–––––––––– YouTube oficial al 11th Hour Racing Team, cu misiunea de a câștiga The Ocean Race 2022-23, condus și comandat de marinarii americani Charlie Enright și Mark Towill. Echipa plasează sustenabilitatea în centrul tuturor operațiunilor și este susținută de 11th Hour Racing, o organizație internațională care lucrează cu comunitatea navigației și industria maritimă pentru a restabili sănătatea oceanelor. Site web – http://11thhourracingteam.org/ Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/11thHourTeam/ Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/11thhourteam/ YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/ canal/UCBM7… Twitter – https://twitter.com/11thhourteam
Etapa 3 – Actualizarea zilei 8: au fost condiții record pentru aceste bărci din Oceanul de Sud
11 thoughts on “Etapa 3 – Actualizarea zilei 8: au fost condiții record pentru aceste bărci din Oceanul de Sud”
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Good team. Goodluck and stay safe
Outstanding; congratulations on the rocket speed last night! Look forward to your next post!
Absolutely rocking performance 11th!
Righton!!!! Keep punching! Never say die!
I do like me some Charlie Enright (-8
You know it's really a travesty that the VO65'S aren't in this race as they still outrun these so-called hyper fast boats. The last Ocean race set records on the north Atlantic crossing leg that these boats have yet to match and they are also proving to be nowhere nearly as durable or tough as the VO65'S. Quite frankly for me at least I have all but lost interest in this once truly iconic race. Change for the sake of change has become the norm in this world, much to the detriment of far too many activities. Moving from the VO70'S to the VO65'S proved an upward move for the betterment of this race, but the move to these foiling things to me is a big step backwards. Just my humble opinion.
Go Malama Go!
The sheer speed of these boats these days is absolutely incredible……all controlled from inside to boot !…… dangerous methinks, even the sea sounds pissed off with its roaring hiss
Wow, feast or famine. Amazing to see how fast you are when you have the wind to fill your sails. Ride it as long as you can. Great job
Wow! 544 miles in 24 hours! Wow! Congratulations 11 th hour racing team!