Am făcut-o. Am navigat cu iahtul nostru abandonat pe tot parcursul a 380 de mile marine acasă. Acest superb Bowman 46 a fost lăsat abandonat în colțul unei curți din 2012 până în 2022. Dar i-am dat o nouă viață, am adus-o înapoi în apă și acum ne-am încheiat călătoria până la sud de Anglia până în Țara Galilor de Nord. Aceasta este o renovare uriașă a acestui iaht mare, vechi, abandonat din oțel și nu este doar consumator de timp, este complicat și destul de costisitor, așa că prețuim cu adevărat orice ajutor pe care îl putem obține, fie că este vorba de sfaturi utile și comentarii la videoclip sau cadouri. prin lista noastră de dorințe Amazon sau contribuții reale prin Patreon, Paypal și Ko-Fi. Vrem să le mulțumim HUUUUUUUGE tuturor celor care au contribuit în orice fel și iată link-urile dacă doriți să ne ajutați cu totul în această călătorie uimitoare. MARFĂ NOUĂ! Tricouri și căni și altele în curând. Pentru a cumpăra albumul lui Andy, vă rugăm să trimiteți un e-mail la, astfel încât să putem primi plata și să vă trimitem un link de descărcare Linkurile noastre Susține-ne pe Patreon : https :// Verificați-ne pe Instagram: Vino să ne vorbești pe facebook: Sau contribuie o singură dată prin PayPal sau Ko-Fi folosind aceste linkuri Verificați lista noastră de dorințe pe site-ul PRO MARINE STORE Card cadou https://www. Lista de dorințe MONA F&T – De unde ajungem oțelul nostru Weldgas Cymru – De unde obținem gazul de sudură și bițile de pistolet Avem și o listă de dorințe Amazon. Echipamentul nostru Sony a6400 Feiyutech a1000 gimbal GoPro 7 Hero GoPro 3 Hero Rode Studiomic pro Rode Studiomic mini
380 de mile naviga după 10 ani ABANDONAT PE HARD #136

36 thoughts on “380 de mile naviga după 10 ani ABANDONAT PE HARD #136”
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You should try berthing at Rhyl complete aholes run that place harbour master particularly obnoxious
Well done , what a beautiful boat , great sailing footage all the best for the future. Fair Winds !!
Well done to all aboard with the fantastic Captain Jack, what a guy! Keep following your dreams with My very best wishes
Always a pleasure to watch your videos and experiences
I vancamped under Manai bridge for several days and was amazed at watching the very eratic awesome power of the straights ebb and flow A crazy waterway for sure ATB to you and fam Andy 

This video was stunning. Beautiful scenery and beautiful skies. Love you all and deep gratitude towards Your wonderful friends who made the very cold journey

Looking forward to many more adventures.
What happened to finish what you started on the other boat ?
You seem to have forgent about her.
Excellent episode! Of course I love seeing Jack!
Excellent content today. Jack is a gem. I can only imagine a sail of that length. 1600 km on a motorcycle and an automobile as personable bests. Maybe 20 km in a dighy, and a few hours in a buddy's Morgan 30 on Lake Erie, but most memorable sailing experiences.
keep on trucking dudes. 

My daughter Lexie and I visited Wales years ago and stopped for a beer at the pub next to the castle. Fun to see a familiar spot! Welcome home, and congrats on a great voyage!
Congratulations on reaching your end point.
Wind coming from direction, tide from another…. I've made the mistake of not factoring that in before.
Wonderful episode! Looks like it was a great trip for you all. Love and hugs!

Very happy to see you all on your first voyage on Melody ocean. Bravo and congratulations may Allah grant you longer and safer voyage around the world. Aameen
Bludy nice necka da woods you got m8s! Geez this Mike sounds like a real good bloke, Caearfon, sounds like a pretty good place, like Geelong a 'beach' side [Town] City, Only 60ks to the nearest beach, 90 to my favorite beach were I kinda grewed up..
[Back Pats] for blokes that that helped you get to your Home Port! Thanks Andy Melissa an Cap'm Jack, an the other lil'un.
Well done…….from Australia
New beginnings. Thanks Mike, Andrew, Paul.
Well done – challenging passage, Bowman handled it with ease and what an experience for all on board
Great stuff I really enjoy it keep it up
Dear Melissa, Andy and Jack,
How wonderful your 380 miles journey must have been. Willeke and I love this vlog from January because you had a calm sea with beautiful sunsets. Ocean Melody is a perfect ship for a family including a new born life. Coming back to this we still keep our fingers crossed that Melissa will hold the baby in her belly for a few weeks in a good health for mother and baby. We look forward to your next vlog and send you love from the Netherlands
Nice intro.
Fantastic episode guys on so many fronts. The power of a DREAM and hard work and dedication, but it all starts with a dream and the courage to try. Amazing!
Well done guy's, another step closer
ni ice hay jack I grow up with dyslexia and ADHD. but it did not stop me from becoming a millionaire to the point that I'm all most a billionaire I've known of your ear problem and at the end of the day I'll take you as you come just one of the boys.
Huge new achievement unlocked! Congratulations to you all.
A MASSIVE congratulations on making to your home port. I have enjoyed following your struggles to restore steel Melody and then the new Melody. Best of luck.
Youve a good team helping your family Andy .. a solid cockpit dodger roof and front screen like RAN two had will be big plus.
Tell Tom keep learning each and every day.. its the only way to go in the long run.
Its an epic journey the family has gone, both this trip, but also the complete project. Seeing where the old melody was starting at with al the rust and the holes, turning that into a fine ship, and then the complete change of plans because of a happy occasion. Finding such a great ship for a good price and with only some small work getting it ready for a sailing trip. Seeing it going through the water was a great sight. I love how you show the trip on google maps, was already trying to find where you where sailing and that made it a lot easier. I love this boat, breaks my heart to think if you hadn't find it it would have stand on the shore another 10 years slowly getting worse and worse. Good to have it close to your home now, will make work on it easier. I do get melodramic when seeing the ship sail in nice weather and with nice easy music. Beautiful scenery video's also from Wales
So nice to see how happy you guys are.
Dear Sailing Melody family, "Crew" and helper.

She is home! Congratulations to all of you. 2) While sailing Andy was shouting for a cockpit. That's exactly the main reason why I personally like steel Melody way, way better: It has a really great pilot house. I think this is much better for a family, especially with a toddler, than having to use a ladder all the time to enter the living space. Additionally steel Melody has way more daylight inside the boat and it's made of an easier to repair material (even underways). I really hope and pray that you will test sail steel Melody before selling her. Maaaan, I wish that I could pay for or at least help to cut and lengthen the boat, sigh.
Best regards, luck and health in particular. To all of you of course.
Well done people
Thank you again for sharing these privileged moments with us!
Great work by Mike on nav. There is nothing quite like that feeling of your keel brushing the bottom in a dropping tide. Been there racing around Dun Laoghaire and Sandymount, Howth and Killiney Bay but ya got to get out of that tide. Crash tacking a few feet off the rocks around here can be the difference between gold and silver. Have to have a good person on nav. Calm head good crew on winches and a feel for every inch of the boat, love it. That tension was right there coming into Caernarvon judging the last few inches.
Congrats making it back.
You guys are so happy on the water !!
Nice trip, nice intro.
Welcome back "home"