Ultimele noastre zile în Orientul Mijlociu: Ce am învățat. (Ep 229)

Ultimele noastre zile în Orientul Mijlociu: Ce am învățat.  (Ep 229)

Este timpul să părăsim Orientul Mijlociu și să mergem mai departe! În acest episod vă împărtășim ceea ce am învățat petrecând peste 6 luni în Marea Roșie și Orientul Mijlociu. De asemenea, ne legăm capetele libere și ne pregătim să navigăm prin Canalul Suez și să traversăm Mediterana în Turcia. Vrei să începi propria ta aventură BlueWater? Aflați mai multe aici: https://www.bluewatercruising.com/ — DEVENI MEMBRU AL Z-CREW! https://sailingzatara.com/members —CUMPĂRĂ UN BILET LA SHOW! https://sailingzatara.com/tickets –LUAȚI NIște MARFĂ sau ECHIPAMENTE DE BARCĂ: https://sailingzatara.com/shop –CE CAMERE UTILIZAM? Găsiți toate echipamentele mele preferate de filmare aici: https://sailingzatara.com/camera-gear Happy Sailing! Renee & the Z-Crew ________________________________________________ Muzică în acest videoclip: Melodia noastră tematică: Float Away de Grabbitz furnizată de Monstercat: https://www.monstercat.com/ Găsiți-o aici: https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=bzuSHCFQD7c Această muzică oferită de Epidemic Sound http://share.epidemicsound.com/B3SzL Humble Abode de George’s Town Four Steps Ahead de Little Island Leap Off the Walls de Harry Edvino Bruiser de Bonkers Beat Club Honesty de Hallman #worldtravel


37 thoughts on “Ultimele noastre zile în Orientul Mijlociu: Ce am învățat. (Ep 229)

  1. Hey guys, thanks for tuning in this week! Just a side note, when I reference getting out of my "Christian bubble," I don't mean I'm doubting my faith or reconsidering our family's religion (yes we are Christians…my kids would call us "casual Christians" 😬), I just mean I never had much experience or knowledge of other religions. I grew up in the Bible belt for goodness sakes!
    Love to all!
    Renee 💕

  2. I hope you realize that the first thing you have to do when stranded is find fresh water because you won't live long without it. Then you find food, then you make shelter, then you make fire, then you make a boat (a trimaran) to get your butt back to civilization.

    No, I am not applying for a position on your boat. I just thought everyone should know that. I am about a billion years old and too sick to travel very far but I enjoy helping others when I can.

    Did I tell you that I used to play marbles with a kid named Noah and he always won, which is why I lost all of my marbles? 😂😂😂 You smiled, didn't you?

  3. You'll soon find that governments and their "accomplices in the media" as you say, are maintaining the power of the elites. But then you will take the extra step and realize that all those ancient religions and modern ones too, were invented to maintain the power of the elites. It is the same as what you see going on! And those poor people you see are being bossed around in every aspect of their lives by their religion with there clothes, jobs, holidays!

  4. Congratulations on the soon full circumnavigation. I mean this with no critique in mind at all, but seeing your first episodes, I sure were worried, if you would ever make it or even survive it, to be true. I am glad, that you have become wiser underway. I can only say amen to your rant about government being the ones, who propagandize nations to hatred and war, and it has always ever been like that. For instance, in WW1 in 1914 the soldiers forced an unofficial ceasefire and celebrated Christmas together on the front, going from trench to trench celebration together. I just can't understand, that they continued the slaughter of their brothers after that. All nations in that war were Christians anyway! Try to wrap your mind around that! What religion is the majority of Russians prescribing to again? The enemy number one of Europe and USA. NATO really. NATO and European Union begun the war in Ukraine, by the way, and they did so in 2014! I worked with war refugees from Ukraine here in Denmark, in 2014! Now all of the western world and media pretend, that Russia started that war 24th of February last year, which is just double sickening! Read Global Research, anti-globalism and for peace site based in Canada.

    One thing though, we are not under religion in our dispensation: There is no set holidays, feast days or ritualized religion written down for us in the epistles of Apostle Paul, who after all confessed to be the apostle for the gentile nations (all other nations than the 11 tribes of Israel, and Judah). Basically, all religions of today, that also being "Christian", is – sorry for sounding like the "church lady" – of the devil! Comedy aside, religion impress me not, God even less: We are free from religious bondage in our age and dispensation and are saved for our faith in Jesus Christ alone and His finished works for our soul. All, who place themselves under religion today, basically make themselves willingly victims of devils, who enslave them in traditions of men and religious bondage and with no promise in the end: No gospel at all! That is the one thing, that sets true Christianity apart from all other faiths, we got a hope and gospel, which I can tell you, as a former religious fool and New Ager, that no other religion has at all. Not Islam either! Actually, Islam is the only worldreligion, which is in their very scriptures antichrist per the definitions in the Bible, which define the spirit of antichrist as denying the deity of Jesus Christ, which the Quran do. However, I do not hate Muslims by any stretch of imagination, unlike so many Pharisee style Christians out there, but want to bring them to the gospel and the only true Saviour. Hey, all over the western old Christian world the very import and central for our faith family values has been under attack for over a century now, and with great success, and those family values at least the Muslims still hold in very high regards, which I hugely respect!

