Am găsit iahtul lui Michelle Mone

Am găsit iahtul lui Michelle Mone

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28 thoughts on “Am găsit iahtul lui Michelle Mone

  1. I find it sickening that people want that much money, once you get past £3m you have enough to live in luxury for the rest of your life and that is enough, surely?

  2. No point in trying to nail this any just one of the political franchises, there are no innocents among them political class or indeed the self censoring media, this was a massive scale redistribution of public money to the few, where is the demands for information regarding these contracts to be made public from the opposition ? they all serve the 1% and are rewarded with their heads in the same trough

  3. The fun fact is that Michelle mone knew exactly at what point to set up her ppe business so how was her timing so good..
    Easy when you understand that Matt hancock is a world economic forum member along with bojo sunak and starmer amongst many others and as wef members they will have all attended event 201 in davos which was a tabletop pandemic simulation which was six moths before the real pandemic came about…
    They knew when this would happen and invested there hard earned cash😂 into stocks and shares in vaccines ppe and all manner of things including track and trace run be serco who have made tens of millions and where awarded contracts by the very people in government who where investors in those same companies..
    Michelle mone was advised by hancock when to set up her ppe business a business of which at the time she had no experinece of running which just happens to net her a fortune of tax payers money…
    This is old news it was known back in 2019 what they where doing and was called out as a “chumocracy” by other minister in parlament at that time..
    Sunak by the way profited over £500 million just from his shares in moderna which is telling of just how much they made off the back of tax payers money…
    You pay your taxes to buy this stuff and they invest in it knowing the outcome and make obscene wealth off the back of it..
    They’re not about to tell you any of this hence why they keep you distracted…
    Michelle mone has been thrown under the bus by them all ans it’s a case of greedy rats on a sinking ship right now and only a matter of time before someone else takes a fall..

  4. She weren't the only one,,,who in cabinet has shares is earning dow,,,what about wankcock pub landlord who earnt millions,,? Sunaks wife,? The list grows,,,,we want all the names

  5. Absolutely brilliant work 😂 Loved the new name of the boat. Disgusting that these 2 "people" made so much money from everyone elses misery. They should both be forced by law to return every penny and then she should be thrown out of Parliament, greedy people.

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