Acest iaht este de vânzare: Urmărește-ne Construirea unui iaht explorator @NautiGuys Bine ați venit la bordul „Rock Star 2.0” – 2018 SUNREEF SUPREME P68 Luxury Power Catamaran. Acest vas este unic din atâtea motive pentru care am simțit că trebuie să ți-o arătăm! Culoarea carenei exterioare ne-a făcut să țipăm „este atât de MIAMI!” chiar înainte de a urca la bord. Iar afirmația a fost consolidată de opțiunile de design interior, amenajarea, platforma de petrecere și vibrațiile generale ale acestui apartament de lux plutitor pe care îl puteți muta oriunde în lume doriți și are, de asemenea, o gamă de croazieră destul de impresionantă. În prezent, este listată la vânzare pentru 3.990.000 USD. Bucurați-vă de Tur! Spuneți-mi ce părere aveți despre acesta în comentarii. Mulțumiri imense lui JFA Yacht & Ship pentru configurarea acestui lucru. Acest iaht este de vânzare: #Catamaran #YachtTour #Sunreef //ALĂTURĂ-TE ECHIPULUI NOSTRU NAUTI: De la început, am decis să ne păstrăm independența & integritate, deci nu acceptăm plăți pentru Yacht Tours și nu „lucrem pentru închiriere”, astfel putem alege și doar Tour navele pe care le considerăm interesante pentru publicul nostru. Suntem aici pentru a ne distra în timp ce verificăm cele mai tari iahturi de pe piață și nu ne luăm prea în serios! MULȚUMESC PENTRU LIKE-URI, COMENTARII, COMENTARII ȘI SUB-UNĂRI! ACESTE 4 CLICURI SIMPLE FAC ACEST CANAL POSIBIL!!!
//URMĂȚI-NE: ○ Instagram: ○ Blog: ○ Facebook: NautiStyles/ //CUMPĂRAT NAUTI GEAR: //CAMERA UTILIZAT: ○ Camera – ○ Drone – ○ Microfoane wireless – ○ Microfoane cu fir – ○ Card SD – ○ Gimbal – ○ Lumină – //SUBSCRIBE AICI:… //WATCH NEXT: ○ UNIQUE YACHTS: =PL_MuaHEC2JeVkxJIS2lz_SeSQx4lnGSxM ○ BORDA DE TRANSPORT ACCESIBIL: 0:00 Introducere 0:23 Clubul de plajă 3:10 Prora 7:00 Flybridge 10:03 Interioară 12: 04: Interioară Helm 16: 04: 16 Interior 21:50 Camerele echipajului 22:52 Cameră pentru oaspeți 24:09 Suita proprietarului 27:54 Sala motoare 28:09 SPECIFICAȚII Vă mulțumim pentru vizionare! Ahoy, căpitanul V DECLINAREA RESPONSABILITĂȚII: Linkurile incluse în această descriere pot fi link-uri afiliate. Dacă achiziționați un produs sau serviciu cu link-urile pe care le ofer, este posibil să primesc un mic comision. Nu există nicio taxă suplimentară pentru tine! Vă mulțumesc că îmi susțineți canalul, astfel încât să vă pot oferi în continuare conținut gratuit în fiecare săptămână!
2018 SUNREEF SUPREME P68 Power Catamaran Liveaboard Luxury Yacht Tour

45 thoughts on “2018 SUNREEF SUPREME P68 Power Catamaran Liveaboard Luxury Yacht Tour”
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This Yacht is a perfect example of “there is a Yacht out there for everyone”

