Un iaht imens se trezește peste barca mică! | Barci ondulate | Haulover Inlet #shorts #haulover #hauloverboats #hauloverinlet
Un iaht imens se trezește peste barca mică! | Barci ondulate | Haulover Inlet

29 thoughts on “Un iaht imens se trezește peste barca mică! | Barci ondulate | Haulover Inlet”
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Whoever's piloting that boat has no business doing so, what a dick
I would of been like “well fucccckk”
They think they own the water
Captain is like out the way bitches
Nothing more fun than following a yacht in a fishing boat to ride its wake. One of the best times from my childhood years. Me and my buddy were probably 12-13 on our boat as we took turns sitting on the front swivel seat as we shot over it’s wake. Yacht was much bigger than this one in the video. Surprised we didn’t go overboard we were getting massive. They got pulled over lol the channel was too small for them they were gassing it. Fucked up his moms marina
Idiot is plowing through a sailboat course and regatta. He needs his boat confiscated.
Tere are idiots on powerboats everywhere. ..
Rich people problems
And that's when the spear comes out
Он что оболдел суда мелкие рядом он волну такую даёт
That is not a yacht, it is an oversized speed boat, for those wanabees that can't afford the real thing.
Captain? I don't think so, in his dreams, just a fool that when his details are known, his life can become a nightmare by any good hacker…
Home of the entitled, Karen Lib, twatwaffles!
Slow down hell. I'm the larger vessel. You see me coming. Gtfo of the way.
What a jerk
Around here if your in a big boat you slow so as not to turn them over… manners
Where is the Coast Guard when you need them???
I think that was Rodney Dangerfield behind the wheel.
Don't worry, whatever damage or killing he leaves in his wake he can pay for.
Are they in a no wake zone? Than get s bigger boat, Dinghy
This is the perfect example of to rich no care for others!!! Were is law enforcement!
When they kill somebody!!!
And the Coast Guard says what?
Probably some underprivileged basketball star.
Marine police should have impounded that yacht
Obviously big power boats don’t care about swamping inferior boats. Says a lot about those captains piloting their boats.

Cokksukker is dìkk!
As far as he is concerned, they are the only ones in the channel.
This is the king's highway. I suggest you make way