Îmi pot naviga SINGUR cu barca cu pânze de 46 de picioare? (Pregătirea Traversării Atlanticului) Sailing SV CUBA – EP.62

Îmi pot naviga SINGUR cu barca cu pânze de 46 de picioare?  (Pregătirea Traversării Atlanticului) Sailing SV CUBA - EP.62

Pot naviga cu această barcă singur? Suntem pe cale să traversăm Oceanul Atlantic pentru prima dată ȘI vom fi doar noi doi pe barca noastră cu pânze de 46 de picioare. Vom naviga non-stop timp de peste 2 săptămâni. Cel mai bine este să exersăm virajul cu o singură mână de câteva ori înainte de a porni spre traversarea Atlanticului. Alăturați-vă nouă săptămâna aceasta pe Sailing SV CUBA, în timp ce ne pregătim pentru cea mai mare aventură de navigație de până acum! *Vrei să ne susții?” Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/svcuba Cumpără Salsa a Coffee☕🧡: https://ko-fi.com/salsa_cuba Lista de dorințe Amazon: https://www.amazon. com/hz/wishlist/ls/19Z7DS9CBDSFS?ref=cm_sw_em_r_un_un_AeI21emas0ICo PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=3GXD7XZH7DXX6


34 thoughts on “Îmi pot naviga SINGUR cu barca cu pânze de 46 de picioare? (Pregătirea Traversării Atlanticului) Sailing SV CUBA – EP.62

  1. I've seen crabs on the beach. I've had crabs for dinner. I've even had crabs between my legs. But this is the first that I've ever heard of crab in the ear! But anyways love your videos and I'll see you next week. Good bye and happy sailing.

  2. Amazing story about the quick medical attention you seemed to receive on that tiny island. Very excited for you guys! Can't wait to see the upcomings. Good luck!

  3. Another great video. Looking forward to the crossing video(s). Sasha, is that an East London accent on top of your German accent? Did, you do work/go to school in the UK?

  4. Hey Hallo und Ahoi das sieht nach großem Aufbruch aus. Wünschen allen die euch folgen das sie von euren Erfahrungen und Ratschlägen profitieren. Weiterhin die besten Wünsche und Grüße.

  5. Love your energy and fun..and the episode was the same … so good!!! And GOOD LUCK CROSSING Atlantic. That's something I want to do and found a nice beautiful Sailing small cruise ship called the Star Starflyer.. is that AMAZING? I'm not very strong so couldn't do it on my own or so few people.. and have no boat anyway..I will love to travel with you on the YouTube voyage. EnJoy 😊.. I am worried there would be too much drinking too on the cruise ship. I can't hold the liquor like I used to and I shouldn't party hearty as they say.

  6. How many days do you expect to be sailing to complete your trip? Will you be able to upload footage? Safe sailing and enjoy. 💕💕

  7. That was some impressive solo sailing with that last tack! I envy you both, what a great time you seem to be having. Fair winds!

  8. Hip Hip Hooray! Let the Adventure's begin!! I'm sure glad The Captin was able to remove that Brain Eating crab from his ear! Ha! Already looking forward to next weeks a episode. <3 😉

  9. Good luck and fair winds. I am happy you have your friends to cross with. Seems much safer. You two are awesome!!! Have a great trip.

  10. Fantastic episode, not because we're in it haha, but because there was a real story to it.
    Not to push the point too much, but you were about 5hrs behind us on that last sail in Mindelo. I think you got lost 😂
    That poor crab, Kiki's not been the same since 😂😂

  11. I've seen other people on sailing channels get trash or crabs in the ear cleaning hull, always wear ear protection.

  12. Mindelo was such an inspiration to us all: provisioning, refueling and receiving the Sim card for navigation purposes was a must before this major endeavor. Thank God Enrique was seen by the Cuban specialist for his ear prior to the crossing. Sarah, you did a magnificent job tacking alone and we are sure this massive undertaking will not prove to difficult a task. With good weather and a seaworthy vessel, we hope to see both in the Caribbean during June. Thank you so much for sharing this perfect episode with us and can't wait for your passage to commence.

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