Sailing Liberty- Voyage Back și King Crabs

Sailing Liberty- Voyage Back și King Crabs

Pentru Sailing Liberty Coffee Club: Sprijină emisiunea noastră:) – sau SPRIȚINE-NE PE PAYPAL: Muzică: Lively Tavern de Alexander Nakarada ( Licențiat sub licență Creative Commons BY Atribuire 4.0


21 thoughts on “Sailing Liberty- Voyage Back și King Crabs

  1. I think your windlass breaker is either too small or worn out,maybe go up to the next amperage in size.Glad you made it 10 days and safely back to home port.

  2. LIKE LIKE LIKE COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT You know, I really love your intro music. One can't use a copywrited song and somehow you've got a great one (you've got a license] . If the copywrites didn't control stuff I'd use the one at this search string " Lovd Ones "Sail Away" ft. Leilani Wolfgramm" but of course you can't do that without permission ! Have you ever heard of "CRAB LOUI" a dish you might know if you grew up in a Pacific Crab area ! I always try to get sailors to get a "DC CLAMP METER $50 to $80 dollars" so they can read the current their motors and electrics is/are using. That way you know whether you have a bad breaker or high current from a bad motor. Its possible to have high current because your wire is to small. I also like to see those little infra red temp measuring gadgets so you can find bad connections before they burn up. I've even seen batteries melt at the hot terminals of the batteries !

  3. Drawing a portion of grog as we speak… well just a sam adams anyway… ARRGGHH.. good job getting back..fix the little stuff so u can go on the long journey eh.

  4. Way to get the most out of life. As far as the breaker tripping is it even sized correctly? So many possibilities I could diagnose the problem in minutes but I'm not there so have someone experienced look at it.

  5. Another hilarious episode on the high seas, eating King crab, drinking champagne and frolicking in the cold waters. With horrendously beautiful views, captivating mounds, and heroic anchor chain retrieval; these knowledgeable sailors intrigue us with instructional magnitude far out distancing that of normal sailing channels. We can't thank you both enough for sharing your personable life on the dangerous waters of the Flopida ICW. Safe passages in the future as you leave The Hurricane Hole and voyage the vast regions left unchartered.

  6. drunk people are fun to watch :😂 Love your vids guys ☺ cool to see you both enjoy life …. i will get a new beer too 😉 and indeed travel safe 😘

  7. Windlass is probably leaking oil/ low on oil.
    I bet it's working well to start with but tripping on the last 10 or so meters.
    New seals, bearings and oil.
    Cost me a mere 230 bucks here in Oz. You just need to find a bearing shop that can do the work and supply parts. Don't go to the windlass companies. They will have you buying a new gearbox or more.
    Good luck

  8. Regarding the chain piling up in the chain locker- there are two Ytube videos you might look at. Per their titles.
    1) Anchor chain piling solutions .. from 3 mths ago – guy tests several devices with results
    2) Ertalon anchor locker…. from 6 yrs ago- guy only shows chain going out but seems reasonable chain was fed in without problems and device worked.
    Hope your renovations go well and you are back sailing soon.

  9. Great job so far…that mizzen is messed up for sure- too far out of tune. Beautiful night on anchor and smart to wait for HIGH tide. Just keep plugging away on the projects, she is a really nice boat for the two of you! Fair winds!

  10. I must say I met you on your sailing channel as just sailors.loved your site so much I binged all of your episodes. I am so glad I did. When I saw what world that you two came from! Your work!!!!! You are now my favorite channel. Thanks for all your hard work. Jerry from Fl. Can't wait for your next video.

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