o zi din viața mea (adolescent care navighează prin lume)

o zi din viața mea (adolescent care navighează prin lume)

așa arată o zi obișnuită pentru mine 🙂 navigând din Israel până la canalul Suez! Bucurați-vă de 😉 Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/finnwhitakerr/ Canalul familiei mele 🙂 https://www.youtube.com/@SailingZatara/videos Muzică – totul a mea ( câteva mostre de la alți artiști ) Vă mulțumesc pentru ma uit, iubesc dragostea 🙂


36 thoughts on “o zi din viața mea (adolescent care navighează prin lume)

  1. wow im so jealous. you get to see soo many things. fun fact i actually also sail. i just moved up to the laser since i reached the age limit for the optimist. i hate that the age limit is 15 but ok. Your so lucky.

  2. What a rare life you are having! Traveling the world with the ones you love and love you in a rare and beautiful way that how many can say they have been there done that before. Off shore life can be lonely but no more than on shore life from what I've seen. People come together and come apart. Familiarity breeds contempt so that's why we need time together and time apart.

  3. i have a question what if you get a vomit bug and the swell is bad how do you help feeling less sick

  4. you and jack are so perfect, I hope you and your family's journey's go well, y'all are just so fun and pure

  5. Aye bro, love the video so far. Its my first time watching you. You are handsome… nohomo, BUT I really think some braces will do you good. I mean it in the most respectfull way.

  6. I have enjoyed following your family since the start of your adventures. Wishing you the best as you grow in your vlogs. Check out Casey Neistat's vlogs over the years. He does a wonderful job with is content and keeping his viewers engaged. You may already know of him, but thought I pass it along. https://www.youtube.com/user/caseyneistat Keep up the great work and most of all enjoy life!

  7. How do you have no real work to do? Is there a paid crew? Does your father do everything? Who really navigates and manages the vessel? There must be an adult or two preventing this ending in disaster. By the way a shift on a vessel is called a watch. Shifts are for factories and airports and hospitals.

  8. Your mention of a hurrcaine reminded me of the named in honour Hurricane Carter acted by Denzel Washington. Lets call it the black version of Shaw Shank Redemtion😎🏁

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