#sailing #travelvlog #sailboat Sailing Madness Episodul 5. În aceasta, înfruntăm frigul iernii pentru prima noastră navigare din 2023. Dacă doriți să susțineți episoadele viitoare, vă rugăm să luați în considerare să deveniți Patreon făcând clic pe linkul de mai jos… https:// patreon.com/sailingmadness Există multe beneficii pentru a deveni Patreon. Patreonii au acces timpuriu la videoclipuri și conținut exclusiv, precum și acces la un grup WhatsApp „Numai patron” și la un tracker live. Sunt și pe Instagram – http://www.instagram.com/sailing_madness_UK Și pentru întrebări media și colaborare: e-mail: info@sailingmadness.co.uk
Navigarea mea Bavaria 36 pentru prima dată în 2023 | Sailing Madness Ep6

15 thoughts on “Navigarea mea Bavaria 36 pentru prima dată în 2023 | Sailing Madness Ep6”
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Brilliant !
Re the board: you could saw it in half horizontally like Sailing Uma did. Seems to make it more manageable.
a cup of tea and sailing
Sadly, for many speed limits mean nothing unless vigorously enforced, which clearly isn’t the case there.
The Menai Strait today and the Atlantic Ocean next month! Tidy video.
Nice to see everything is going well David. If you get a chance, watch the You Tube documentary video about Paul Earling Johnson called The Sailor. He crossed the Atlantic solo when he was 16 years old. An amazing man.
Have the problems with the berth been sorted? See the lock gate not yet fixed so assume not. Just hope the staff have been paid.
Loved the video
Who would actually enforce 5 knots anyway? Your mate was probably telling some great stories….
She's looking good under sail David. And yeah, 5kts my arse
Why madness? Don't you think there's enough madness going on in the world today without adding to it? What madness is there in sailing?? What's the point in making people think that you'll go mad if you go sailing? It would be great if you could come up with a better name!
Best mod I have done is to cut the Washboards 60-40 Best done by a professional workshop.
Hi nice to see Anton enjoying the ride, an awful lot slower than he is used too, I watch all the work he does on TV and what a gentleman he is, definitely a credit to Cheshire Police.
Does your boat have a name?