VEZI TOATE EPISODELE AICI: Sparge de coloana vertebrală, ucigaș de organe sau headbanger? De ce val ai vrea să fii lovit în Oceanul de Sud? Urcă-te la bord și alătură-te luptei strânse din Oceanul de Sud, înclinați-vă în arc pe cea mai lungă etapă Ocean Race de la Cape Town la Itajaí în Brazilia. Și află cum a început Rosalin să navigheze și vizitează-i familia în Țările de Jos! „Rădăcinile lui Rosie” – Cum a început să viseze să devină un marinar de talie mondială. Acest episod a fost produs cu imagini trimise prin satelit direct din Oceanul de Sud. Cursa este încă deschisă la momentul publicării! Link: Podcast „End of Watch” cu Boris și Rosie. Pentru link-uri către toate platformele majore, consultați Capitole:
[0:00] De unde a început totul – clubul de navigație al lui Rosie din Zoetermeer
[2:38] Senzație de rupt după catargul spart
[4:04] Împingeți-vă limitele în Oceanul de Sud
[5:10] Air Malizia – Zbor spectaculos cu Boris si Antoine in mijlocul oceanului
[6:57] Prinde sau prăbușește? Cum să aterizezi o dronă pe o barcă de curse pe ocean
[7:44] Cele mai rele două lucruri care se întâmplă în Oceanul de Sud
[9:08] Tutorial: Cum să gătești Chicken Supreme la 36 de noduri de viteză cu barca
[10:23] Consultați cele 3 tipuri de valuri ucigașe pe o barcă de curse
[12:37] Van life – Vezi unde doarme Rosie când nu este pe barcă
[13:41] Noapte de pizza
[17:01] Coșmarul lui Rosie
[19:15] O luptă strânsă incredibilă după 6000 de mile
[21:15] Întotdeauna primul – marele vis al Rosie
[25:41] Un mesaj important de la Boris și Rosie Urmărește-l pe Boris Herrmann și echipa noastră în culise din întreaga lume în această serie de documentare exclusivă. Simțiți bătăile inimii echipei, urcați-vă la bord și deveniți MALIZIAN. Filmat, editat și regizat de jurnalistul german Carsten Behrendt care va avea acces la echipa noastră pe tot parcursul The Ocean Race. Filmări suplimentare de la reporterul nostru de la bord Antoine Auriol și creatorul nostru de conținut Jimmy Horel. Intenționăm să lansăm un nou episod la fiecare două săptămâni. Abonați-vă pentru a rămâne la bord, distribuiți și lăsați un comentariu. COPYRIGHT NOTIFICARE: Conținutul acestei serii nu trebuie utilizat în nicio altă media – online sau difuzată – fără permisiunea scrisă. #teammalizia #borisherrmann #imoca #oceanrace #imoca #documentary #sports #sailing #behindthescenes #emotional #docuseries #offshoresailing
„Sud Supraviețuirea” | MALIZIANI Episodul 5 [Ocean Race Docu Series]
![„Sud Supraviețuirea” | MALIZIANI Episodul 5 [Ocean Race Docu Series]](
47 thoughts on “„Sud Supraviețuirea” | MALIZIANI Episodul 5 [Ocean Race Docu Series]”
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Absolutely authentic and lets one be with you…crazy
Hey Team Malizia, it is so wonderful that you allow us to be with you in your tiny space on board of the boat. I smile and cry with you, trying to imagine the dark moments and enjoying the fun ones, e.g. up in the rig or with epic drone shots. I do not get to sleep without checking on you guys, thanks for taking us along! I would be super interested about the mental prep you got and how it helps you under way and how you take decisions on board. Does Boris always have the last word, do you sometimes vote? What rituals keep you going? Best regards from near Heidelberg!
How about Bare Butts or Cheeky Crew?
Fly, albatross, fly!
This is such an impressive summary of the last videos of leg 3 that tells your own stories: emotions, experiences, your team spirit, fun, life on board, excitements, solving problems together, fatigue, fears. I like Rosies begin of sailing , her 3 aims

and for fullfilling all her dreams, her sympathetic supporting family
, Maybe we will see this also from the other crew members
Very, very good now with subtitles
I think I ' m going indeed to improve my English knowledge since the begin of " The Ocean Race" but it is much easier now
Fingers crossed all the time, take care of yourselves and again and again good luck

Go Malizia go

Holyshit did you see that video editing… A my spirit gave her the name … .. Ra's ZzzizzEeLlLll LinE!!!
Nowon WoWMoM!!! Wonow!!!
….. X it through the ice wall!!
Rosa, I have shoes which are much older than you that I still wear. Gives me a funny feeling.
Y’all must be so happy you fixed that loud, whinny foil early on lol…
Rosie is a force of nature = IMPRESSIVE!!!!
Douze points @Team Malizia ! Your media style and output is outstanding, certainly a new level in sailing sport, your team and Boris took it from where Alex put the bar ( internationally ) on a new level @last Vendee and now you enhance narration to what it means to achieve things with a TEAM. Great to watch how all characters involved are shown and placed on Boris' eye level. Cheers, chapeau and respect! ( I work in media myself )
So classic – the proud Mom and a daughter who was only happy with first place!
Thank you for the origin story.
I have never ever been on a sailboat my entire life BUT this weekly documentary series combined with the onboard reporting and the massively sympathetic team Malizia (On board as well as On land), make me want to skip my day job, buy a boat and start sailing. I will start on my local pond though, before heading to the Southern Ocen!
super format – tolle menschen – ich weiss wie schwierig es ist, sowas herzustellen….toll dürfen wir so nah dabei sein – danke
As always – excellent material! I am working hard on my boat and hope to have it back in the water to cheer you on for the fly-by in Kiel! Great editing, insight, and an awesome compilation of content – both from the boat and behind the scenes. As someone who often captures material in both video and audio (though mostly on dry land), I can only bow before Antoine's skills when it comes to delivering impressions.
Great work everyone, keep up your good spirits, and may the winds, waves, albatrosses, and tides be with you on your journeys!
Ihr schafft es , die anderen Menschen auf diese Reise mitzunehmen und teilzuhaben, wie kein anderes Team. Absolut phantastisch. Bitte weiter so.

