▸ MATERIALE NECESARE PENTRU URMĂTORUL NOSTRU PROIECT: https://a.co/6y07tiz ▸ MARFĂ: https://rigging-doctor.creator-spring.com ▸ ABONAȚI-VĂ DIRECT la noi ca să nu pierdeți niciun episod: https://www .riggingdoctor.com/subscribe ▸ COMISIILE DE PICTURA: artisticeyestudio@gmail.com ▸ ARTĂ DIN CALATORIA NOASTRA: https://www.bluefeatherfineart.com ▸ CHARLIE & GERRY CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/c/PirateParrots21 În timp ce Legați la Salt Ponds Marina, Herby și Maddie transformă Wisdom din modul ICW în modul Sailing, anulând modificările temporare care fuseseră făcute în Wisdom pentru a face navigarea mai ușoară pe ICW, dar i-a împiedicat capacitatea de a naviga bine. În timp ce se afla în portul de agrement, Herby a reparat, de asemenea, unele daune ale păsărilor în fibra de sticlă și vă arată cum să umpleți golurile mici din propria carenă. 0:00 Introducere 0:09 Transformarea bărcii de la modul ICW la modul Sailing la Salt Ponds Marina 0:21 Primul lucru: Sistemul de autodirecție 0:55 Al doilea lucru: Acea bancă funky 1:07 Al treilea lucru: Panourile solare 2:04 Setarea Up the Monitor Windvane 2:50 Salt Ponds Marina 3:15 Fixarea clicurilor pe troliu 7:29 Troliurile în două moduri se sparg 8:20 Repararea golurilor din fibră de sticlă cu carenări epoxidice 11:05 Zi ploioasă la portul de agrement 12:59 Full Sail on o zi perfectă 18:43 Wisdom under Sail 19:15 Intrarea în Deltaville Under Sail 21:15 Data viitoare ↓BINGE WATCH↓ BINGE WATCH DE LA ÎNCEPUTUL: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlDgR504BxwnlEhveyFpjTUi4868 Morgan 45): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brlatJgDP28 ▸ MARFĂ: https://teespring.com/stores/rigging-doctor ▸ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/riggingdoctor ▸ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/sailingsdom ▸ SITE WEB: https://www.riggingdoctor.com ▸ COMISIILE DE PICTURA: artisticeyestudio@gmail.com ▸ ARTA DIN VOIAJA NOASTRA: https://www.bluefeather fineart.com ▸ CAMERA PRINCIPALA: https://amzn.to/3kYDNTs ▸ CAMERA SECUNDARA: https://amzn.to/3x9icwm ▸ CAMERA SUBACACALA: https://amzn.to/3FBXFni ▸ CAMERA STABILIZATA: https:// amzn.to/3kUewcM ▸ LENTILE DE NOAPTE: https://amzn.to/30HTuHe ▸ DRONĂ: https://amzn.to/3DzcgiB ▸ MICROFON: https://amzn.to/3DElSst ↓PARTENERIATE↓ ▸ PREDICT: https://amzn.to/3DElSst ://www.predictwind.com/?ref=riggingdoctor ▸ SUN OVEN: https://www.sunoven.com/riggingdoctor ▸ MANTUS ANCHORS: https://www.mantusmarine.com/?affiliates=119 ▸ OVERKILL SOLAR ( PIESE BATERIE LITIU): https://overkillsolar.com/?myboi=187478592 ▸ CONECTARE BATERIE (PIEȚE BATERIE LITIU): https://www.batteryhookup.com (Pentru o reducere suplimentară de 5%, utilizați codul promoțional: RIGGING5) ▸ AQUOS ELECTRIC OUTBOARD: https://www.aquospro.com?sca_ref=1008159.oxyRUafA2y ▸ LITHIUM CELLS: https://www.docanpower.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=455&tracking=06ORmUMyyrYyEpQ2VkP7mUHWKgx9B9SeQB6gb57tAV7ag91SsfJ5D2FxQRDgTqmm ▸ COLDEST WATER BOTTLES : https://thecoldestwater.com/?ref=shop- RiggingDoctor (Pentru o reducere suplimentară de 10%, utilizați codul promoțional: RD) (Pentru șansa de a câștiga o sticlă de apă GRATUITĂ: https://thecoldestwater.com/RiggingDoctor-giveaway) ▸ AMAZON: https://www.amazon.com /shop/riggingdoctor
Convertirea navei înapoi într-un crucișător oceanic | Înțelepciunea navigată [S5 Ep51]
![Convertirea navei înapoi într-un crucișător oceanic | Înțelepciunea navigată [S5 Ep51]](https://sailingtv.ro/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/1678430627_maxresdefault.jpg)
27 thoughts on “Convertirea navei înapoi într-un crucișător oceanic | Înțelepciunea navigată [S5 Ep51]”
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Geez Louise! The Birds are going to sink Wisdom! They are so enjoying their baths, getting into sailing mode was helpful .
