Pictând BARCA cu vele de 50 de picioare! cu ceva experienta (de data aceasta NU SINGUR lol) | EE 107

Pictând BARCA cu vele de 50 de picioare!  cu ceva experienta (de data aceasta NU SINGUR lol) |  EE 107

Vopsesc barca mea de 50 de picioare de data aceasta nu singur! Oh, și din moment ce am mai făcut-o o dată, am doar puțină experiență lol. Cu toate prin care a trecut Eva, am simțit că merită puțină dragoste. Așa că am curățat pupa cu niște gelcoat proaspăt săptămâna trecută și săptămâna aceasta o pregătim pentru o nouă vopsea de fund. Am fost destul de norocoși să fim transportați la @nanajuanamarina1932 Nanajuana Marina și i-am angajat să îndepărteze vechea vopsea de jos pentru noi. Nu a fost ieftin, dar au făcut o treabă bună. Și din moment ce fizic nu am putut lucra pentru o perioadă de timp din cauza bolii, a-i avea să lucreze câteva zile pe barcă a limitat timpul de nefuncționare. Punem noua noastră vopsea de jos într-o locație educată, bazată pe locul unde este colorat pe gelcoat. Am zgâriat gelcoat-ul, l-am curățat și am pălmuit pe un strat nou de barieră. Și pentru a respecta ferestrele și altele, am pălmuit primul strat de vopsea de jos… și de data aceasta, fundul Evei a revenit la negru. Vă iubesc pe toți, fiți în siguranță, fiți buni! Brett Jade Dingo Penny @ExpeditionEvans **************************************** Dacă ați venit aici Căutând link-urile noastre Amazon, ești un tip special de om minunat. Vă mulțumim că le-ați verificat! Produsele pe care le folosim și iubim: https://www.amazon.com/shop/expeditionevans Produsele pe care le dorim 😁: https://a.co/epcOarT **************** ************************ *Echipamentul nostru* Camera principală: https://amzn.to/3csaFjz Obiectiv principal: https://amzn.to /3cwZRkl Microfon: https://amzn.to/3iSDGoV Go Pro: https://amzn.to/324dq43 Dronă: https://amzn.to/2Yf3X8S Laptop: https://amzn.to/3h9ydcL *Găsește-ne În altă parte* Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ExpeditionEvans Jade Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Jadexploring/ Brett Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_BrettEvans_ EE Instagram: https:/ /www.instagram.com/ExpeditionEvans Dingo Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/DingoEvans Penny Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/PenntelopeEvans TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ExpeditionEvans *Site web/blog* https://www.expeditionevans.com *Vrei să ne sprijini?” https://www.patreon.com/expeditionevans https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=FWBYD33TFEBRY https:/ /www.buymeacoffee.com/theevans #sailing #beneteau #travelvlog #digitalnomad #lifestyle #sailboats


33 thoughts on “Pictând BARCA cu vele de 50 de picioare! cu ceva experienta (de data aceasta NU SINGUR lol) | EE 107

  1. Great video, great to see how you're getting on in Guetemala. Just wondering how you're painting where the boat stand thihngs are supporting the boat?

  2. I think raising the waterline a bit is a good decision. And adding an epoxy barrier coat, great.👌 But…🤔
    You do realize that rasing equal at distance everywhere will only work if the angle of the hull is also equal everywhere, which it isn't…🥺😉

  3. I have to admit I found it amusing that firstly you told Bret not to paint past the tape…… and then you proceeded to do so (purely by accident ). 😂 sorry,sorry,sorry, that would be something that Cindy would tell me and then do! P.S. when we paint s😊he is always covered in paint and I am super clean 😊.

  4. great video…boat looks great….next time you need to paint with a roller…use aluminum foil to roll paint on instead of plastic bag…works better 😁

  5. I always wondered seeing larger boats on the hard, with the stanchions in place.. When getting bottom painted, do you have to ask the boat yard to move the stanchions once the rest of the paint is dry? and just touch up those little square patches? do you have to go through all 3 coats agin in those spots?? White, Black, Black??

  6. the beard growing thing comes from the NHL. You stop shaving as long as you are in the playoffs (boat work is like the playoffs, that is why my wife of 19 years has never seen me clean shaven lol ). boat is looking good! almost ready for the next adventure.

  7. “He that hath a beard is more than a youth, and he that hath no beard is less than a man; and he that is more than a youth is not for me, and he that is less than a man, I am not for him.”
    Unknown Author
    And Jade’s long hair is stunning.

  8. Since you’re in the country and medical might be a little cheaper there than in the states you might want to get your vitamin levels checked I remember reading something when I got sick with Covid so bad that they said it drops you’re NAD levels vitamin B three niacin the one that causes you to flush it supposed to be really good for that.

  9. I think I had covid in late 2020 or early 2021 was down for about 2 weeks and weaker for about a month or so. The boat is really starting to come together and the finishing line is in sight.

  10. Jade the first time you painted the boat I was so impressed by you doing it all by yourself. And that was before you found out you were being Poisoned by gluten. You are even more amazing now. Brett is alright also😉

  11. I would be in heaven there .I would.
    I wonder if I could open a marine supply store.
    Actually I have had the idea before so thank you very much for lifting my spirit.
    Well we have been through a lot the last few years.
    I apologize.
    Battleship Marine Supply
    Fairhope, Alabama

  12. Great video and I love what yall do.
    I'm 57 and it was kinda my dream.
    My friend right up the street at Canvas Works has a place in Belize and he was in the other day and I was thinking yall.

  13. While you are on the hard doing your refit, start using citronella soap. It'll keep the bugs off without having to use that spray on bug repellant.

  14. Yall Petit is good 👍 stuff!
    Sea Hawk is good stuff 👌
    Battleship Marine Supply
    Fairhope, Alabama

    P.S. – Sorry about the Covid. I am 57 and have had 2 shots and I guess I have been lucky myself.

  15. Nope, moustaches don't count. I've had the same issue most of my adult life, shaving beards and growing them again if or when I felt like a change. I have to say, too, that I've never quite been able to make up my mind whether or not I actually liked having a beard. So from time to time I would decide I did not and off it would go, until the next time I felt ready for one again! But my moustache STAYED and will stay, I haven't shaved it in 60 years or so. I used to have black hair, now it is grey, my beard(s) followed suit. Don't like grey beards, grey moustache is bad enough…

  16. Hey guys, I don’t know how many hulls I’ve painted, perhaps a hundred or so. Please get get some extensions for your rollers . It gives you greater reach and better leverage and less strain on your arms and backs.
    Cheers !!!

  17. Hey you guys… Every boat painting episode I see on yootoob is Always missing the Broomstick-in-the-Roller-Handle. You get leverage and reach and control… but it will probably look as good but with way more effort. Happy Trails. Xclnt vids. And a doggie or two…

  18. Another great video! Glad you've recovered from that miserable covid. Not any fun!
    Boat is looking so much better!
    Keep safe! Love to you both!

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