Nord și sud peste Minch – Sailing Free Spirit (Coasta de vest a Scoției)

Nord și sud peste Minch - Sailing Free Spirit (Coasta de vest a Scoției)

Alăturați-vă familiei noastre de pe coasta de vest a Scoției, în timp ce pornim de pe insulele Shiant și navigam către portul Stornoway, înainte de a traversa Minch către insula Rona. În călătoria noastră, întâlnim un rechin uriaș, explorăm situri antice și înconjurăm o insulă cu caiacul. Link către Patreon : Caiace : (Conține date despre hărți © colaboratorii OpenStreetMap, )


18 thoughts on “Nord și sud peste Minch – Sailing Free Spirit (Coasta de vest a Scoției)

  1. So nice to follow you. Inspiring and I'll probably be sailing in the same areas before too long.
    Sometimes I would like to know when the recordings are done.
    Is it summer or autumn?

  2. As kids we always used to sit on the top of the ventilator at the aft corner of the deck on the ferry on fine days, to and from Lochmaddy or Lochboisdale, I'd watch the gannets gliding in the airwake of the ferry for hours.

  3. Nice content, your photography and narration are excellent; however, we do find the music (although it is very nice music) to be somewhat overpowering. I sit with my hand on the volume knob of the speakers so I can turn the music down and then back up when you are speaking.

  4. Hi, that's a lovely video. Would you mind putting details into the narration like: How much does it cost per day/week when you pull into a harbour? Are there rules and regulations you have to observe when sailing to various islands? For instance, if you find a nice sheltered cove can you simply sail in, drop the anchor, and stay for a night or several? Are you free to go ashore on any islands, or which islands aren't you? I realise you may not know the absolute answers to some of the questions, and that some of it'll be a little gray lets say 🙂 Details you know for sure would be nice. Great video, I love the concept of being free to roam. Safe journeys 🙂

  5. This is amazing and the camera work is so good very inspiring as I have just got my first sailing boat a westerly and dream someday of seeing the west coast of Scotland

  6. great gannet shot..(or sula in Gaelic). Lovely footage, and nice tunes. so lucky to get settled weather in Lewis/Skye, i grew up there and its always blowing..

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