6.000 de mile peste Oceanul Indian

6.000 de mile peste Oceanul Indian

Se uită atât de repede ce s-a întâmplat. Uităm bătăliile pe care le-am câștigat. Provocările pe care le-am depășit. Când îți pui mintea la ceva și refuzi să renunți, vei descoperi că nu există nicio provocare prea mare de depășit. Cu fiecare milă pe care o navighezi, vei descoperi un nou nivel de forță și rezistență în tine și vei ajunge să realizezi că orice este posibil dacă ai curajul și hotărârea să treci cu bine. Nu înceta niciodată să crezi în tine. Cu dragoste, Ben, Ash, Willa, Bodhi

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42 thoughts on “6.000 de mile peste Oceanul Indian

  1. Do yourself a bit g favor and just for the fun of it, perform some spiritual cleansing ceremony / jinx removal.
    You guys are great warriors but need some luck boost

  2. You are two Special people. When Ben was heading to CT Harbour . Roaring "Top of the World" I could see the stress of the last year submit to the pride and reality off " We have made it"!

  3. I dont like to criticise but I feel like about half of each of these videos more recently are going over and using old footage rather than new stories / new footage. You must be busy maybe with 2 kids and wanting to focus less on creating new stories/ footage..
    Anyway i hope at some stage you can get back into it cos its not quite as interesting at least for me anymore. I used to really be excited when you dropped a video but ive seen all this earlier. Sorry but ive just noticed has become a thing..
    Take my comment with a grain of sand. Who cares ? Just my two bobs worth. Watched half

  4. Watching you guys and how honest you are with showing all the good AND the bad is why I reconsidered living that way myself. Looks fun to a degree but it seems like you guys are just constantly repairing your boat. For someone who doesn't have a Youtube channel, Patreon, etc, that would be impossible for me to afford. Very educational though and I'll just live vicariously through you two.

  5. There’s nothing more educational than travel for kids. No history book will replace hands on interaction with different Cultures. No one should ever question your Parenting because you are doing great.

  6. Some ppl live life take chances learn lessons gain wisdom that what other ppl say is solely based on their own experiences an fears… Don't live life by others stories .. be like Ben & Ashley. Have confidence in your own abilities. An live damn it live!!!
    I've been homeless with an autistic son an husband 3 years!! Motel living. Grateful for what we have each other. .you only need your wits an lived experience…. I choose happiness above all ..!!
    This was a great episode!! I worry but ultimately I kno your both more than compident ..
    Ppl who live life do.. ppl who watch others live…. Comment!!!
    Thanks for sharing your lives with us grateful for the lesson's and wisdom shared…..

  7. You are such a fantastic channel to watch. Such competent sailors showing such confidence sailing with small children!! Love watching your interactions with the locals in different cultures. Can’t wait for your next video.

  8. To comment on people telling you about how your putting your kids in a certain situation. These people are talking from a perspective of not being sailers the themselves. You are already in the situation and then introducing them into it so you already know your capabilities. So kudos to y’all and being able to live that life! Keep going and much love your way!

  9. I want to come sailing with you guys! I'll be your live aboard nanny! I have a year left of nursing school and once I pass the NCLEX I want to experience this lifestyle so badly. You are both so inspiring and the fact that youre doing it with two small children is just next level. You should be so proud of yourselves.

  10. From last week, your offer – I don't use Telegram, and I am not sure you received my response. Please give the "thin mints" to someone else. Thanks for the offer – I appreciate that! GO BLUES! :¬) Webhead USA

  11. Yea, another sailing channel tried to put lipstick on a pig with their rendition of the Maldives…but you could see through all that fake happiness when they showed the locals in town and such. Those resorts are just a sponge for Western money for the country…O' yea..Kudos to you all !! (i.e., you all are Great Parents)

  12. Well done! Keep the journey and story going. Always amazed with your courage, logical thinking and overcoming obstacles. Although I am not a sailor, those values also are similar to running a business (which I do!).

  13. I follow several 'couple sailing' Youtube channels – this one is right at the top. Such great spirit here. Thanks so much for all you share with us. Always stellar content and food for thought.

  14. If I were to write everything, I thought and felt watching this it would probably be an essay. I like how nothing gets sugarcoated. Perfect picture of Table Mountain with the tablecloth on, passing the Point is special to many sailors (or so I've heard), Fabulous channel, it has become my favorite. Think I just might binge watch from the first episode AGAIN.

  15. Oh I love your videos guys. I hope you can have some rest and chill a little. I am really sad you are planning to cross the Atlantic without coming up here to EU😢. Get a nanny if you can and have some couple-time together. Sending love❤

  16. Rooting for you guys to make it to wherever you are planning your journey to go. It is obvious both of you are more than capable to deal with any challenge that will comes your way.

  17. I love the way you just sail on times can be hard or great. The way you treat life is inspiration at its best. Keep the stick up and the family inside. I tried to think of something else to say do not have the words.

  18. What great chapters you have in your book of life, and not you're simply just beginning a new chapter….
    You & your family lead an admirable and envious lifestyle.
    Fair winds to your next destination.

  19. Thank you for sharing your honest behind the scenes experiences. The good times and not so good. Living your dream is difficult but you make it thru the other side and continue with your journey. Love your channel keep up the great work.

  20. been watching your blog always, so nice a family, I'm here in ottawa. jealous of you having travel the globe, maybe I ma buy a boat and sail when I retire.

  21. This was a great video! You are my favorite sailing channel! You are world class sailors, you are explorers, you are adventurers! You are evolved souls with noble ideals That erase the divisions and boundaries of the world through your travels. Your kids will thrive in this environment and through your teachings. Much love and good luck for whatever is next and wherever you go! Some of my favorite videos that you’ve done or the ones you made in Canada when you lived on that small boat for a while. You were so funny that was hilarious!❤

  22. This was a great recap of all your trials and tribulations, and yet you are truly blessed and amazing to complete your circumnavigation with such safe travels and you have incredible children and you both have such faith in each other. Love you all 🥰⛵️⛵️⛵️💕💕

  23. You guys are just awesome! I love watching your videos. I would not be brave enough to do what you do, but I certainly believe you guys make and have made the best decisions for you. Carol from Covington GA

  24. Terrific video. Amazing sailors, amazing family.
    The thing about 'this is the most dangerous place to sail..' A lot of this is from the days of no weather, waves, condition forecasting – you got there when you got there and the conditions were the conditions. I'm not sure I would've wanted to sail the world in the 1970s, but now? In a couple of weeks I'm headed Vietnam, with my Starlink dishy. Weather? We'll have Iridium, but we will probably be getting full Predict Wind in color. We'll be on a catamaran. In the north Pacific we'll probably be watching Apple TV and you guys HD!

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