    By the way, that the enemy of all nations intend to bring all Christian nations to destruction and the beast to prominence as a one world leader is both a part of biblical prophecy, such as in Revelation, Daniel, Isaiah and the prophetic parts of even Matthew, but also stated in full open in all reality. Look up for instance the massive mural at the conference room for the Security Council in the UN building in New York: It literally shows all the Christian nations destroyed in a war and Lucifer rising as a Phoenix out of the ashes! That is the one room in UN, where war or not arguably is decided, with participation of un-elect representatives of the most powerful nations in the world. That also will happen, very soon even, I am convinced. It is important to be saved in these times and to spread the gospel have the greatest urgency. We have our blessed hope, which today is ridiculed. In modern terms known as the rapture, in the Bible described for instance in Apostle Paul's epistles for the Thessalonians, and also other of his epistles, for instance 1Thessalonians 4: 13-18 KJV. God Bless!

  5. Loved your rant Keith, I wish more people in your position would speak about our sick, selfish governments. Everybody needs to hear about how they are destroying what it is to be Human.

  6. That submarine there, though – be careful filming the military, you could get yourself arrested for filming bases and military assets. It happened to some Czech people in Greece a few years back.

  7. Hi guys I love your videos, I’m a sailer from Chile. Any plans of coming to the Chilean Fjords and Cape Horn?

  8. Congratulations on your sailing around the world so awesome thanks as always for taking us on your journey. & yes I’m 100%in with you on government & media .

  9. You never went to Gaza or the West Bank to see what really is going on out there to make a comprehensive judgement Arabs/Muslims are very much second class citizens. I hope next time you go to the West Bank or Gaza it really will change your opinion and outlook on the reality of what is happening.

  10. I work with a guy that left Israel and immigrated to the US as a teenager. He still has family there. But according to him, he can never return to visit because he didn't do his mandatory service in the military. If he goes back he would be arrested.

  11. I’ve watched this family since before they got the cat and I love much of what they do and say, he’s a goofball just like me, but government and the media isn’t the bane of our existence. There’s bias and manipulation in both left and right media but it’s when news went from reporting to opinion based reporting, that’s when things went south in my opinion. There are many influential people in the media, many on the right that aren’t journalists and have zero accountability, that do exactly what you were talking about. Media is a product and like anything else we consume, they are giving people what they want, someone reinforcing their opinions. While both sides do it , only one network has now been shown in court to have pushed lies for profit while lying to their viewers and doing what these two were talking about. Keith had a freudian slip when he almost finished saying “ build the wall” during his dialogue , it wasn’t the media that started that but it was certain media that propagated that crap, stokes fear and division. We see people saying eduction is making people soft, liberal or woke, it’s not, it’s showing people new things outside their bubble. I traveled overseas and saw a different way of life fairly early in life so I also share many of their views shows in this video. Good media is what can keep a bad government in check and media shouldn’t stoke fear and anger. That being said I love what they are doing, wish I could do the same and will continue to watch and cheer for them, even though I do not share their conservative or political views. Everyone should be able to get out of the American bubble, it’ll help you appreciate other cultures, values, and people. It’ll also make you appreciate the United States in ways that you wouldn’t even imagine. Sailing Zaharia, if you ever read this, please understand I didn’t intend to insult or slander y’all. ❤️

  12. I hoped that you will come to see the rest of Israel including Tel Aviv, Hertzeliya, Haifa – there is so much to see. Hoped to meet you guys, but may be next times or somewhere on the blue water 🙂

  13. You completely right abount goverments and about all people get along. But unfortunately there is no such thing as a "good" goverment. We talk a lot about this but I think it is a better to not bring any politics to this channel.
    BTW, I live in Hertzeliya, Israel. I had sailed only around Cyprus, Greece, Turkey, I hope one time to meet you guys! Love your channel!

  14. Israel literally bullies everyone 8n the middle east, they are killing Palestinians at the border, including children. Best part is the American people fund it all.🙂

  15. How to know who is telling the truth and who is not: Those who want to censor what someone thinks, says or does, are the ones who are lying
    Author unknown.

  16. my parents left me in a hospital in newport back in 2003. Never forget how lucky you kids are with parents like these! what a life!!!! ❤

  17. Governments are the bane of our existence. When it comes to wars…who wants them? The defence industry who are the US’s 2nd largest lobby group after the Food & Drug Lobby…and don’t get me started on that lot! Governments…and most especially western governments, are working for big business…not the people that elected them. The only way we’ll ever drain the swamp is buy removing the ability for big business to buy governments.

  18. Nearly around the world….already! The growth as a family and as sailors has been amazing to watch.
    Looking forward to the second group of young people and the places you all be visiting while in the Mediterranean.

  19. Ironic that you're in the middle east talking about how the people of different faiths in the area get along so well. Ironic because you appear to be in a state of de-nile about the daily moslem perpetrated violence going on there. Stick to sailing,.

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