Relația mea cu Iridium s-a sfârșit! Vărsătorul are un nou STARLINK! „Iridium Gone”

Relația mea cu Iridium s-a sfârșit!  Vărsătorul are un nou STARLINK!  "Iridium Gone"

Z Admiral a cerut o nouă conexiune la internet! Și poți să-l vezi pe Vărsător instalând Starlink în aproximativ 15 minute. Am făcut un test de viteză la sfârșitul videoclipului și a fost impresionant. Și vă mulțumim foarte mult pentru vizionare 🙏 Rămâneți pe fază, deoarece vinerea viitoare, la 12:00 EST, lansăm un nou videoclip 🎥 Facem tot posibilul să vă ținem distrați și informați și, dacă vi se pare distractiv, plăcut sau informativ, luați în considerare să faceți parte din echipa noastră și ➡️ alăturați-vă ne pe Patreon: ➡️ vrei să ne sprijini, dar nu ești sigur de angajamentul pe termen lung? Fă o donație o singură dată pe PayPal: NOUA noastră marfă o poți găsi aici: Mai multe despre noi: https://www.sailingaquarius. com/ Videoclipul nostru tur cu barca: YouTube este principalul nostru obiectiv, dar pe Instagram sau Facebook postăm actualizări mai frecvente: Facebook: Instagram: http :// Etichete înrudite: 1. Barcă cu pânze, 2. Traiul pe barca cu Sailing Aquarius, 3. Croazieră în Marea Roșie cu Sailing Aquarius, 4. Familia de navigație cu Sailing Aquarius, 5. Navigarea cu Sailing Aquarius , 6. navigând singur în jurul lumii cu Sailing Aquarius, 7. familie navigând în jurul lumii cu Sailing Aquarius, 8. navigând cu Aquarius în jurul lumii, 9. Starlink pe o barcă Hash Tags: #IridiumGone #starlink #sailingaquarius #sailboatbysailingaquarius #sailingboatbysailingaquarius #sailingvlogbysailingaquarius #sailingvideobysailingaquarius #livingonboatbysailingaquarius #croaziera ingredseabysailingaquarius #sailingfamilybysailingaquarius #sailingbysailingaquarius #sailingaroundtheworldbysailingaquarius #familysailingaroundtheworldbysailingaquarius #sailingaquariusaroundtheworld


42 thoughts on “Relația mea cu Iridium s-a sfârșit! Vărsătorul are un nou STARLINK! „Iridium Gone”

  1. I was wondering how long it would take for Ken to adopt Starlink… 😄😄 Which data plan do you have??? Maritime costs a small fortune. No really for a fifty footer… 😉 Rgds Scinti

  2. Glad that you did not force to adjust antenna angle. Starlink should make it clearer. I love the service at home. And I am sure it will make your life a lot easier. I am curious how it works on the ocean. Are you going to attach the antenna somewhere on your boat?

  3. Whoopee…Captain Ken & Admiral “Z” hit the Jackpot with Starlink👍 I’m hoping Ya Folks will let us know how it works out😜Continue to Stay Safe and Enjoy😎

  4. "Plug 'n Play!"
    Proud of yourself?
    Just think of all of the years and money and effort it took to get this far!
    30 years ago… so much manual configuration!

    Good for you for doing this.

  5. Starlink is truly a “game changer”, especially for world cruising. Getting real time weather, planning routes with Predict Wind will all be made easier and faster with Starlink!

    Starlink Terms of Service with RV Plan
    Starlink for RV can only be used within the same continent as the registered shipping address. If you use Starlink for RV Services for more than two months in a country that is different than your shipping address, you will be required to move your registered address to your new location or purchase an additional Starlink to maintain Service.

  6. Yes, Elon is taking us into the future, but does it work in the open ocean? With the boat healing to one side or the other…

  7. I hear theres problems with the cord going into the back of the antenna , Be careful how you handle it as the back up parts are hopeless , Months to reply or send BUT leaves 'That peace of equipment right there for dead' .

  8. And this works all over the world or in certain spots of the globe? If your job requires internet connectivity would Starlink be a solution for sailing while maintaining the same job?

  9. Great sitting in a marina , how do you think it would have worked sailing off Somalia? Be careful with the plug , the connection at the antenna , it has a weakness , and can fail.

  10. Well if I am not wrong the cost of a maritime subscription to starlink is 5750 euro per month. Funny you get it when entering Greece that is fastidiously covered by land and sea by a very fast and reliable 4G network at a cost of a SIM card, maybe a stellar 15 euro. But when it comes to toys, there’s freedom of choice.

  11. Place the antenna firmly so that it will not flinch if the wind rises to 50 knots !
    And make sure your cable and its connection to the antenna are safe.
    And of course confirm that your subscription is valid at any point along your route around the world, especially on the high seas, especially at sea when you need the weather forecast to dodge a squall or typhoon.

  12. Starlink has already raised their rates, and cut down performance, ill stick with my KVH setup, it will continue to go higher while they have you suckered into their system

  13. Oh wow, What a relief , I thought that piece of equipment that you were ending your relationship with was Seville.

  14. I wonder how much this will be a game changer for those at sea. It opens SO many possibilities for maps, routes, weather prediction… Just beware of social media seduction… Enjoy this new life!
    When o passage let us know how good things are. Fair winds!

  15. Shame they are now capping the data rate, increasing to $135, and making country changes more restrictive (not a big issue in USA, but huge issue for Europe)

  16. Oh. Fingers crossed it works and is not plagued with faults like Alluring Arctic. Great tech but I think it will take a while to get the teathing problems sorted.

  17. Great! Now you can upload 4 episodes every week ;-). Btw, is it restricted by region? Can take it wherever you want? (if star link is available there)? Isint it "assigned" to some geographical "area" ?

  18. Great addition to Aquarius. Did you get the maritime or roam service? Will it work when sailing or just at anchor or in the marina?

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