S3#2. Garcia Explocat 52 recenzie. Este aceasta pisica ULTIMATE Exploration – rapidă, sigură și confortabilă?

S3#2.  Garcia Explocat 52 recenzie.  Este aceasta pisica ULTIMATE Exploration - rapidă, sigură și confortabilă?

@Barefoot Doctors Sailing and Travel – Vino desculț cu noi în timp ce căutăm CATAMARANUL PERFECT PERFORMANTĂ pentru noi, în timp ce facem upgrade de la Leopard 45 și 50! În acest episod, călătorim la Cherbourg, Franța, la mijlocul iernii, pentru a vedea catamaranul din aluminiu Explocat 52 al lui Garcia și pentru a vedea procesul de construcție și caracteristicile care au plasat această pisică pe piața exclusivă și de nișă pentru explorarea latitudinilor mai înalte… Cyrille Corlay de la Garcia Iahturile explică, de asemenea, avantajele și dezavantajele bărcilor din aluminiu și modul în care bărcile lor supraviețuiesc accidentelor pe mare cu bărci de pescuit de 25 de tone și lovind containere, precum și capacitatea lor de a călători în Arctica și Antarctica, deoarece sunt construite pentru acest mediu. Priviți și veniți cu noi desculți în timp ce călătorim și explorăm planeta, mai ales din apă, dar uneori prin mintea altora, deoarece oferim ajutor și sprijin acolo unde este necesar prin soluțiile uimitoare TUFMINDS! CE ESTE TUFMINDS Programul gratuit TUFMINDS este lansat ca program pentru smartphone sub Exqisit Life Foundation Charity, o organizație non-profit înregistrată și necesită sprijin financiar pentru a finanța programul gratuit. TUFMINDS salvează vieți intervenind în punctul de sinucidere și trăgând pe toată lumea la niveluri mai înalte de rezistență mentală, bunăstare și funcționare. de asemenea, creează atitudini mai bune, rezistență și adaptare – toate foarte importante pentru marinarii care se confruntă cu situații dificile pe mare. @Barefoot Doctors Sailing Donațiile către organizația de caritate pentru a sprijini prevenirea sinuciderii cu programul gratuit TUFMINDS pot fi făcute la: https://shoutforgood.com/charities/ex… Pentru mai multe informații: www.TUFMINDS.com www.barefootdoctorssailing.com .au Aplicația TUFMINDS – în App Store


27 thoughts on “S3#2. Garcia Explocat 52 recenzie. Este aceasta pisica ULTIMATE Exploration – rapidă, sigură și confortabilă?

  1. Nice presentation, I have a single-handed round-the-world boat eara1986 mono aluminum ex BOC 15.24 meter masthead cutter built by the Garcia Brothers, I would be interested to know if is this the same builder? Out of interest, my boat was knocked down on the slipway while antifouling, the hull was badly dented it took 18 months to repair her from the top of the mast to the bottom of the keel there were no holes because of the knockdown. It's a great ocean going boat, I have had it since 1987 If you can please ask him if they had built SV Skoiern IV? Keep up the videos info's new perspective and very informative. SV. Skoiern IV Thanks

  2. Yes I can hear u John, but alas it does NOT have the lifting swimdeck and the main cabin is quite small and the beds are hard to make, do u make the bed John? Mmmm Eli please think about this🤣🤣. 4 yrs did he say 4yrs, Gee I'll be deaf and blind by then, and I'll need wheelchair acess.😲 she's got her good points but, I still think u should keep looking. Luv yas be safe 🇦🇺😉😎

  3. WOW! Great review BDS. I really hope you can get one of these one day soon. I'm putting in for the lotto again this week so who knows…maybe I'll get two. Did they have any plans to build anything bigger than the 52? I'd love to see something that matches the lagoon 620 (I've got a big family! Ha).

  4. I thought you were looking for performance… at 18 tonnes this is in Lagoon category… Plukky's boat is a much better option. The fact that it carriers so much fuel speaks to the fact that they expect you to do a lot of motoring.

  5. Thank you for a super interesting walk trough. Being a tall man, I would be extatic and thankful if you would also include the important issue of headroom in the different sections of the boat 🙂 Would that be possible?

  6. They are a hellava boat, but 4 years is too long. I think you would have to be a hardcore explorer to pull that trigger. Awesome video Dr’s, always enjoy your work. Thanks

  7. My only criticisms would be that they should offer an electric engine option and shaft drives. I do like that they have protective skegs for the sail drives though.

  8. Great video……I doubt we would ever go to colder climates but the information on the pro's and con's of aluminum construction is very helpful and perfect timing ….we are trying to get info on the Portifino 47 and 57 but so far I have sent 2 emails and got no response…..Thank you both

  9. Good one, thanks🤗. We are thinking of buying one but really dont like the saildrive… its a big thing for us.

  10. Ah the making the bed issue…. (It's even a hassle at home where I can walk around.) What if there were two hooks at the corners of the far end of the bed below the top and grommets, (or grosgrain loops – my favorite for camping rain flys very versatile and easy to sew). You crawl on the bed, hook on the corners. Then at the 'easy end two more hooks. Maybe some adjustment. (I've even got a method where you never have to crawl on the bed). Do sheets really need to go all the way under a mattress? (& I've noticed that wrinkles I didn't notice were actually keeping me awake.) Let's patent this so we can afford to have Garcias waiting for us: one in Norway another in Chile….

  11. Great Product Review… Have a few comments…
    – I’ve used in my working days as an Engineer a special coating of Teflon on surfaces dealing with toxic liquids. This Teflon is sprayed and can be layered for multiple thicknesses. I’ve used Black but could be available in other colors. Sort of remember after spraying it’s heated to finalize adhesion to the vulnerable surface. Don’t remember required technical specifications. Double thicknesses were specified because mechanical cleaning was abrasive. Never experienced any peeling or flaking.
    – Aluminum seems best choice however Electrolysis issue remains as a potential problem especially as Diesel Engines could be replaced with Electric Motors. As a Developer I’ve been looking for a Sail Drive that can be dual powered with a common Diesel Engine and an Electric Motor sitting on top of the Sail Drive unit. Mechanically it’s not difficult and could be done using Sprag Clutch Bearings or Clutch Gearing. This would allow both Power Plants to exist with only one operational at a time. Creative thinking says changing the Aluminum Sail Drive casting to Bronze might help.
    – Different Environments from severe cold to hot requires a closed up living environment to wider opened living areas. Sunreef has a lifting mechanism design to lift up the rear wide door from the bottom to the ceiling. This gives the largest opening and is attractive for hot environments.
    – Will Garcia customize Owner Boats? Building using Aluminum isn’t as easy to customize then Fiberglass.
    Marty Didier

  12. Curious if you could also ask about the size and weight of a tender these boats can handle. Especially for remote exploration, you need a beefy tender than can handle some rough conditions. I'm surprised that some of these 50'+ high-end cats can only accommodate modest tenders. Would love to have a 4-4.2m dinghy for long range exploration.

  13. anyplace during rainy season increases the risk of lighting strikes to sailboats. Like he said avoid rainy season in those areas.

  14. I can't see how anyone would want to be sailing this in the upper latitudes standing at those outboard helm stations. I'd be adding Biminis and enclosures all over the place. LOL Even in warmer climates I'd still want to be out of the sun and rain.

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