Barcă gratuită transportată și pornind la 4000 de mile peste Oceanul Pacific!

Barcă gratuită transportată și pornind la 4000 de mile peste Oceanul Pacific!

Wow, am reușit! E scoasă afară! Dacă cineva simte durerea în portofelul nostru și o aude pe Haillys strigând după ajutor și se simte motivat, vă rugăm să accesați: Este uimitor să o văd scoasă afară!! Să o aducem înapoi în cel mai scurt timp! Acest șantier este scump!! Http:// – Barry Http:// – Hailly Http:// – Simon Http:// .perihelion – Perihelion Și vezi emisiunea Simons YouTube @findingsimon


26 thoughts on “Barcă gratuită transportată și pornind la 4000 de mile peste Oceanul Pacific!

  1. Simon!! I have watched your other catamaran channel since you were making plans in your apartment before you moved aboard. Glad to see you as part of this adventure.

  2. Barry you were certainly right about one thing! those sites on top of those peaks were beyond gorgeous to say the least. Absolutely stunning views. Well Barry, fair winds and following sea's and have a safe journey back home.

  3. Wow guys what a great "free" boat and the adventure delivery looks like its going to be amazing too! Cant wait for the next episode!!!! I would love to come help with your boat but as long as Hitler Jr is in charge of your government there is no way I am going to canada.

  4. LMFAO… you didnt need to suck the D. Actually, you won my subscription on the last video, but I have been sharing this video because Berry was saying that he would rather pay himself $40 an hour to walk to the hotel. Smart man!!!

    Edit: This channel is blowing up with you two at the helm!

  5. I love watching your videos, I cant wait to see your journey. If you all are ever in the PNW and need another Earl to help out in whatever way let me know.

  6. You have great content but you have to do something about the volume. We can’t hear half of what you’re saying. Good luck guys 🇺🇸🙏

  7. Wow! Not just ONE boat story, but a little bit of THREE boats! Hailly, if I were 30 yrs younger, I would absolutely help you get her cleaned up, sanded down, and freshened up. Sorry the work is gonna be so much work but I know you will do it right. So much work! And so much time it will take, and I can't wait to see the "before" and the "after."

  8. I'm still trying to grasp the in & out of the boat. Yes, 'Feels like a ship not a boat.' exactly in my mind. Luv to see a film of stem to stern / keel to top mast. Put eight 1-pound swivels on and you're a colonial Yankee Privateer vassal. Thanks for sharing and on to the next step!

  9. The best thing you can do is empty out the boat for EVERYTHING, it will make your job so much easier and you will end up throwing out 95% anyways…

  10. You guys got an amazing gift. The Formosa 51 is one of my "Dream boats" as well. Would love to be able to follow this adventure, but I have grandkids in the house. The language on the first video was a little rough, but I thought it might be better on this one. Sorry guys, but the dick-sucking comments pushed it over the edge for us. I can't watch this with my grandkids around. Good luck on your journey. I might check back in from time to time (when the house is empty).

  11. There is no such thing as a free boat. BTW, thanks for updating this project quickly. I'm really wanting to see this Formosa project. And yes, I did watch Capt ron6 after watching the first vid.

  12. I just found your Channel right now but I promise you I am a subscriber at this point that boat is absolutely beautiful and I have to ask what is she who built her where does she come from

  13. I can't decide what's going to be more entertaining! watching the Formosa blossom, or Barry's delivery. Very nice how you incorporate both scenarios into the video. Terrific job already Hailly, on the V-berth.

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