CE urmeaza?? Pregătesc această barcă EBAY ieftină pentru a traversa oceanele – #137

CE urmeaza??  Pregătesc această barcă EBAY ieftină pentru a traversa oceanele - #137

Buna tuturor. Cel mai recent episod este aici în sfârșit. Lucrurile sunt absolut frenetice aici cu pregătirile de ultimă oră și sortarea hainelor pentru bebeluși și a accesoriilor pentru când va apărea în sfârșit. Andy are multe schimburi de ambulanță și Melissa poate face doar atâtea în siguranță. Așa că ne încurcăm. Dar avem o listă distractivă de lucruri de realizat în următoarele săptămâni și luni pentru a ne pregăti pentru navigația în apă albastră și ocean. Acesta este punctul central al următoarelor episoade. Ne-am atins obiectivele de a pluti și suntem în curs de deplasare permanent la bord, așa că următoarea misiune este să luăm barca pentru trecerea oceanului. Vrem să le mulțumim HUUUUUUUGE tuturor celor care au contribuit în orice fel și iată link-urile dacă doriți să ne ajutați cu totul în această călătorie uimitoare. MARFĂ! Tricouri și căni și altele în curând. https://sailing-melody-merch.creator-spring.com Pentru a cumpăra albumul lui Andy, vă rugăm să trimiteți un e-mail la turner.andy@hotmail.com, astfel încât să putem primi plata și să vă trimitem un link de descărcare Linkurile noastre Susține-ne pe Patreon : https ://www.patreon.com/sailingmelody Verificați-ne pe Instagram: https://instagram.com/sailingmelody Vino să ne vorbești pe facebook: https://facebook.com/melodysailing Sau contribuie o singură dată prin PayPal sau Ko-Fi folosind aceste link-uri https://ko-fi.com/sailingmelody http://Paypal.me/sailingmelody Verificați lista noastră de dorințe pe site-ul PRO MARINE STORE https://www.promarinestore.co.uk Card cadou https: //www.promarinestore.co.uk/sailing-melody-youtube-channel-gift-card Lista de dorințe https://www.promarinestore.co.uk/blog/pro-marine-store-and-sailing-melody MONA F&T – De unde obținem oțelul nostru http://www.monafnt.co.uk Weldgas Cymru – De unde obținem gazul de sudură și bițile de pistolet http://www.weldgas.co.uk Avem și o listă de dorințe Amazon. https://www.amazon.co.uk/hz/wishlist/ls/B5C3SADTF7LQ?ref_=wl_share Echipamentul nostru Sony a6400 Feiyutech a1000 gimbal GoPro 7 Hero GoPro 3 Hero Rode Studiomic pro Rode Studiomic mini


26 thoughts on “CE urmeaza?? Pregătesc această barcă EBAY ieftină pentru a traversa oceanele – #137

  1. One thing that’s not on your [very extensive] list that you might like to strongly consider is to get rid of your mizzen. I own probably the last of these Holman & Pye Bowman/Corsair 46/47’s ever built, in 1993, in Australia. There were about 13 built in Australia between 1977 & 1993 and only the first five were rigged as yawls, as it was found that the mizzen added virtually nothing to their sailing performance. I extended the boom of our’s by 1 metre which gave us very similar sail area to the mizzen anyway.
    But the biggest advantage on these boats of not having a mizzen mast is that it gives you massive scope on the large aft deck to build a structure for solar panels and wind generator as well as dinghy davits. However, if you are doing so, make sure you don’t extend it aft over or even beyond the transom as you will impact your Hydrovane. If building davits, they need to be quite low so that your Hydrovane sail is unimpeded by both the davits and the structure itself. We got ours a bit wrong, which means our davits can’t really be used with the Hydrovane, which is a shame as we absolutely love the way the Hydrovane sails the boat.

  2. I've been through the stress of pre-term labor and then my baby came on their due date after all that worry. My thoughts and prayers are that everyone remains healthy, that all the projects are completed on time and you enjoy the many adventures ahead of you.

  3. Hi guys you need to look at Sailing Project Atticus they have just done a Starlink installation that i think would interest you. They mounted it to their dodger which like you he can move when they build a hard dodger later.
    Regards John (Sailing Huon Cry)

  4. Here is my prediction. You won't be sailing until summer 2025, given the amount of prep needed, steel melody, and having a baby to look after full time. You are going to need more than good luck.

  5. Oh my god, (I might have mentioned I've just bought my first yacht {only a little thing}), I love your lists. I have to copy them verbatim I think.
    You two are such practical and pragmatic, get it done, clopper clogs aren't you.

  6. Admire you taking on these big life projects heavy with kitten as you are. Though I guess when the visitor comes unannounced it's put on the tea, break out the biscuits and make up the spare. On top of that it's all hands on deck as per usual.
    Still admire your stoicism though.

  7. A bunch of stiff exercise, right up to the birth, is good for the mum, and therefore good for the pregnancy. If circumstance allows. And other health conditions and concerns don't impede the way.
    Just as, if not more important is that a fairly rigorous regime of stretching should be embarked upon by new mum, but also new dad, for solidarity sake. Probably new sibling as well Jack.

  8. Melissa, please don’t apologize for anything. My wife had similar issues with our first baby so I completely understand what you’re going through. I felt angina listening to you “to do” list then you said while we bring on a new baby and it was full on heart attack time (kidding). I also watch Mark (Wildings) and still think he missed an opportunity with steel Melody. Anyway, cheers and best of luck with the baby.

  9. Things are moving forward, step by step. What a huge progress since you bought Ocean Melody. It seems you're pretty close to your dreams now. That's very exciting.
    The water going in to the diesel tank is a real pain in the neck, but the idea of the fluorescein someone suggested sounds great. It may validate suspicions.

  10. Finally………..been watching you all from the start and waiting for you to challenge yourselves 🤣🤣…… So relieved baby is getting towards full term.👍👍🙏🙏

  11. If you are looking for land transport solutions I can highly recommend Brompton folding bikes. They are on the pricey end but they fold down ridiculously small and are a ton of fun!

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