imediat despre întâlnire online, iar povestea a devenit suficient de răspândită încât Pentagonul trebuie să fi devenit puțin nervos. Marinarii au zărit un avion SECRET peste Oceanul Pacific!
Un avion US SECRET a fost depistat de marinari peste Oceanul Pacific
31 thoughts on “Un avion US SECRET a fost depistat de marinari peste Oceanul Pacific”
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so world war 3 4 5 will be over in a few seconds right !
Bee Esss
Well I'd rather my tax bones being spent on kick ass military hard wear than giving it away to other country's politicians for them to launder
I like this powerful fighters jets
Now let’s bring back first nuclear strike Clinton did away with..
I swear, these videos always show government pentagon etc using the same keyboard, which I had about 12-15 years back, the Saitek Eclipse, so how does anyone have these keyboards to make documentaries with ?. It's one of the best keyboards ever made, and they are not for sale anywhere.
Il monde è impazzito; dovremmo pensare ad altre cose quali la ricerca di armonia fra i popoli: questo avverrà quando un giorno per comune interesse si frantumeranno tutte le nazioni quando svanirà la proprietà privata e l'uso del denaro .
Sarà un processo lento ma già ben delineata : pace ,condivisione ed energie rinnovabili saranno il dialogo per il futuro sostenibile; mi chiedete un voto; non posso votare ciò che è folle e dico pace amore e solidarietà
Ein kleiner Sturm und sie Pappbuden fliegen weg.Die Amis können nichts mehr.
Never forget why you even have that wallet.
Manta is NOT pronounced "MON-ta." It's pronounced "MAN-ta," just like the manta ray after which the aircraft is named.
4:30 – The SR-71 was NEVER "just a scout." That huge internal bay which holds the cameras and such also doubles as a BOMB BAY. The SR-71 was capable of delivering nuclear bombs.
great vid!
Put it that way 75 years we get spaceship imagine today Pentagon he's a joke like the rest
2 months ago
not enough sheen guns
Wtf, its real all right, around 10 years ago walking to the beach with my kids on the east coast of Aus QLD we saw a large aircraft coming in low over the pacific, my kids remarked on how big it was, some sorta American C-5 I later identified it as, all silver and huge and as we watched it pass directly over us into the suns glare I averted my eyes and told the kids not to look at the sun, they of course ignored me and started yelling it was going into the sun, as I started to tell them thats impossible and looked up the aircraft was gone, just vanished, I was gobsmacked and turning in circles but the kids were nonplussed because they saw it go into the sun but I was extremely baffled and even then suspected some sort of stealth tech way beyond what we hear about that was not turned on in time as it crossed the coastline, and to clinch it all a week later in the Aus news it was announced the USA director of stealth tech was in town on a visit, by chance ..
I saw Santa Clause doing Paul Pelosi in his underwear while doing mach 4 in his stealth sleigh
It cloaks. I doesn’t turn invisible. Instead it reflects the color or colors of it environment that it flying thru.
designed to rule planet earth from washington d.c
Looks like the air craft from Avatar!
I witnessed a similar invisibility technology on an experimental dirigible, about 10 years ago. (It worked! At dusk, you could only see its running lights.) The project was later cancelled, but I guess Uncle Sam liked the invisibility feature and decided to go with it.
Evidently some gamer dude found a whole bunch of DoD secrets then im guessing he sold em on the dark web or thats just another distraction.
Scott, are you going to be running that sand peddling shit again today? Make more of the ponzi trucks haul rock so I don't have to move it please
NGAD? Sixth gen?
2:02 states the Manta didn't have a vertical tail… yet the video footage shows a twin vertical tail aircraft..
Bad editing? or just BS?
Absolutely love your content go USA
Either they are top secret or they are on YouTube, and clearly not.
and none of the sailors had a cam on their smart phone.