Lucrările noastre finale sunt finalizate aici în San Diego. Abonați-vă @SailingCatalpa Deveniți un Patron Pentru a-i cumpăra căpitanului o bere sau pentru a DONA doar pentru că ești o LEGENDĂ nenorocită Pentru mai multe despre familia și călătoriile noastre puteți consulta site-ul nostru Urmărește-ne pe Facebook Urmărește-ne pe Instagram https://www.
Locuri de munca Final Boat in San Diego | O mulțime de muncă cu barca

28 thoughts on “Locuri de munca Final Boat in San Diego | O mulțime de muncă cu barca”
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Yippee…Plenty of Big & Smaller Projects Done…Seems ready to Sail
Continue to Stay Safe and Enjoy
So awesome what you guys have going on but a beautiful boat with a great New horizon you all have much love

Glad you had your ears covered. I've seen people get little crabs in their ears while cleaning their boat bottoms. They come out easily through, when you pour a little alcohol in your ear.
I don't watch adds; but when I do, it's for Sailing Catalpa
You raised two great kids so raising an anchor should be no challenge.
love seeing the three flattops over your shoulder when fitting fuel inlet.
Another fun boat work day yet glad to see it coming to an end. I am sure the whole family feels likewise, and I also am getting stoked for the coming sail and sightseeing experience. Best luck on leaving the States behind and showing a bit of Mexico's beauty. Thanks.
WHY would you buy an incandescent bulb that won't last when you could've replaced it with an LED that last forever and costs less?
I like the 278 bar shirt.
Gwan gwan will be so excited about that gas light. I have a sneaking suspicion one might be addedto our list of boat jobs!!! He is always getting cranky at me for forgeting to turn the gas off.
where does a person find your amazon list?
Where is your son?
good work fixing all your thru holes to prevent wood rot – check out "A boat by the river " directly putting screws and holes in the new boat with no sealant – another future you tube fixer upper in 20 years with decks and bulkhead replacement like sailing magic carpet – I have a mate who bought a cat where the entire deck and roof were delaminating due to all of the screw holes not sealed causing water ingress and rot – cost $80K to fix – Aladino cored every screw hole when they replaced the deck – a very thorough and good boatbuilder – they also resin sealed all the replacement wood including the end grain – some yters doing repairs on rotten bulkheads just replacing the timbers and bulkheads but not properly sealing them – so leaving a redo for someone in the future – do it right first time
Not sure how long ago this was but that waters cold in summer

I have been on those big fishing boats that stop at the bait barge for about 35yrs. Enjoy your trip south and sure hope y’all catch a Kingy or as we call them yellowtail.
Have fun in mx. Love watching.
Im glad the boat work is nearly over cant wait to see this boat under full sail on a long passage
Nice guys! Thanks for your "Core" tips, Lee! Good Job on the epoxy mixing, Bella!
I love you man… you surely don't actually believe this shit??
I may have missed it, but I didn’t see a video about what you did with Catalpa I at the end.
Looking bloody awesome guys, it’s coming along beautifully. Love your how too videos Lee.
Groovy video.
Bella is a babe
Looking forward to seeing you under sail!
Sad you turned your channel into a boatwork channel. Your in San Diego, you have Balboa park, best surf spots, much much more, but all you do is another boatwork…….
Love your show guys! Living the dream keep it up. I’m 2 years behind with your vids and you were saying you need another boat, I wonder if that happened.
love the Bintang 
What is that? What does it tadte like and what is it made out of?