Sezonul ploios în Pacificul de Sud | Episodul 188

Sezonul ploios în Pacificul de Sud |  Episodul 188

După o navigare grozavă către Huahine, ne agățăm în timp ce un mic sistem de furtună suflă, dându-ne câteva zile foarte umede la rând. Reușim să profităm la maximum de ea, intrând într-un tur foarte distractiv cu scuterul prin întreaga insulă, explorând tot ce are ea de oferit. De asemenea, putem face o scufundare rapidă în apropierea unuia dintre ancoraje într-o zi însorită foarte binevenită. Alăturați-vă nouă în aventurile noastre de navigație prin Oceanul Pacific! Vă mulțumim că urmăriți aventurile WE! Partenerul nostru Sail @PrecisionSailLoftVictoria – Melodiile prezentate în acest episod provin de la @epidemicsound Vrei muzică fără drepturi de autor, dă clic pe linkul de mai jos!!! Vrei ceva WE|Sail Merch??? Consultați WE|Sail $WAG $TORE Obțineți 20% REDUCERE LA TOTA Achiziție folosind codul: WEYOUTUBER Vă mulțumim pentru vizionare și NU UITAȚI SĂ ABONAȚI!!!! Gândiți-vă să deveniți unul dintre părinții noștri și ține minte… membrii nu plătesc pentru călătoria noastră, ci mai degrabă ne susțin sucurile creative, care uneori echivalează cu o bere gustoasă! Așa că faceți popcornul floricele, reduceți luminile și stați pe spate, bucurați-vă de spectacol! @Patreon URMĂȚI AVENTURILE NOASTRE PE FACEBOOK SOCIAL MEDIA INSTAGRAM


39 thoughts on “Sezonul ploios în Pacificul de Sud | Episodul 188

  1. I know you are always some weeks behind your real life, but since you are on a long stay visa you will have time to explore more. 45 years ago i lived with my boat anchored in the lagoon at the mouth of the river Vaipoiri on Tahiti iti. There is no road out there, it’s a 10K walk from Teahupo. If you want real magic stay there and explore that valley. It was once home to thousands but was abandoned in 1918 because all died from the Spanish flu. Up the valley are many fruit trees, fresh water shrimp, and there is an amazing grotto you can descend into and swim in the black electric waters. We built a set of sails in the little yellow house by the river mouth. Find the cherry stone clams in the sand at the mouth of the river. Copious fresh water, rarely people around. Go through the pass that follows the cliff side.

  2. Hi Erika and Warren,
    2 1/2 years ago I bought a Florida boat that was mostly closed up for 4+ years. It was a mildew monster. I had great success with:
    1Qt. hot water
    2 TBS baking soda
    2TBS borax
    1 TBS TSP (trisodium phosphate)
    soak and wring out, let dry.
    As was explained to me, mildew likes acidic environs, this leaves a basic environment behind. I have had almost no recurring mildew since treating my liners and fabrics this way.
    Hope this helps,

  3. It's not often I find myself enviable of anyone, I've been around the world and accomplished a lot of life in 65 years; I do look at your lives with a modest level of envy however. Having been to many of the places I see you visiting, your journey serves as a virtual memory lane of how wonderful life is when you get away from your cocoon and seek adventure. Nothing can rival a clear ocean, adventure, companionship, and exploration. You seem to be building great memories to reflect on in years to come. Peace…

  4. Always a joy to see what you guys are up to…..Are there any islands in the chain that don't get a lot of rain during rainy season?

  5. Solving the mold problem :-
    1. Get a dehumidifier and run it inside to eliminate as much air moisture as possible
    2. Spot check mold spores with lemon juice
    3. Wash mold affected items in warm water and a small amount of bleach
    4. You know all those little silica packets that are everything you buy, put them in amongst your clothes and items to absorb moisture.
    5. Wipe all surfaces with a mild solution of water and bleach to kill mold spores
    6. If all else fails buy some specialty products for removing mold.
    7. Have fun ……………………………………………….

  6. THANK YOU!!!! Hello from Denver! Curious question, on passage, between islands or on long passage, how often DO you get avian visitors? A rest area during the flight?? I can imagine flying fish can be quite a few, too bad none are big enough to eat!!

  7. Your camera work is absolutely stellar!!
    During every episode, I always look forward to seeing what new images you've captured.
    Great work and thanks for sharing it with us.

  8. I know how passionate you are about being off the grid and not using your generator, but now would be a good time to fire the old thing up turn on the AC and get a washer dryer.. you’re a contractor or used to be actually once a contractor always a contractor therefore, you know what mold will do it ruins everything!

  9. This episode brought us all back to why you and others like you live your life's sailing throughout the world. You could feel the joy, excitement and at times the frustration of boat life. i.e., all the magic that others only wish they could experience. You guys do, 'A Day In The Life' better than most. You make us feel that we are there with you. Your filming and editing is fantastic. The beautiful islands, the turtles and rays are all spectacular. Your scuba diving surround with so many fish, all seeming to want to get to know you. One would think that you are Fish Whispers. Your love for each other and the world around you always shines no matter what the weather is. Never stop smiling, because your smiles are contagious.

  10. National Geographic just did a big Sting-Ray Project and tagged them to be able to follow them. They also found a 650 lb one. That was called the “Mega Fish Project” and National Geographic sponsored it too. I wish I had a way of sending the article, it’s interesting. It was online this morning.(January 26). They believe they’re going extinct, so it might be another kind. They called them “small eyes” and said they have raisin sized eyes.

  11. I don't think I could stay out of the water, even if it was raining…heck your already wet. Loved the two big Mappa Puffers and that Titan Trigger @18:28. That is when you put your hands in your pocket. They are beautiful, but can be mean as a snake and bite even when unprovoked. Keep the underwater shots coming, love it

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