S3 LIVE: 2023 ITM New Zealand Sail Grand Prix | Ziua 2

S3 LIVE: 2023 ITM New Zealand Sail Grand Prix |  Ziua 2

Ultima zi de curse pe uimitoarea Whakaraupō, Lyttelton Harbour promite că va aduce acțiunea. Abonați-vă aici: https://bit.ly/2IZR3n4 Like SailGP Pe Facebook: http://sail.gp/facebook Urmăriți SailGP Pe Twitter: http://sail.gp/twitter Urmărește SailGP Pe Instagram: http://sail .gp/Instagram Rămâneți la curent cu buletinul informativ SailGP: http://sail.gp/signup SailGP navighează redefinit. Înființat în 2018 și cu sediul la Londra, SailGP este un campionat sportiv anual, global, care oferă tehnologie îndrăzneață, de ultimă oră și atletism uimitor. Cursele de coastă, centrate pe fani, au loc în unele dintre cele mai emblematice porturi de pe glob și culminează cu o cursă de meciuri de 1 milion de dolari în care câștigătorul ia tot. Echipe naționale rivale din Australia, Canada, Danemarca, Franța, Marea Britanie, Noua Zeelandă, Spania, Elveția și Statele Unite se luptă cu catamarane F50 supraalimentate identice, proiectate pentru curse intense la viteze electrizante de peste 50 de noduri (aproape 60 mph/100 km/h). ). #SailGP #PoweredbyNature


40 thoughts on “S3 LIVE: 2023 ITM New Zealand Sail Grand Prix | Ziua 2

  1. The video coverage is excellent, however, the white boundary fence overlay is obnoxious and unnecessary. Find some other way to display the advertising.

  2. Ainslie has gone from a world beater to a mediocre sailor. He can't start any race higher than 5th! His start tactics are abysmal. His course speed is average but he's never, ever going to win this event. He should quit now. GB must have a better helm than him. His day is done and I'm tired of rooting for a perpetual loser.

  3. GB boat took there eye off the ball in the fifth race. Ainslie was to blame, concentrating on slowing the France boat down. Canada run away with it and qualify.
    Ther are better sailors now than Ainslie at this level. Maybe time for a change??

  4. Looks like B.Ainslie just cant figure out how to properly position himself at the start of a foiling cat race. He is still keeps starting like one would start on a laser back then in his Olympic days – it was pretty much the same during the last Americas Cup 😕

  5. WTF 1:07:35 Penalty US against the Swiss? They were 100m away from each other? If it was from before 2 minutes to go why did the Umpire wait until 20 seconds before the start to announce it?

  6. Ben’s been gun-shy at starts since he pranged Japan last season. So now he settles for going slow at the left hand end every time. Translates to being consistently 6th-ish at the first mark. He often picks up a couple of places during the race, but an average 4th place finish is not enough to guarantee the final 3.
    Ben is a fabulous solo helmsman but a mediocre skipper, IMO

  7. Overall a good day of racing! I still feel like the 3-way final race is a let-down after all the exciting fleet racing though, think SailGP should re-evalute their format, it puts their sleepiest race at the end.

  8. Great competition and congrats to Canada! … Now, on the other side, and please, do not play ignorant that you are all were not aware – so how many Dolphins were killed during this great event? … again, great event!

  9. Well done to Canada on its first regatta win. Looking forward to the finale, hopefully this time they have some decent winds and aren’t limping around the cause on one hull.

  10. The audio on this is messed up, but not on every YouTube app. On Smart TV and PS4 apps it's way off with what sounds like the tech walk playing over the first race. On laptop browser it seems to be fine. The day 1 stream recording didn't have this issue.

  11. I don't know wth is wrong with Jimmy but he can't seem to time or figure out a good start, (is he on drugs?) and he gives away a lead too often. Boat speed is also slightly behind the others. It's frustrating.

  12. To get to the final in SF, Ainslee needs to beat the French. The most important thing for him in this race was not to lose ground to them in the regatta overall.

  13. Hopefully next or soon an AC are in christchurch NZ Aotearoa 🙏
    Wow looking this arena.
    Aotearoa forever

  14. really disappointing camera angles during these races. not sure if it's a different Kiwi crew, but so much of the important aspects of the races were totally off camera.

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