Trecerea Cornului | Din bărci | Etapa 3 28/03 | Cursa Oceanului

Trecerea Cornului |  Din bărci |  Etapa 3 28/03 |  Cursa Oceanului

Auzi de la membrii echipajului în timp ce se pregătesc să treacă de Capul Horn! Echipa Malizia conduce drumul peste reperul emblematic, cu Team Holcim-PRB nu prea departe. Nu uitați să vă abonați pentru mai multe The Ocean Race: Consultați catalogul nostru video complet: Like The Ocean Race pe Facebook: https://www. Urmărește pe Twitter: Urmărește pe Instagram: Citește mai mult:


24 thoughts on “Trecerea Cornului | Din bărci | Etapa 3 28/03 | Cursa Oceanului

  1. All four are past – congratulations to the designers and builders as well as the sailors. Success comes from preparation.

  2. You are tough when you round Cape Horn, you are dubble tough if you round The Cape in first place but you are toughest if you do so with a black eye from battling them fricking waves.

  3. Congratulations to Team Malizia for 1st around Cape Horn and their place on the roaring forties trophy! Their team spirit and joy is uplifting. Congratulations to Holcim/PRB, 11th Hour Racing and Biotherm also. All teams have overcome breakages, weather anomalies and harsh conditions … 5 people each boat crowded onto a racing machine … hard to imagine! And all the teams have given us spectators a LOT of excitement. These last 1500 plus miles to the finish … we will see! Fast and safe racing to all. ***Edited to add … special thanks to all OBRs for all of the drone shots. They add so much to telling TOR stories of all the boats.

  4. All five of you Rosie piiloting the boat before she almost broke her head, Boris piloting his fly machine a mistierios wonder for the Albatros as he zoomed in & out to bring us some off the best video filmed on a moving boat,while the fearess captain Will whos boatmanship kept the boat above the water most of the time Antoine without who's camrawork we would not have been able take voyage discovery along with the crew, last but not least Nico the technologist manged to steer the boat in the right direction which at one point no one realy knew which way was up at times Bravo the first crew around the Horn in this race away to the of the best of the best you have managed to keep me awake and entertained for quite while you took me on a journey I was not expecting one which never been on before I thank you Guys and the other tree crews that made this a movie worth watching thanks again much love and calm seas to all sixteen of you 🌹🌹🌹🌹🫶✌️👍❤️❤️❤️❤️🍸🍸🍸🍸cheers .I apologise for,to those I may have apeared to forget in my defence its was just after 2.30 am and woke up to the moment. Once again thanks for allowing this with I sure you notice I edit this cheers everyone xxxx 💚❤

  5. Congratulations to all teams Malizia, Holcim, 11th Hour and Biotherm for achieving this magical moment of rounding the Horn.
    You all live in the annuls of history of those reaching this milestone in the world of ocean racing and ocean passage.
    Stay safe guys 😊😊

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