Insulele San Blas… un paradis frumos în Panama, dar oamenii Guna Yala nu sunt guvernați de Panama și au propriile legi și tradiții care îl fac un loc foarte unic de vizitat. Peisajul uluitor este ceva ce ați vedea pe o carte poștală sau pe o anunț de călătorie. Iar oamenii sunt foarte harnici, de la modul în care ocolesc insulele cu canoele lor săpate până la modul în care au adaptat noi idei de afaceri pentru a satisface marinarii în vizită. Acest episod vă oferă o privire asupra „O zi în viața” familiei noastre în timp ce ancorați în San Blas, urmată de o sesiune epică de kite surf folosind vânturile alizee care pompează prin această regiune. Archie vă oferă tuturor instrucțiuni clare despre cum să lansați un zmeu dintr-o barcă! Cu toate acestea, aspirațiile noastre de kiting sunt înlăturate rapid de Congresso local și descoperim că în insulele San Blas există mai multe reguli decât ne așteptam. Comentați mai jos, apăsați subscribe și deveniți Patreon… Alăturați-vă familiei noastre Patreon Urmărește-ne pe Instagram Facebook https://web.facebook .com/sailingwithsix/ Site-ul web
S2 E23 O zi în VIAȚĂ! Cum să lansezi zmee de pe o barcă! | Navigand cu Six

18 thoughts on “S2 E23 O zi în VIAȚĂ! Cum să lansezi zmee de pe o barcă! | Navigand cu Six”
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Did I hear, "Marmite rolls"? I thought they'd be Vegemite buns? Great to see the juniors baking too! My oldest son and I sailed around San Blas about 35 yrs ago, and were the only foreign tourists around that week! I'm enjoying reliving old memories through your eyes. Fair seas and good winds go with you.
Fantastic kiting! Also impressed by the rubbish guy steering his enormous canoe in a fresh breeze. Thanks for the latest episode of Happy Days.
Oh man, I really wish I was there lounging on one of those islands! Thanks for the video!!!
So impressed by y'all's kids! Great job mom and dad!
Nice of the local tradesmen to make house calls! Love those pretty string instruments (I couldn't name them). The hot buns look too good, yum! My goodness, the panorama from 12:30. And we get a lesson in kite surfing today– a fine place to do it, I would say.
I could understand having some restrictions on activities, as I suppose there might be crowding, refuse, and conflicts if it were a free-for-all? But, a warning or a small fine would have sufficed here, instead of those harsh penalties. Not missing any footage you might have of that ordeal.
Paradise family. Love.
Thanks family another great episode
I enjoy marmite, but have never heard of marmite and cheese rolls… would like to hear how you make them.
What a shame kitesurfing is banned there makes no sense to me why
the kids have progressed loads well done
I can't believe they want to confiscate your gear and fine you $500 without giving you a warning first. No smoking, no littering, no diving, no pets, no filming, no kite surfing, no spear fishing, no bottles, no drones, no wake boarding, no surfing. Thank you. Come again. I don't know what sailboat lodging is. Sounds like they don't want any boats there.
That why i love watching your video….its about family time ….
Hi, I've been enjoying your channel for a while now. Love the family doing so much together.
After seeing other channels kite surfing in the San Blas Islands and the prices they pay for the fresh fruit and vegies, I believe you were ripped off. None of the other channels I watch who have also kite surfed the San Blas Islands have been fined. The document displayed in the video listing things that are supposed to be illegal there basically lists everything, including staying on your boat! Was the document genuine or is it a scam? Sorry you had to endure that.
Also, I understand you are originally Currumbin family. Yeehah! I'm at Palmy just down the road.
Keep up the great videos with all the fantastic smiles and activities.
They wanted to confiscate your gear and fine you $500 US dollars, but they settled for $50… That sounds like a shake down to me. Another great video, cheers mates from Texas.
Great video, your kids are so good at kite surfing now, so many skills, tough about not being able to do it there. Thank You for sharing.
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Well it doesn't even look like you were supposed to be filming, flying your drone OR scuba diving either! What are you supposed to do? Sit on your boat!? I dono what sailboat lodging is but we're you even allowed to stay overnight? Ridiculous.