Iahtul pierde pernele și omul este scufundat la intrarea Haulover! | Bărci ondulate

Iahtul pierde pernele și omul este scufundat la intrarea Haulover!  |  Bărci ondulate

Iahtul pierde pernele și omul este scufundat la intrarea Haulover! | Wavy Boats #shorts #haulover #hauloverboats #hauloverinlet


32 thoughts on “Iahtul pierde pernele și omul este scufundat la intrarea Haulover! | Bărci ondulate

  1. If you can afford that boat, you can afford a new cushion. Shouldn’t there be tools that would help in cases such as this? I’m sure it happens

  2. When did boat Matt become more important than life? These vids I can’t stop watching.. ppls stupidity.. monkeys could drive these boats n yacht betters .

  3. I hope they realize how stupid they look. God forbid they have to spend money on replacing a cushion when they're riding around on a boat like that 🤣 🤣

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