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MAYHEM în Anchorage | Înțelepciunea navigată [S5 Ep44]
![MAYHEM în Anchorage | Înțelepciunea navigată [S5 Ep44]](https://sailingtv.ro/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/1674103833_maxresdefault.jpg)
24 thoughts on “MAYHEM în Anchorage | Înțelepciunea navigată [S5 Ep44]”
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Another nice adventure with you all, electric is the way to go as long as you don't have to stop somewhere to charge up. I even converted my 14 ft fishing boat to electric. It's a 12 volt system with two 55 lbt. stern mounted Newport Vessel trolling motors, with two deep cycle batteries at a 150 Ah total. It moves along pretty dare good, and the solar panels keep it charged up the next time I take it out.
Oh, I loved the music and the scenery! Well done.
I have an Alberg 35 in Baltimore, I can't wait to see you work on your Alberg.
We experienced the same issues anchoring Taylor Creek the first time back in 2003. We set up a Bahamian mooring which worked well, but the chain on the primary and the rode on the secondary anchor got twisted badly from the boat spinning in place for several days due to the changes in current. Love Beaufort NC and Cape Lookout nearby. Sail-on!
I always love your videos, as you capture so much of the visual beauty of your surroundings. Beaufort is a gorgeous historical town that I had no idea existed. You just don't see that old world history like you do on the west coast. The one thing about traveling on a boat is, the concerns of how it's holding up while your away. After all it is your home and not on land. Living life on liquid.
That seems like a really cute historic town. We drove through it once but weren't in the right frame of mind to stop and explore.
Personally I think that using tesla batteries on a boat is a terrible idea. They're LiPo and have a risk of catastrophic failure. LiFePo4 or LTO lithium batteries are much safer. But his boat his risk. Do you take your dinghy battery with you when you go ashore as a theft prevention measure?
I love the more artistic approach you used on this video.
I know it's a lot more work, but in my opinion worth the effort.
Well Done
Oh I am hopefully upgrading boats soon, and at the moment an Alberg 30 with a fried motor is my second choice.
If I get it, I am planning on doing a conversion too.
So I would be very interested in any videos you do with yours.
Cute t shirts
That solar install was quite impressive. Huge amount of panels up high and aft and looks like they tilt fore and aft. Do you plan to describe that boat in more detail in a later episode?
Beaufort and other places you've visited seem nice but I still can't see myself sailing the ICW rather than the outside route. You never know though and you are giving us all a better appreciation of what the ICW has to offer.
Y'all may have been at the Rachel Carson Reserve! She spent some time early in her career in Beaufort. Beautiful images!! Thank you!
Absolutely beautiful! Your content is always top shelf!
Very cool video! Some pretty cool places in Beaufort, NC. Glad you didn't have too much trouble with the "mayhem" issues. Interesting tech stuff with electric motors!

Thanks for sharing another episode of your continued travels with all of us! Safe travels, fair winds and following seas as always!
Awesome, informative and wholesome as always, thanks again you two for such great content!
Is your current engine in Wind Puff running?
Let me know what you'd sell it for.
Either way, If you need help pulling it (evening or weekends) contact me. You're going to be in HH North right? pulling it
Fun to see Avemar in another sailor's video. Can't wait to share an anchorage again!
Rich history and loads of sailors today. Better than unoccupied derelicts bashing about.
I like your videos, very interesting, I learned alot from you. Lately I don't like your clickbait titles. Mayhem? ok
My maternal grandmother was born in Beaufort County, South Carolina and still have a lot of family in the area including North and South Carolina, Georgia and Florida.
I would spend all day in that Maritime Museum and keep me away from marine supply stores, chandleries, etc., because I'm like a kid in a candy store! You captured the spirit of the town really well and it's a place I've been meaning to see for a long time, great job!