Navigare spre Key West – Sosirea

Navigare spre Key West - Sosirea

Adventures in Paradise navigând spre Key West – ajungem în Key West Urmărește-ne aici: Iti multumesc pentru sprijin!


42 thoughts on “Navigare spre Key West – Sosirea

  1. I can feel the stoke of the accomplishment all the way here in Utah. Congrats on the major milestone, and I'm really looking forward to seeing your return trip!

  2. Good stuff.I plan on buying my new boat in Duluth MN this spring and sailing around lake superior for the summer and start the great loop by September.

  3. Woo Hoo sweet sail. You made it look easy. Preparation pays off. I love the teaser at the end for the return trip. Super drama. What's next, fort jefferson ? Bahamas ?

  4. Congratulations,I could imagine enjoying to be on the way.
    Really good video,Ella and I enjoyed watching it first thing we do in the morning.
    Happy Sunday

  5. My understanding is that the handheld units receive AIS, and are unable to transmit AIS. If you were transmitting AIS the fishing vessels that had turned their transmitters off would know your location before they visually saw you. A good radar reflector is a good idea too.

  6. great vid, I was going to ask if a larger heavier boat would have been more comfortable, but looked like the cat was having a rough go of it too

  7. So proud of the sailing journey you both have shared – and I'm not talking just about this passage. Thank you, and keep it up 🙂

  8. Outstanding! happy for you guys. Jason…the more days you spend at sea and every additional day you seem to resemble that old salty guy that appears in some of your older videos, more and more…lol.

  9. Great video, thanks for sharing! Looked like you had fun in spite of some of the hairier moments. IMO it takes guts to do what you're doing in such a small boat – respect to you both!!

  10. As a newbie to sailing with a smaller yacht I am encouraged by your videos. While I am not looking forward to throwing up nice to see reality.

  11. Salut! Great video of course. You get to understand basic details like taking down the main in the narrow channel or why you needed to stay close hauled and keep motoring. How about that rip rap at the marina? It would have been terrible if you sliced open your haul after that ling journey. I guess you don't have radar which I guess would have picked up those non-reporting fishing boats?

  12. Congrats on making it down there!! Great teaser at the end for the next episode. I wonder if you guys were coming back up at the same time Sam Holmes was. In his last video he was headed from Key West to fF Myers and he had some pretty big waves as well.

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