Faceți cunoștință cu unul dintre cei mai curajoși marinari din lume (care a înconjurat Antarctica, solo, de două ori!!!). Lisa Blair a luptat cu furtunile perfide și temperaturile înghețate pe parcursul unei călătorii de 3 luni și a doborât un record mondial. Împărtășește călătoria ei incredibilă, care include să se confrunte cu unele dintre cele mai sălbatice și mai imprevizibile condiții meteorologice de pe planetă. LISA BLAIR: http://lisablairsailstheworld.com De asemenea, iată link-urile pentru a participa la extragerea cursului nostru de navigație de 5 zile, în valoare de 2.275 USD: 🚨 Câștigătorii vor fi anunțați pe 09/05/23. 1. Accesați pagina de Facebook „Călătoriile Kristinei” și comentați postarea Giveaway 👉 https://www.facebook.com/kristinastravelsYT 2. De asemenea, oferim un curs unui Patreon! 👉 https://www.patreon.com/kristinastravels 📍 Un mare mulțumire lui Mainstay Sailing pentru că ne-a oferit aceste vouchere pentru cadou!! https://www.mainstaysailing.com.au/ T&C: – Giveaway-ul este gratuit pentru a intra aici 👉 https://www.facebook.com/kristinastravelsYT – Câștigătorul va fi ales de un randomiser și anunțat pe https://www. .facebook.com/kristinastravelsYT – Acest giveaway nu este oricum afiliat la YouTube – Participanții trebuie să aibă peste 18 ani – Voucherul va fi trimis prin e-mail câștigătorului – În cazul în care câștigătorul nu reușește să revendice premiul, giveaway-ul va fi retras ► Urmărește-ne pe rețelele noastre de socializare: 📸 Instagram: bit.ly/kristinacostalos ► și căpitanul John aici: http://www.instagram.com/johnptilley 🇦🇺 Urmărește seria noastră completă din Australia de la început: https://youtube.com /playlist?list=PLfZuf6hkg2xFmpTPd2Gy0tTZA_0PqmQUN 🇬🇷 Urmăriți seria noastră completă din Grecia aici: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfZuf6hkg2xFGRB8Rf5dzDM5TM_7mIttG ⛵ Trimiteți-ne un pic de dragoste pentru a vă ajuta! 🥹👉 https://www.paypal.com/donate/?business=VC9WJGE9RXW86&no_recurring=0&item_name=Mulțumesc+pentru+sprijin+direct+pentru+a+%26+păstrarea+acest+canal+YouTube+alive%21+% 3F%3F%E2%9D%A4%EF%B8%8F¤cy_code=AUD POVESTEA NOASTRĂ: John și Kristina au achiziționat un Jeanneau Sun Odyssey de 50 de picioare cu doar câteva săptămâni de experiență de navigare. Ei au pornit de la Melbourne și au călătorit pe Coasta de Est a Australiei până la Marea Barieră de Corali, ca parte a seriei lor australiane de navigație, cu visele de a naviga într-o zi în lume. #călătorii #dayinthelife
SAILING ANTARCTICA SOLO ȘI SINGUR (cu valuri de 30 de picioare)
40 thoughts on “SAILING ANTARCTICA SOLO ȘI SINGUR (cu valuri de 30 de picioare)”
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So… if you’re still keen to learn how to sail… after that…. 😂😅 make sure you enter our 5-day Mainstay Sailing Course giveaway on the 'Kristina's Travels' Facebook page 👉 https://www.facebook.com/kristinastravelsYT
🥰 Also, find out where we're going NEXT! Join our Patreon crew to get exclusive access to behind-the-scenes content, live Q&A sessions, and the EXTRA GIVEAWAY! 👉 https://www.patreon.com/kristinastravels
Good Luck, winner will be announced on the 9 May 2023! ❤ Kristina xx
Amazing woman . A lot braver then I would be. Thanks for the great video Kristina.
