Navigați Viața și Navigați Thailanda

Navigați Viața și Navigați Thailanda

Se crede pur și simplu, voi cumpăra un catamaran avariat de uragan, îl voi repara și apoi voi naviga prin lume, dar apoi se întâmplă viața. Visul de a fi un marinar de croazieră, visul de a naviga pe tropice într-o zi trebuie să fie pus în așteptare. Cel puțin am avut șansa să navighez în Mexic, California (vezi ultimul episod) și acum Thailanda.


31 thoughts on “Navigați Viața și Navigați Thailanda

  1. Great to see a new video Bryan…………… always good to see you keeping it real and relatetable !…

  2. There are a lot of sailing channels out there but only one Bryan sailing. What sets your channel apart is you. Thanks for sharing your trip with us. I always enjoy catching up on what you’ve been up to. Thanks

  3. I am happy to see a new video from you. I was just wondering the other day about you and did a search to see if you had any new videos. Looks like you have some pretty serious thoughts rolling around in your mind right now. I sincerely hope you find the answers and maybe, if appropriate for you, bring us along for the journey. Cheers!

  4. For a guy who lacks courage, you sure have a lot of guts to share something that personal on YouTube. I don't think you realize how truely courageous you really are. Think of the Lion in the Wizard of Oz.

  5. Don't give up on your dreams Bryan!
    Life pushes us into shapes and positions that try to derail one's destiny.
    Recharge, take stock and enter with a new plan, wiser and with new passion!
    Thank you for sharing this with us.

  6. Bryan, I was worried about you brother. No Videos…….I’m glad to see your doing well. You’re right, you don’t always get what you want. Your trip however, looked awesome. It may have been a working vacation, but you got what you needed. Who doesn’t love a little adventure. I was waiting for the Creature from the Black Lagoon to pop up in that dark water filled cave. 😮 Hopefully the trip inspired you to crack on with your boat project.

  7. I lived in Asia for almost 5 years and traveled every month to SE Asia. And then I lived in Thailand for about 1.5 years full time. I really enjoyed myself. The people are nice, and it is just a fun and relaxing lifestyle. I could easily live a sailing life in SE Asia. I would prefer it to doing that it in the Carribean.

  8. Glad to see another video from you. I was really wondering what happened with the abrupt ending to the videos you were doing before. Hope life is going well for you.

  9. Life is not a rehearsal – Enjoy …. Its over quicker then most realise . From a 75 year old sailor with 100s of great memories & More to come .

  10. good to see you again Byran. it's been a while. i'm not sure what's going on in your life, but breath and be you. this too will pass !!

  11. Sooo great to hear from you again! I kept looking out for a new video from you. Keep us up to date with how things are working out for you, wishing you the best.

  12. Bryan good to see you again! I was missing your videos a lot amigo. I hope this break gave to you the essential energies to keep going. You say "don´t give up", I say "stand your ground and fight". Fight for the things you love, for the challenges you want to overcome, for the dreams you want to fulfil. Sometimes is good to take one step back to breathe, rethink and recoup energies. One step at a time and eventually you reach your destination. Good video Bryan. Take care.

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