Era navigației (zero punctuație)

Era navigației (zero punctuație)

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35 thoughts on “Era navigației (zero punctuație)

  1. Its the problem with a lot of these chinese-made game. There is clearly some form of effort being placed but it's being spread out like a thin layer of butter on a moldy bread.

  2. i dunno man, the boat theory might be on to something. you gave wind waker a good review and resi 4 has that bit where you fight a mutant fish on a lake from a little speedboat with infinite harpoons

  3. There are an enormous number of people who speak both Chinese and English, I know several myself and I basically live in a nowhere place where nothing happens and nobody goes. Surely they could've found one such person to once-over the dialogue for them?!

  4. @4:14
    Yahtzee: Now be honest with me viewers, who off the top of their head knows where the Ligurian Sea is?

    Some italian dude: spaghettis in mar ligure

  5. If yahtzee is going to test the whole "boat" theory, I suggest sunless sea or its more polished sequel sunless skies, might be interesting to see his take on Victorian Era London sailing around eldritch monsters.

  6. It's a shame that this game is more about 'Go to this bit of the world to see the next bit of your main character's plot' and nothing intersting on the travel.

    Every port is samey.
    Battle is very arcadey and shallow.
    There's no concept of faction or countries in the game.
    There is no consequence in attacking neutral trading convoys, because no one is affliated with anything.
    You can raise your reputation with certain ports, but that only unlocks feature like land expedition and trading goods, and nothing else.
    Encounters on travel is either scripted NPC events or random pirate attacks.

    Entire world has this 'dead' feels with it, as nothing dynamic or intersting happens beside your main quest.

  7. Oi Yahtzee, I've been sick for the past few days- vomiting, diarrhea and ceaseless headaches and I've been watching your vids.

    There is no heartwarming note to this. Just stating something.

  8. Garaba: “Take a cruise, you said. See the world, you said. Now, here we are, stuck on the front of this stupid ship.”
    Nasser: “Well it could be worse, we could be in the Audience!”
    Garaba & Nasser “Dohohoho!”

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