10:00 just a heads up, a more accurate description of the climate would be, "Climate Migration" however such a description would rightfully discredit the imposed theory that Humans are the cause and those benefiting from this deception would not be happy about it. The biggest reason for the "Migration" is a cosmic one.
That said, I can't help but wonder what is her real motivation for doing this. Seems a little extreme.
What a Woman!!!! She's simply Amazing. What an Aussie 🇦🇺🌈👍
What an awesome video!! Thanks for sharing this epic story. ❤
What an awesome video!! Thanks for sharing this epic story. ❤
Now that's a brave woman
I can only say one thing about that kind of sailing…OMG. All the best.
Crazy woman. She has my respect⛵
This woman is nuts!!!
Wow that's insane! Solo too! She is very very brave indeed!
Lise Blair is awesome a real adventurer 👍👍
Wow! What an amazing human. Thank you for sharing this story – Inspiring!
Hey Kristina minus John, great to see your smiling face popping up on another video wih Lisa Blair & thats a sure story of never give up lady. Dismastered on her first attempt she went back & tried again & successfully achieved what she set out to do so a huge congrats to her. When you see some of the seas she expeirenced you just wonder how she managed but I am reminded of another remarkable sailor who was just 17yrs of age who conquered those same huge seas in the Southern Ocean below Tasmania on her way home to Sydney, both very courageous women for sure & the secret to safe sailing, know your boat & what good advice for all new aspiring sailors. Sorry to hear the sale of your beloved Tucana but different adventures await & cant wait to see whats in store. Take care you guys, love.
Such an inspirational woman
In to the sailing which was very heroic, but the climate change BS can be left out. Its called weather.
Very cool 😎 ❤
What an amazing woman. 90 days sailing alone around Antartica, what an amazing story. I can’t even imagine the psychological toll this trip took on her not to mention what the recovery was like once she completed her trip and got back to civilization. Thank you for sharing her story with us, your viewers, as well as getting the Australian media involved.
Hi Kristina, this short docco was truly amazing and incredibly inspiring – actually made me emotional – Thank you for telling her story!! You have a bright future Kristina, your ability to communicate "events", stands with the best story tellers in our world.
That’s so absolutely incredible, wow
Always 👏👏👏👏👏👍👍🇺🇸
I once went the whole weekend without WiFi!! Haha! But 92 day alone in those conditions that is truly a Brave women! <3 😉
Our Creator gave us everything, including a great home. The changes are outside of creation and a manipulation of our minds.
Lisa is such an aspiring sailor, it’s amazing the work she put into achieving her goal of circumnavigating Antarctica and setting a world record, both in the preparation of her boat and herself. Much respect!
Hello Kristina, Lisa is a gutsy know how Lady.
Job well done Lisa!!
Takes a different kind of sailor, so much kudos to Lisa!
You'll no doubt experience the Mediterranean Meltemi more times now and it's forecast strengths sometimes far from your localised 25 – 45 gusting 50knts! Not often, but twice in the last 10 years had unforcasted localised 50knts gusts over the deck whilst family sailing around the Mediterranean.
Kristina you've created a niche for yourself. Other sailing channels meet interesting people but we never get introduced to them. You, with your YT background can probably do that in a doddle. This was a good yarn. well told. I hope we can see more stories about people you meet in your travels.
Lisa is the definition of badass!
Amazing woman, thanks for sharing, just finished listening to two podcasts by Talking Australia talking to her, both very good and gives a bit more info on the trips.
This is amaZING
You told somebody else's story brilliantly.. it was more than a journalistic type story. Well done
She is an amazing sailor; a brave adventurer to be sure. Besides her travels, her work gathering information on the conditions of our ocean waters for scientists to study climate changes, pollution and saving Mother Earth. Stay safe and stay groovy.
Hey Kristina, while you're in Brisbane, Bill Hatfield is definitely a sailor to catch up with. He holds the oldest solo non-stop circumnavigator, and one of extremely few people who have done it westabout. Would be great to see some coverage on Bill as I don't think he's circumnavigation got what it deserved!
What an incredible human being. Braver than I. Terrifically presented.