NOUL MEMBRU DE ECHIP!! Navigație și pescuit sub apă în Mexic fierbinte și însorită

NOUL MEMBRU DE ECHIP!!  Navigație și pescuit sub apă în Mexic fierbinte și însorită

Luăm echipaj pentru trecerea noastră de 2,5 zile cu navigație către Puerto Vallarta, Mexic, mergem la pescuit sub apă pentru prima dată, petrecem și navigăm. Îți dorești propria armă de submarine realizată manual? Îmi place acest episod și vrei să facem mai mult? Luați în considerare susținerea canalului la: Obțineți Swag-ul Breaking Waves la Obțineți scoop în timp real pe Instagram! @breakingwaves.ben @breakingwaves.alie Asigurați-vă că vizitați și @bickertonco !! O parte din tot ceea ce facem de pe acest canal va fi donată către pentru a ne ajuta să curățăm oceanul.


31 thoughts on “NOUL MEMBRU DE ECHIP!! Navigație și pescuit sub apă în Mexic fierbinte și însorită

  1. Great episode as usual! Can't wait to see Alie shoot a fish!

    How far did Bruce swim to shore? Since he found out he could do it did he ever just take off when he needed a comfort break?

  2. Hi people, Ali please stop putting urself down, ur a very talented, skilled young Woman who can do Anything u put ur mind to. So believe in U ok😉😁 Some people in those personal water craft have absolutely no care or thought for anyone but themselves and no idea of the rules and regs, it really posses me off especially when they are scaring the our fur babies and kids. Welcome Brett glad to have u aboard mate. That was a top vlog really enjoy it. Thanks for sharing. 🇨🇦🇦🇺🌈🐕

  3. The first time is always stressful. You're doing great!
    Marina Puerto Los Cabos is about 30 km up the coast. Cheaper and much quieter if you want to get out of the Cabo chaos.
    Give Bruce a pat on the head!

  4. impressive single-handed moving of boat…. have to ask, Alie, is that the same "bottom" that got you in trouble jumping off the dock, 'cause Bruce won't be able to help if it happens again….. stay safe, Tim and Cat

  5. I always want more. I watch enough sailing vlogs, that I see people helping to supply needed food and they all just love it. Thanks for taking us along once more. Good job handling the boat on your on Alie. ❤🤙

  6. We did the trip from Cabo to PV, and it was rough! Swell and wind were coming from the north around the tip of Cabo, and offshore from the mainland at the same time. 90 degree crossed up, in 25 knots. Fingers crossed you had less wind. All that said, PV was amazing. The Marina is beautiful, and the city was a nice change from Cabo.

  7. Awesome episode! Great job on moving the boat, very confident. I personally f…g hate jet skis. They rarely venture into cold water so thats a good thing in PNW 🙂 Apparently catamarans are not affected by swells as much – based on what you guys are seeing, would a catamaran be a better choice if mostly anchoring out?

  8. Did you call a pilot boat police? Ha I just took the oupv captains class a couple weeks ago, and this was one thing we had to learn, the markings of a pilot boat. The pilot will guide bigger vessels into port.

  9. Hey Allie, any chance you guys are stopping in La Cruz de Huanacaxtle Marina? We are vacationing here but only until Feb 7th. Would love to say hi.

  10. Really enjoying you guys' channel. Allie- I'm wondering how many times you've been told you seem like Katie Nolan's(ESPN, Garbage Time, etc) younger, equally talented, funny younger sister? I say this in a complimentary and respectful way. 

    Keep up the good work, guys and good luck in your adventures!

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