Forțat să se întoarcă – Livrare cu barca cu pânze: Annapolis la BVI [EP 188]

Forțat să se întoarcă - Livrare cu barca cu pânze: Annapolis la BVI  [EP 188]

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29 thoughts on “Forțat să se întoarcă – Livrare cu barca cu pânze: Annapolis la BVI [EP 188]

  1. I have missed the two of you. I know that sounds crazy yes? I am glad to that the both of you are well. I know filming and producing haas to be a drain from time to time. I appreciate what i5 is you do. Cheers!

  2. Yachting. Yachting is the glamping version of sailing. Glad to see you back.


  3. I agree, cruising is about the journey, travel is about arriving at your destination. How often do cruisers arrive at different destinations than intended. Imagine a traveller arriving at St Lucia when they had booked for St Martin. A cruiser? Oh well, we have good holding and an island, let's go and explore. Welcome back!

  4. SLV's first couple of years were awesome, since then I haven't been able to watch them. They became different people on the new(er) boat.

  5. That was Riley & Elena's Outremere yacht, which rather than sell it to buy the new Trimaran, they started a charter company with their mate, who is running it.

  6. According to the site, La Vagabonde is currently being operated as a charter while Riley and Elayna are in Asia waiting to take delivery on the new boat.

  7. Such a sweet couple ! I wonder why I hadn't seen you in awhile but from the comments it seems you were not filming. Anyway really cool to see you in Annapolis my home town. And Matt Rutherford beautiful schooner.

  8. Missed you guys, Good to see you back showing me what life can be. The dumb jokes, the slow life, the complaining about the weather, when we're sitting in an office.
    Please don't go away again.

  9. It’s good to see you guys back. We’ve been frequently checking for a new video and were starting to get worried that you got a better offer and we’re going to stop creating content. We thought the La Vagabond fan girl moment was funny because we’re much bigger fans of you guys than of them.

  10. Great episode…especially your comments on traveling perspectives. My wife and I just returned from a 10 day trip in UK, where we ran around like headless chickens ticking boxes. All I kept saying was, we planned this all wrong. Although we "saw" a ton of sites, we barely absorbed any of them. We promised to do better next time. Spent time on the hard next to Matt's boat in Maryland. Like I said, great episode!!

  11. Looks like you are on your way to Oz! I will say I was a bit concerned when you left for the BVI on a boat with cracked plastic tank clean out plates "repaired" with JB Weld! The thing about production sailboats– even very expensive ones like an Oyster– is that the bean counters back at Corporate are always looking for a way to add $$ to the bottom line by specifying the cheapest component they can find.

    Fair Winds

  12. I live in Maryland, and yes the weather has been crazy this year. If you guys end up back in Maryland please know if you need anything.

  13. Easy on the REDHEAD jokes. You might come across as a bigot and an abuser. Might have to settle up your idiot comments man to man if I catch you abusing her.

  14. Nice to see you were in the states. I've done the trip down the bay and then thru the intercoastal and it can be hairy. If you get there again be sure to eat at the cafe normandie.

  15. JB Weld is wonderful. I used it on the radiator of a Mazda MPV since it had a plastic radiator. Never had any problems with it leaking.

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