SUPER sympathisch
A huge thank you to everyone involved in making this docu series
This is really amazing content! Rosie, your family seems super friendly. It was nice to learn about your background.
I've been a sailor for many years as well as a racer. So the Ocean Race is one of my all time pleasures to follow. I'm a big "follow your dreams" kinda guy. Always have been always will be. Hey Rosie, what a story about following your dreams. Wow, just wow… I look forward every morning to looking at the tracker and see what has been going on since the previous evening… It's a race for sure… The coverage on the boats is great and make us feel like we a part of the action out there. Team Malizia, be safe, be fast, Cheers!
Awesome. Watching the race to half line reminded me of Cutty Sark vs Thermopylae. You make legends!
Where there's Will, there's a way
Thanks for this beautiful report. What a Team. Beautiful images. Nice to see how Rosie started her career.
Big thanks to all of you at team Malizia. Your content is great, the drone pictures of your boat are amazing. Your effort in sharing these stories is really appreciated. Hope to get a glimpse in real life when you do the Kiel Fly by. Hope to get my own boat out of winter storage soon. Keep you speed up. Always „Eine Handbreit…“
Thank you for this superb movie. After listening on my way back home the hole podcast series I enjoy the movie with this fantastic pictures. And thank you for the lessons in mind setting. You make may day every morning. Video, podcast, smiling and the mood is 9,5. It will be 10 in Kiel. See you guys there! take care and fly Team Malizia!
Ein großes Kompliment an Carsten Behrendt. Die Videos sind wirklich sehr gut editiert. Gute Mischung aus Mensch, Team, Technik und Emotions, prima geschnitten. Wobei euer Marketing unter Holly eh ein neues Level erreicht hat, da würde ich glatt Platz 1 vergeben wollen. Auch der Antoine passt gut ins Team als Onboard-Reporter, guter Spirit. Weiter so.
Thanx for sharing this incredible journey! Great team, great sailing and the editing is top notch!!!
`I am breaking in…`

Fabulous Rosie, your family are so special, thank you so much for sharing with us. God's SPEED!
Where can I buy Team Malizia gear? Wo kann ich Team Malizia Kleidung kaufen?
What a great documentary!
The quality of life aboard Malizia is superior. I noted the Soda stream co2 fizz machine, perhaps better hydration of the crew may help elevate spirits. From Sing alongs to puppet shows, it’s a Party bus !
Amazing show, you guys are great.

Yes, Yuri do so much for Theo Team Vize, Rosie
I love the explanation and the names of the waves, Rosie
You should integrate this explanation into the sailing textbooks

Your videos are more and more about rosie. I like those perspectives about where the sailors startet and come from, but I would prefer it to be more evenly distributed.
Great video! Thank you
for that
supersuper sympathic…best sport ever , fantastic harmonised team , watch you every day !
I like the balance in the team. Dr. Lunven "the rock", calm Will, cheerful Rosie (both dare devils at the same time), the very authentic master mediaman and flight captain Antoine, and Boris as we know him: modern leadership at its best. A daily joy to follow you all, keep it safe!
What is the bucket rolling around on deck in the companionway for ?
I just love this Doku series. The storytelling, footage, editing, insight and team spirit is just amazing! I wish you all the best of luck and I can’t wait for the next episode
This is to Rosis parents: Kudos for having brought up such a friendly, compassionate and brave daughter!
I have just become the father to a daughter and I hope that I can support her in such a way, that she can become a confident and brave woman that believes in herself and trusts that she can accomplish whatever she sets her mind to.
Your daughter is a great role model.
I loved every second of this video. You're such an amazing team.
Oh man, so viele packende und tolle Berichte und Filme. Ihr seid unerreicht! Bitte weiter so! Carsten du machst einen hervorragenden Job! Ich fühle mich wie dabei, tolle Crew und Familien..awesome!
Tell us your favourite moments of this video
Rosieee! She is the best, and a great team player! The whole crew is a bunch of sympathiv guys! Thank you, Malizians!!
Great coverage of an amazing challenge, you guys are FLYING! Beautiful drone work, deck and below footage, and superb editing and music. Loving it! Please be careful pushing so hard with the competition so close! These are not Oppies around the cans anymore!
These boats are preternatural. In and of the air; in and of the water; flicking between the two while always in both. Always at risk from both; always making use of both. Creations brought alive by people who are comfortable living and driving this bicameral world. And bringing us into it too. Then words fail. Transcendent
Es macht wahnsinnig Spaß und ist zugleich inspirierend, zu sehen, wie Ihr als Team dieses Rennen meistert!!! Ihr könnt das schaffen
So exciting. It is amazing the pounding the boat and crew survives. You present a very real perspective of what racing at super high speeds in the southern ocean in a state of the art sail boat is like.