No subtitles, elegant Victoria

Of course it's a matter of taste, but to me the colour is absolutely horrific
You didn't go down either of the two stairways at the aft of the main saloon. What did they give access to? I also didn't see a day head, which would be absolutely necessary with a boat full of people. Thanks & Cheers.
“Let’s start on the port side.” Walks starboard.
This unit is HUGE! But with plenty of really badly wasted space there is not even any space next to the main bed, you have to crawl in and out of your bed, that is no good, only one or two people shower together, take some space from there or the unnecessary big closets and make a little bed side walkway… Just my gripe. Oh and the color is terrible, Miami or not Ha ha Ha
That color is proof that money doesn’t buy good taste
On a positive note, the salon being on the same level as the side decks is great for people like me with limited mobility.
High tables aren't conducive for underway use, imo.
It strikes me as a blue water house boat, the positioning of the helm on the fly bridge is not ideal for sailing, too many blind spots. How is the seakeeping properties of the ship? Will it handle a passage from Seattle to Honolulu?
That outfit… lord.
and thst hull color is great. I don't topically like that tiffany blue/green.
Thank you Rico for always following Victoria up the stairs lol, nice boat
Your traditional stripped outfit is very attractive and unique.
The yacht was too, really.
Wait, what, did I miss it or were there no outakes?!!!!
Love this Yacht. The velvet furniture. It gives a vibe of old scool luxury and uniqueness of the owner. I would definitely add that to my interior.
Would like to see a video of how a quality sound system sounds on a boat. Thanks and take care
Beautiful yacht.. I think I speak for everyone when I say I'm curious to know who the owner is..
That table is a Rolls-Royce jet turbine
What kind of lightning protection is there.
Love you guys
What happens when you boat rolls with a high table.
I’ll take one of those cases of Stella under the Williams tender.
So much boat trash and trash in the sea , the greed is just insane.
I'm always wondering about something that no one seems to talk about. You don't seem to mention how any of these yachts handle rough weather? Can they handle cold weather? If you wanted to cross the Atlantic would these ships handle those kinds of trips?
With that boat comes a lot of friends
I am not into boats but I think it looks awful, certainly wouldn't be my style.
People would get drunk and fall off the chairs and overboard
Have you heard anything from silent yachts? Weren't they suppose to deliver the silent 80 this month?
I really like the idea of having high tables (cocktail tables) for drinks in yachts. The yacht builders should take notes in regard to that idea.
Wow, if they ever need anybody to come on board and give them a hand or just hang out and have a good time, please let them know to reach out to me. That is an amazing ship. Absolutely exquisite love your videos. Keep up the good work.
Why no high tables, because it's a further fall
LOL you can tell how big it is by the lack of microphone at distance in the same room
It's like the pontoon boat of yachts. Lol.
Sending support, love, and kindness from Lexington, Michigan, USA.
Freeze it at the 11:23 mark. The owner of the boa needs to get a new American flag.
All the colors in the world to choose from
. Reminds me of Miami Vice of the 70's
There is a 103Ft Westship Sportfish in Miami somewhere, only 2 in the World, can you please find it and do a tour?. An older couple did a tour,but I may as well closed my eyes during it,I didn't get anything out of it. I'm so used to you both opening everything ,and Rico's extensive knowledge about all the technology.
Wow what a beauty
This is the 305 swag
My kids are about to graduate and go off to live their adult lives. My wife and I are hoping and planning to find an affordable boat to take to southeast Asia and live on my Army disability for a few years.
I've watched dozens of your videos to get ideas, and learn about boat living. The more I watch the more I want to make our dream happen.
Thank you for the amazing tours! You guys have a great method, and really show how cozy these boats are.
Did anyone else notice that that spinner under the coffee table is a ROLLS ROYCE jet engine intake impellled ?? Iceing on the cake for this outstanding catamaran.

For that money- why in the world would someone make that the color of that beautiful boat? It makes me feel like 2010 all over again when everyone used that turquoise as an accent color.
Beautiful boat, interior and exterior are incredible but that color makes it look tacky in my opinion
"Six person shower". Do people who live on yachts take group showers? Everything in excess, I guess.
It's a party boat! I saw you guys on aquaholic this morning.
Yes, we are going to miss the outtakes in our house too
. It is what it is.