This is a very late thank you. In a recent older episode you revealed the sloppy downwind headsail configuration that we now call the Herbie set. Thank you, thank you, thank you. We love and use it often.
Painting with birds! For us it's varnishing inside with a cat onboard. Really changes your priorities.
Herby, I've now added WD-40 and prayers to my list of things to bring on our eventual boat… So my winches will work great. LoL.
Hey , I'm your French "froggy" follower ! I'm living on my boat ( 30fts ) since 2002 ! near the city of Concarneau , france). port-la Forêt is the marina where sixty fts racing boat are made , and also where the famous vendée Globe race pilot are !
So, thanks for all your vidéos I have seen ! Nice tutorials ! Cool ! Have safe cruise and sailing ! kisses from France ( end of Europe ! West, west , west …. 180° 180° 180 ° !!!! still further west !
WD40 and prayers…both are equally important

I'm a big fan of mineral spirits (paint thinner) to clean parts. Low(ish) odor. Doesn't bother my skin. Flashes off at a nice rate, not fast like brake cleaner or never like diesel. Used thinner can just be kept in a container to be used over again next time. I like to wipe my tools down with it after the job, seems to help with marine rust and seasoning raw steel.
I laughed at the bird fiberglass damage. It could be worse you could have pet termites….Well I guess they are cute, but there are limits to the chew toys they will accept and use 'I guess! Hopefully everyone is well in your family, and I enjoyed the video!!
6:12… Lemon juice, then WD40.
This is so exciting, you're almost at your final destination (on video) of this epic journey. I look forward to seeing what you do to wind puff
You guys sailed right by Mobjack Bay where I keep my Pearson 27, Genie. I lost an anchor up Jackson Creek when I first got her lol. Very impressive sailing in that cut!
It was easy to feel the different energy as you got out of the ICW, letting Wisdom stretch her legs a bit.
It was 85 degrees today in NOLA.
just an interesting info addition an early windelo hybrid has just completed a 10 month familly Atlantic circumnavigation returning via Newfoundland and Iceland etc ..total fuel used including for heating 800 Litres.. with aircon and heating and high latitudes sailing.
Theres also a

Chemistry place featuring an article called Wizards of wood… About turning soft wood especially boards into a form of super wood stronger than steel and highly rot resistant. You will need to search for it .
Any suggestions on what to do on new winches prior to installing?
Thank you two
OMG.. I think its nappy time for birds
Clean winches quick…. Brake cleaner. Don't get it on plastics. It's a favorite to keep around though for a oh no the winch isn't….
06:20 Should be better to use straight Mineral Oil. Those products are mostly mineral oil (check MSDS) with other filler chemicals. Having pharmacy-grade Mineral Oil on hand is good for many situations, for first aid, as general chapstick or skin uses (i.e. good for light sunburns, etc), and also tons of hardware related uses. Mineral Oil can even be used instead of PB Blaster because that product is also mostly, you guessed it, Mineral Oil.
Everytime we see your videos we pick up another tip. The SS seizing wire in turnbuckles vs cotter pins, nice. Snag free.
Wolf Trap is close to DBR! Headed there soon to get Gizmo in the water
And you sailed through the entrance…. well done. At low tide it looks like you are going to drive onto the beach at the corner of the channel
Not sure where you're headed after Baltimore, but if you head up to the Northeast this summer, I hope you plan on coming to Maine. We have a Morgan 382 – we could have a Morgan Meet-Up! Love your videos!
I am using Harken winch grease on my Lewmar winches (blasphemy, I know), but I actually ready the instructions that came with it the other day. It said that I should grease the gears and metal parts of the bearing, but put oil on the pawls. I'm guessing that is to keep the pawls from getting gunked up with grease.
I’m asking a serious question.I’m a beat up vet missing a lower leg. I’m not pussy by anyone’s standards.what boat do you think I can solo from fla. To the Bahamas?
The avian inspection continues…
The lightest grade of high temperature bearing grease doesn't dry out like most winch grease.