Albatrosul | O icoană a cursei oceanice

Albatrosul |  O icoană a cursei oceanice

Albatrosul este unul dintre cele mai emblematice animale din istoria The Ocean Race, cu multiple întâlniri ale acestei păsări maiestuoase în fiecare dintre cele 14 ediții. Pentru unii marinari, este chiar terapeutic. Dar sunt și o specie care trebuie protejată și, din acest motiv, ajutorul echipelor în studierea stării oceanelor este esențial pentru a putea salva viața sub și deasupra mării. Nu uitați să vă abonați pentru mai multe The Ocean Race: Consultați catalogul nostru video complet: Like The Ocean Race pe Facebook: https://www. Urmărește pe Twitter: Urmărește pe Instagram: Citește mai mult:


13 thoughts on “Albatrosul | O icoană a cursei oceanice

  1. You all are so beautiful and conscious, in what you are doing… I could not keep back a lot of tears… Thank you so much !
    It`s indeed `a race, we must win`…

  2. After watching Vendee Globe 2020 I read a lot about albatross. I remember Sam Davies relating that there was a legend regarding albatross and sailors that have passed. Sadly, I was not aware until this video that Albatross were becoming endangered. We need more of this type of video … I know there is a lot out there but most of us go about our lives with not much awareness the importance of the oceans. Thanks to TOR and all teams and sponsors.

  3. The most important part of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle is reduce. Just avoid plastic. Although that's pretty hard as companies & restaurants love plastic packaging. A new bacteria was recently discovered, Rhodococcus, and it eats plastic. A promising solution to the plastic problem but it is still many years away from being a viable solution.

  4. This is so awesome to see these world class sailors in massively expensive boats have real heart and concern for our Oceans – and to contribute to the science community for better research and understanding.

  5. I turn it off, exclude it from the recommendations as soon as there is a chewing gum about plastic in the sea.
    Выключаю, исключаю из рекомендаций, как только появляется жвачка про пластик в море.

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