Grupul Adani a acuzat Hindenburg Research că nu a făcut cercetări adecvate și că „copy-pasting” din dezvăluirile companiei. De asemenea, a spus că fie nu au făcut cercetări adecvate, fie au făcut cercetări adecvate, dar au indus în eroare publicul. Într-un interviu exclusiv pentru CNBC-TV18, directorul financiar al grupului Adani, Jugeshinder Singh, a declarat: „Au folosit dezvăluirile noastre și nu au făcut nicio cercetare. Șaizeci și opt dintre aceste întrebări sunt false și denaturate. Nu au făcut nicio cercetare – au tăiat, copiat, lipit, iar raportul a fost o treabă de succes pentru FPO. Ar putea fi și mai rău – au făcut cercetările și au indus publicul în eroare”. Vorbind despre oferta publică suplimentară (FPO), el a clarificat că va merge conform programului și la intervalul de preț anunțat. Ascultați. #adanigroup #hindenburgreport #FPO #SEBIprobe #cnbctv18 #businessnews #businessnewstoday #businessnewsinenglish #sharemarkettoday Citiți povestea web: -current-pricing-and-schedule-cfo-robbie-singh-interview-15792391.htm Despre CNBC-TV18: principalul canal de știri de afaceri din India, CNBC-TV18 oferă cea mai cuprinzătoare acoperire a afacerilor, economiei și piețelor financiare. Urmărește aici toate emisiunile tale preferate, videoclipurile exclusive, interviurile de mare preț și multe altele. Vă puteți conecta, de asemenea, cu CNBC-TV18 News Online Vizionați cele mai recente știri: Urmăriți CNBC-TV18 non-stop: Fiți la curent cu toate acțiunea pieței în timp real: De asemenea, puteți rămâne la curent cu toate cele mai recente știri din mers cu CNBC-TV18 Minis: https://www.cnbctv18. com/minis/ n18oc_business
Încrezător că FPO navighează, fapte „interpretate greșit” Hindenburg: Exclusiv Jugeshinder Singh

24 thoughts on “Încrezător că FPO navighează, fapte „interpretate greșit” Hindenburg: Exclusiv Jugeshinder Singh”
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Adni is friend of Fe-ku Go-di. Fe-ku Go-di Bhagao, Desh Bachao.
Takla will be left behind to clean up the mess while Adani will date Sushmita Sen in Jamaica.
Recall the saga of Elizabeth Holmes and Sunny Balwani………….Bakshish ???????
It is an international scam for spoiling Indian company. Indian government need to interfere and make strong action against this Hindenburg.
It seems Ambani is also helping Adani to avoid same type of incident on them
Irrelevant response what type of cfo is this. No wonder why adani group is a mess.
In the institutional side.. poor SBI and LIC will be taking the burn.
What the Crap!
Chup choor Gujratiiiiiiiiiiii ck company
He cannot even speak proper English and he says he is the senior most financial officer
"Big 6 accounting firms" – which era is he living in? There are just 4 now.
the expression of the CFO clearly indicates he's lying, not showing any proof of their ownerships
Deflecting questions by giving generic answers. You can see even anchors felt answers were deflection and hence kept repeating the questions. Also CFO has no information on related party transactions which is in Adanis brothers firms?!?! Now that is shady.
Le YouTubers: Corruption is okay if it's done by Adani
tax evation, money laundering etc are okay if it's done by adani 

if there were suspicion on anyone else other than Adani… ED, CBI etc would be raiding the office

Nb: What's is happening here? Nation's wealth is being looted by a family with the help of politicians.
Total crap
Get unlimited supply of money from SBI and LIC. Cook books of SBI and LIC to cover everything. Aam Aadmi's will pay the price in ten years down the line …
Richest People on the planet
– Elon Musk made Electrics Cars + PayPal + Rockets
– Bezos made Ecommerce + AWS
– Bill Gates made PC Revolution
– Steve Jobs made Apple iPhones + Mac
What did Adani make?
Lol what a joke sab changa see
then why adani replay to hinderberg if hinderberg report has no base?

No chance of adani to come up as 90% of share he owns including his own international unidenntifying companies and 8% sbi and lic 2% public. He is trying to run away to UK?
Fake nationalism won't save this company. Just a mere report shook this company to wonder what will happen if an inquiry was set up. This proves the weak foundation.