Alegeți o barcă cu vele pentru croazieră? Chiar dacă nu sunteți pe cale să o faceți, sunt multe aici pentru a stârni un interes suplimentar. Dacă vă gândiți să vă schimbați sau să cumpărați primul, vizionați acum. Nu îți vei pierde timpul! #barcă, #ambarcațiunide vânzare, #iahting, #iahturide vânzare, Dacă sunteți interesat de navigație, de lucrurile maritime și de drumul sărat către libertate, vă veți bucura de canalul meu, așa că turnați-vă un pahar din cele mai bune și instalați-vă să ascultați discuțiile mele ocazionale. Când sunt plecat în croazieră, nu știu niciodată când voi avea ocazia să încarc. Dacă abia așteptați, de ce să nu deveniți membru al clubului meu de site-uri? Acolo, veți găsi o mulțime de videoclipuri și articole numai pentru membri, care nu sunt disponibile în altă parte și veți avea șansa de a vă alătura unui forum online obișnuit. • Site web: – • Deveniți membru: – MODALITĂȚI PENTRU A VENI CONTACT CU MINE și ÎNĂRĂ-TE ECHIPULUI • Site : – • Twitter: Alăturați-vă conversației – • Facebook: Să ne întâlnim aici – ALTE PRODUSE • Articole: – • Cărți de vânzare: – • Cărți audio: – https:// Urmărește-mă pe YOUTUBE! Apăsați butonul ABONAȚI-VĂ. Aș aprecia dacă v-ați alătura canalului meu „Yachts and Yarns”. Apăsați butonul LIKE când vă bucurați de un episod – este gratuit și în felul acesta voi ști ce fel de conținut vă place. Atingeți pictograma CLOPOTER, pentru a primi un sonerie. Apoi veți fi întotdeauna notificat când apare următorul blog video. Bun venit la bord! Tom Copyright Tom Cunliffe 2023
Ce barca sa aleg? Tom Cunliffe are câteva idei

25 thoughts on “Ce barca sa aleg? Tom Cunliffe are câteva idei”
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I love my Galion 22 the boat owned by the creator of Howard's Way it inspired the TV show. I would like you to sail her one day I am planning to sail her in the Jester Challenge. As I have said previously my dream boat is the lemsteraak I will have one, one day.
As always , informative and interesting thank you .
Such basic comments. So much truth. Thank you Tom!!!
I’m looking for a new sailboat I got my eye on some. But the type I’m looking at is a cruiser live aboard size around 35 to 45 feet.
I’ve also heard the term ‘there’s no replacement for displacement’ so I know which of those 3 boats I’d prefer to be in a storm in!
Does anyone have a Vertue(sic) Class yacht? Atlantic material.
Always a pleasure to hear Tom's thoughts
Well said , good study. Honestly even though I’m kind of old school I would go for a slightly less extreme version of the twin rudder one . So much more boat. I’ll be interested to see if they come out with a twin engine version of some sort, possibly even twin electric with a diesel generator .
With a good sailing boat, you shouldn’t need much engine anyway if you’re prepared to sail to windward.
Skegs? Over rated look at the 2 years it took Nigel Calder to fix his broken skeg when he had a bump, compared to a simple spade that could have been just a few days to replace. ( check out story in proboatbuilder mag)
Cheers Warren
Our latest one sort of choose us – slightly out of the blue. She is not unlike Tom's, if a little shorter.
Spot on Tom! When I studied naval architecture in centuries gone by (just after Archimedes retired I think,) we learned that the first step in any process – be it design, modification or selection, was the "mission statement." If you aren't sure of what you want to do you can't pick the right tool out of the box!
My best boat was a Norman Cross 40' Trimaran.
Thank you Tom, I always look forward to your videos.
Is it just me or is the audio on this video fluctuating and not up to your usual standard?
Far too many sailors have such an unhealthy fixation with boat speed, electronic gizmo’s and unnecessary cabin space… (think king sized aft berths, a head in every cabin and you’ll start to see my point).
This has ultimately led to almost all modern yacht designers drawing every new model by first tracing around a clothes iron, then trying to figure out just how many marketing gimmicks and expensive toys they can shoehorn into it.
The designer of Tom and Ros’s boat, Al Mason, clearly didn’t follow this school of thought… and all I can say to that is: “Praise God… Hallelujah”
A Victoria 30 or Island Packet 29 on my wish list. Solo or two up cruising in Adriatic and Aegean. Comfortable in a seaway.
Great video Tom ! Hope to see you in the spring for the launch of Growler !
For myself, I prefer boats like the first one you looked at, classical in shape, good performance and inherently safe. Boats like the S&S 34, 39, Swansons, Duncanson 35, Cole 35 etc are what I would choose. Even the little Swanson 30 that I race on regularly offers a lot of boat for not a lot of expense.
Modern boats do nothing for me, and ditto long keel boats are not my thing.
Wonderful tutorial Tom! Thank you! My wife and I are in this process right now. Very helpful advice.

Regarding tenderness. a few years ago I bought a Swan 411, which ended up being more tender than I thought it would be, and at first I worried that I had made a mistake. In many discussions, tenderness is described as an undesirable characteristic, but after sailing my boat in many conditions it turns out that the abundant tenderness is one of my favorite facets of the design. There are just too many good things to say about how the design aspects come together to make this boat an excellent sailing vessel. I now understand how tenderness relates to beneficial performance, sensitivity, and comfort. So, as a single quality, IMHO, tenderness doesn't deserve a reputation.
Always a pleasure watching! That full keeler is a charm.. Those modern boats really are tough on the eyes
Great content as always. Small note: the audio was quite poor on this one, something has been changed for the worse.
what actually is your boat?
Thanks, Tom for an interesting and informative video.
I think I agree with Tom's preferences in preferring a1970
type of Yacht.
Personally, I started with a Skerry cruiser S-30 after 12 years
I changed for a bigger more comfortable Yacht as the family grew in number and size.
The next one was an HR 352, also a 1970-type design with an aft cabin.
I think you must also consider how much effort you have to put into sailing your Yacht.
The S-30 was extraordinary in sailing without effort, easily sailing with not much sail. I sailed from Ystad to Helsingfors in just 10 days
( 60 miles a day) with my two girls 12/14 years of age. The 12 year
Mia was very good at sailing with a full Tri-radial spinnaker at 7-9 knots downwind. The boat was perfectly balanced.
Now after 36 years with HR 352 I sold my yacht last summer.
Today I enjoy watching Tom's videos and taking part in the Zoom meetings every month.
Hi Tom, you need to turn up the volume pal. I can only just hear you with the volume on full
Hi Tom, can ask the make a model of the first boat.