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  1. I don't see sails, so, why bother even trying to do anything "green" with hydrogen fuel cells. Go sail. Go wind energy capture. Go hydro-energy capture. go solar energy capture. Put them all together, and never use petrol.

  2. Exactly right, hydrogen fuel cell yachts are the future! Just like with the automobile industry, yacht makers need to adopt this technology or become irrelevant 20th century fossils.

  3. "Green Methanol". 😆. Touts advantages of being produced from straw and manure, etc, but that production type doesn't scale and methanol from hydrocarbons like natural gas will make up the bulk.
    The energy to make "Green Methanol" can come from:
    Biomass: It is literally cutting down and burning trees. Destroys forests.
    Solar: Hard to keep up maintenance, and also requires open pit mining and additionally, coal, to create solar panels. Would be great if it got more efficient.
    Wind: maybe one of the better sources, but has it's problems.
    Tidal: Still waiting to move into mass production.

    Methanol. It is highly flammable and the flame is invisible. Vapour/air mixtures are explosive. Methanol is soluble in water so if spilled it won't float to the top to be contained readily. I don't know how toxic to sea-life it is…but it's probably the opposite of good.

    At the end of the day these guys are just moving the fossil fuel burning off the boat and using the modern eco-wannabe catch-phrases so their rich clients can "appear Green", just like many companies are today.

    Just some information to share so we're not kidding ourselves.

    I mean, I'd still have a beautiful M/Y if I was supremely rich, but it'd run on diesel or diesel/electric.

  4. ok, so environmentally toxic oil based fuels, environmental clean hydrogen produced by environmentally toxic chemical processes ( all commercially available hydrogen ) or environmentally clean solar / wind power with limitations on yacht size currently.

    sorry, until they stop poisoning the planet with chemical production of hydrogen it is NOT a clean option.

  5. An excellent video, really interesting. These sort of things go a long way to explaining why the Lurssen brand is expensive – they are throwing lots of money into research to create better yachts on a big scale.

  6. I like the idea of methanol as an energy carrier for hydrogen. This is I believe a realistic way of going forward with cleaner power plants along with synthetic fuel. EVs are a joke and an environmental disaster, the sooner we move past that mandated Climate Change cult crap the better.

  7. Hydrogen FOOL CELLS will never work. Do you have any idea how much energy it takes to compress gas hydrogen and/or cool and liquify hydrogen?!?!?!?!?M. FOOL CELLS!

  8. So fascinating, that technology is driving the net zero future. Thank you David and of course thank you to LÜRSSEN for spearheading a revolution that is surely needed for our planet. Cheer all!

  9. So this system stores liquified pressurised methanol, converts it to gaseous hydrogen, burns the hydrogen in a catalytic convertor to produce electricity which charges batteries which provide power to run the yacht. That doesn't sound as if it is overly complicated, reliant on several rare and / or toxic elements, subject to multiple conversion losses and presents serious storage and maintenance issues. Before you even consider how the methanol is produced in the first place (hint: fossil fuels are involved).
    Even if one could run an entire superyacht on angels' tears and happy thoughts, it would still be the most ecologically disastrous thing ever invented by man, because 400 Gross Tonnes owned by and at the service of just one person is an ecological obscenity. Any so-called green technology is only ever used as bragging rights because there isn't anything else left to distinguish one boat from another, or there simply isn't any left of materials that used to constitute luxury on a boat so new ones have to be invented.
    If all the Teak in the world had not been used to plank the decks of superyachts, there would be no demand for a replacement wood to plank the decks of superyachts – see how that works ? We have already been through that cycle at least once already – Teak was once reluctantly considered a cheap alternative to Oak because all the mature Oak had been used up planking the decks of ships of the line, tea clippers and other merchantmen in the time of Empire.
    Stop pretending any of the people involved in producing or owning superyachts give a monkeys about the environment – if they did, they wouldn't build or own a superyacht.

  10. So powering a boat with fuel you can't get at what I'm sure is a ridiculous price increase for the system seems just another way for people with entirely too much money to feel better about themselves while the rest of the yachting world continues with diesel and electric

  11. When I hear Hydrogen… immediately the question that comes out is how safe it is… and was wondering can this current technology be fitted in a much smaller yacht?… Can't wait to see this new future of power generation… thumbs up to Lurssen

  12. Please stop hyping "fuel cells." There are no clean sources of hydrogen. Any time someone shows you a hydrogen powered device ask them point blank, "where does the hydrogen come from?" If they say anything other than "steam reformation of natural gas," they are lying. Then go investigate what the steam reformation process involves, including the waste products. Hydrogen is not a "green" fuel. You'd be better off just burning the natural gas.

  13. Really love this video and the topics it covers from the engine room into the technology cause I had not been aware of the hydrogen used by a yacht, only the subs. And also I had been aware of the Mehtanol reformator technology as one way to power heavy trucks cause the weight of tanks for compressed tanks is still an issue, but had not thought about methanol for yachts.

    great progress – and of cause really nice explanations and introductions so time to subscribe.

  14. It's great to see perhaps the premiere Superyacht manufacturer taking net zero emissions into consideration to the length that they have. Where Lurssen goes, the rest will follow. In an industry that is the pinnacle of conspicuous consumption, it's nice to see a move toward more green practices

  15. conveniently they left out the part where the conversion from methanol to hydrogen produces CO2. A lot of it! and calling it emissions free is straight up a lie. this is insane.

  16. What Lurssen have explained is not carbon neutral, because you're still left with 1 Carbon atom (to dispose of) per methanol molecule consumed. CH3OH (methanol) => 2 x H2 (hydrogen -consumed) leaving 1 x C (Carbon) & 1 x O (Oxygen) remaining to be disposed of -I can only assume into the atmosphere? Using green hydrogen as your fuel would actually be carbon neutral!

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