Episodul #292: Sezonul 9: Pacificul de Sud Salut prieteni, În acest episod plec de insula Makagai și fac loc Grupului Yasawa, cunoscut și sub numele de Grupul de Vest. Plecăm la prânz pentru pasajul de 96 NM, așa că suntem siguri că vom ajunge la trecerea periculoasă de corali de lângă insula Yasawa la lumina zilei. Odată ce ajungem la uscat, mă îndrept spre țărm pentru a explora legendarele peșteri de calcar Yasawa! Dacă vă place canalul, vă rugăm să „Like” videoclipurilor și să vă abonați pentru a nu pierde niciun episod viitor. Dacă vi se pare că videoclipurile sunt utile sau distractive și doriți să contribui, puteți deveni Patron la: https://www.patreon.com/sailorjames sau dacă preferați să faceți o contribuție o singură dată, o puteți trimite prin PAYPAL la jamesthesailorman @gmail.com Fair Winds, James ALĂTURĂ-TE ECHIPULUI PATREON: Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sailorjames Site: http://svtriteia.com Tracker: https://forecast.predictwind.com/tracking/display /Triteia Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/james.the.sailor.man #fiji #yasawacaves #yasawaislands #solosailing
Navigare prin insulele Fiji către grupul Yasawa

46 thoughts on “Navigare prin insulele Fiji către grupul Yasawa”
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Here's a comment for you sailor James
That video made my day. Keep it up James, we need more!!
Thanks for another great video, it's so cool those people those places are deserted it's not overrun with people that is so cool , it would be great if you tube would recommend more of your videos you're a subscriber count word increase substantially dramatically I think I don't know of any good selling channels like this on YouTube I've never sailed in my life but it is interesting my parents had a sailboat on Lake Michigan for 20+ years I did not ever go out sailing with them though unfortunately
Went to Catalina a few weeks back. Totally green and looks like Costa Rica with all our rain we’ve gotten.
Next time take the lock with you – is there a way out of that cave if the door was accidentally locked on you?
Congrats on 100k subscribers! Your videos are so relaxing and awesome.
One of your best
Hey James love love your videos. I had same issue with iPad. Would not charge underway. Got back to harbor then plugged into wall power not boat battery or solar and iPad charged to 100 percent. When you get to shore power next try that. Safe travels
Did you fart in the cave?
Another Awesome episode James! Magical caves, so glad you got them to yourself! Thanks brother!

You did James
Nice job and bliss
Fiji is super
On my pre bucket list
I have always been fascinated and amazed that captain Bly and his crew sailed all the way from near pictrian Island to east timor. When I look on my globe its a huge distance. And they did it fairly fast in a jury rigged life boat. Keep an eye peeled for head hunters james. I'd hate to see your head end up as an ornament hanging from the rearview mirror of the Corvette of some Yasawaian prince.
Cheers to another great adventure
Thanks always for all the effort to film, edit. and share James !! I wondered if the water in the cave was fresh, salt, or brackish? Glad you beat the mobs in to have a swim and a video op too !!
Not just the content, but the production quality is Wonderful, James…
wild cave hey man i just got to ask saw most of postings one stuck out in my mind is when you hit something red and it broke your rudder …..what can a person do if you get a hull strike below water..for an emergencey patch i searched youtube and they only have drydock patches..may the winds be with you buddy
A natural cathedral
I'd bet good money that that cave experience moves this video into your Top 10 favourites. Question…did the pretzels make you thirsty?
Thanks for the video and sharing. I was in Fiji in 2000 delivering a boat to Brisbane Aus but didn't get to see the caves; now I have. Thanks again.
Whoa. That cave was incredible! The formation almost castle like. Then the loop around..the rocks along the edges..wow. I have never seen something quite like that so I appreciate the vitamins to the brain.
Wow! Beautiful !
Thank you, James, for sharing these precious moments with us.
(Hope you got the phone fixed.)
Wishing you fair winds and lots of joy.
Chances are the connectors are just gummed up. A cotton ear bud with some alcohol will hopefully do the trick. If they're rusty then a more aggressive cleaning will be needed but the device will die eventually.
It might be worth finding some rubber weatherproofing plugs for the connector if that means you can avoid salt air exposure most of the time
WOW those blue lagoon caves were epic. I hope you took some personal time to just soak that all in,
How do you determine where you land and explore?
Happy birthday, young fella! Many happy returns!
to bad you couldn’t hook up with Gabriel Traveler, he is in Fiji right now… Im think you guys would get along great.. would love to see Gabe get his sea legs
Brilllllliant James – thanks for sharing
James, what kind of anchor do you have and how much chain do you carry?
What else do you have for ground tackle?
Hey James good luck. Great job. I have a question have you ever seen a green flash when the sun is setting?
Wow, what a beautiful island/cave! Glad you missed the tourists! Thanks for exploring/sharing James! May fair winds be with you my friend!

Sam Holmes Sailing says charging cords with a magnetic connection are the best charging cords to use for sailing for this reason. Don’t know myself, but that’s what he says.
Amazing island
Regarding the slow charge on tablet. Take a sewing needle and scrape/ clean around the plug in port. Just stick it in there and keep scraping around in a circle and you may find lint etc come out. Do that until you don't get any more dirt and try charging again. It fixes most of slow charging issues. Hope that helps.
Thanks for the reading from Capt. Bligh! Liked also how you notice the wind shifts. You paying attention to same "small" things I do. Yeah, it's survival.
Have you read The Boundless Sea by David Abulafia, James? A bit heavy on the academia, but shows what remarkable sailors the Pacific islanders were long before Europeans arrived with compass and guns. Enjoying following your own epic adventure
? money must always be tight every video i see you make something is always going wrong on the boat sometimes have you ever said f it & went someone where & you was broke & said i hope nothing f up on the boat
I’m currently have my ipad sent in for not charging the battery. It’s been in the shop for three weeks and counting
One of the most genuine and authentic sailing channels there is! Bravo James! Bravo

Perhaps you can slip into the Apple Store in Yasawa
Perfect place to have a sunrise coffee.
No way!!! That's beautiful. That's great place for scuba diving
This reminded me of you, haha, and well, you are in NZ now.
I am so grateful to be able to follow you James. You inspire me.
wow man