Confecții de vele DIY! polytarp drifter pentru sub 100 USD. Navigare Da Haideți! 12

Confecții de vele DIY!  polytarp drifter pentru sub 100 USD.  Navigare Da Haideți!  12

Da Let’s (Wharram Pahi al meu 31) a fost subpânzat în aer lejer. Planurile arătau un mare plutitor. Am decis să fac unul din polytarp. Așa am făcut-o. Drifter-ul meu are aproximativ 22m^2, puțin mai mic decât cei 24m^2 din plan, dar era cel mai mare pe care l-am putut încăpea pe podea. Experiența anterioară în fabricarea velelor a fost realizarea unor mici vele latine proa oceanice (aka, crabclaws) și, desigur, repararea pânzei. Aceasta a fost prima mea încercare de a face o velă mare! Sunt surprins cât de bine a funcționat! desigur, sunt mai mult decât interesat de orice sugestii pe care le aveți pentru îmbunătățirea velei. L-am folosit destul de regulat. Voi face un alt videoclip când îl voi avea de câteva ori pentru a vedea cum a mers.


18 thoughts on “Confecții de vele DIY! polytarp drifter pentru sub 100 USD. Navigare Da Haideți! 12

  1. Great work, that’s what sailing is all about. I think most sailing have been corrupted by the racing/rich.
    Make some wind vanes that that goes directly on your rudder like the channel luckyfish and your are set.
    Also, pick up a small outboard, it could save your boat and your life, we won’t judge you.

  2. Wow! I wouldn't have thought this type of tarp could handle the stress. For reference similar blue tarps from Home Depot have lasted about one year for me in full California sun so I guess that's quite a few hours of sailing.

  3. You can make the drifter sail out of the same cloth as your spinnaker. It's obviously more expensive than a polytarp but definitely better suited for the job.

  4. This is pretty genius. I helped a friend of mine make a similar sail from Tyvek house wrap. It did very well. He acquired a little sailboat, I think it was about 17'-18' and he had only one old tattered sail that came with it, so we made some from Tyvek. I think it cost him about the same amount, about $100.
    I used to be able to buy these middle weight white tarps at the local flee market, a lot of boaters used them because they were white. But they would make an excellent light air sail, just a little heavier than the blue tarp, with a coating on them.

  5. Definitely keep them coming Dominic… Wharram's are all about affordability and ingenuity! Great to watch a 'boat' channel quite firmly situated in pragmatic reality! Thanks mate… always appreciated!

  6. I notice no dagger boards in the dagger board slots. Have you done away with them. That is what I did on my Pahi 31. I didn’t notice a lot of difference, but again I was never looking for that extra tenth of a knot or that extra degree to windward.

  7. Nice! looks sturdy with all the extra reinforced areas. I have been making the Tarp n Tape sails for a while and like you said stow it away and you can use them for years! also there is the aspect of using the older tarp sail as a pattern or experimenting with shape before investing in a more durable fabric. I need to get a sewing machine.

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