EXPOSIȚIA Rolling Stone la Fake PI Jimmy Con și invitații speciali Ashley Martin și Candace Howard ni se alătură!!

EXPOSIȚIA Rolling Stone la Fake PI Jimmy Con și invitații speciali Ashley Martin și Candace Howard ni se alătură!!

#JimTerry #Conman #FakePI #awareness #fraud #JamesTerry #JimTerryFakePI #Missingpersonscase #Markterry #FailedActor #grifters #tragedypimp #criminal #deception #Badactor #Reddit Articolul The Rolling Stones👇 https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture -features/youtube-pi-jim-terry-missing-persons-1234727177/ Mai multe videoclipuri despre Jim Terry Pot fi găsite pe canalul meu, precum și în streamuri live. Voi pune câteva linkuri mai jos! ⚠️⚠️⚠️ATENȚIE DE DEclanșare ⚠️⚠️⚠️ Costul uman al minciunilor lui Terry https://youtu.be/2PFQvMu71wY Poveștile de „succes” ale lui Jim Terry Desființate https://youtu.be/aTrklrn5Odw Costul uman al lui Jim Terry: https://youtu.be/aTrklrn5Odw /youtu.be/2PFQvMu71wY Înregistrarea Sleuth Mom a lui Jim Terry vorbind cu Candice Cooley https://youtu.be/DSc5WtImEno Disclaimer💕 Queen Bee vorbește doar despre opiniile ei și adaugă comentarii, acestea NU sunt declarate ca fapte, vă rugăm să faceți propria cercetare înainte de a vă forma o opinie! 🎀NU sunt responsabil pentru opiniile altora, cum ar fi invitații sau publicul 🎀 🎀NU contactați sau hărțuiți pe nimeni menționat în acest videoclip sau livestream 🎀 📍NUMAI în scopuri educaționale📍 💕💕Pentru a dona la acest canal💕👕Pal ://www.paypal.me/queenbee0888 👑Aplicația Cash https://cash.app/$QueenBee8880 🐝👑Link de membru👑🐝 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcTw5gVW5-QfdHs6hsosr-g/join 🔮 eu la queenbeeog888@gmail.com ❗❗❗TOATE CLIP-urile OBȚINUTE ȘI UTILIZATE ÎN UTILIZARE CORECTĂ: Legile drepturilor de autor din Statele Unite recunosc o „utilizare corectă” a conținutului protejat prin drepturi de autor. Secțiunea 107 din Legea privind drepturile de autor din SUA prevede: „Fără a aduce atingere dispozițiilor secțiunilor 106 și 106a, utilizarea loială a unei opere protejate prin drepturi de autor, inclusiv o astfel de utilizare prin reproducere în copii sau înregistrări fonetice sau prin orice alt mijloc specificat de acea secțiune, în scopuri precum critica, comentariul, raportarea de știri, predarea (inclusiv copii multiple pentru utilizarea la clasă), bursa sau cercetarea nu reprezintă o încălcare a drepturilor de autor.” Acest videoclip, și canalul meu YouTube în general, pot conține anumite lucrări protejate prin drepturi de autor care nu au fost autorizate în mod specific să fie utilizate de către deținătorii drepturilor de autor, dar despre care credem cu bună-credință sunt protejate de legea federală și de doctrina utilizării loiale. sau mai multe dintre motivele menționate mai sus. 🎀💫Outro Music poate fi găsită aici💫🎀 https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTR2BShj8/?k=1


16 thoughts on “EXPOSIȚIA Rolling Stone la Fake PI Jimmy Con și invitații speciali Ashley Martin și Candace Howard ni se alătură!!

  1. Hey Queen. Did you hear out about the case that Ickedmel covered? The stepmother that brought her stepchild dead to the the Mother in a bucket and it was caught on a ring camera?

  2. Uni lied several times in the same sentence. Wtf is this guy trying to do? Sounds like he wants your audience over there. Trying to ride your coat tails. I'm not ok with this. He wants you to go watch his shyt and get views. He's ridiculous!

  3. I’m curious why Uni didn’t go to the police department or report when he was at his moms reading the letter. IMO this kind sounds sketchy. He wants to give it to his lawyer yet it isn’t important enough for him to have taken it that day when he left his moms. Also why did he play it out like QB’s info was in the strange letter. He should’ve been more clear from the beginning.

  4. The more Uni talks the less credible his story sounds. He could create a letter and play it off as legit. He can’t trust his proof if he ever showed(s) it. 🤦🏼‍♀️

  5. I said that a few days ago on chronicles of the shady that Uni absolutely should of been reached out to QB privately. Infact, I hadn't heard about it & thought you both spoke. I found it interesting how Uni initially came out with that info. I went & watched it. He said it very off the cuff. I thought a bigger deal would of been made of it! Remember it had to be rewinded or you missed it? Idk Queen, anything from Jlr should be taken seriously imo. The elevator is broken & doesn't go to the top!

  6. Jim threatened Lance Nelson, who never said a public word about Jim. But in the article he said he wanted to publicly release pics, unproven pics, of Michaela Nelson, Lance's daughter, because Lance lied about him. But he's been saying Lance owes him a whole $200. Which is it, Jim? Jim lied about finding Michaela but it's been proven he did not. That's the first lie he told about a client on YT is about Michaela Nelson.

  7. "People shouldn't be judging by their past deeds." Proceeds to judge the people's pasts that paid him thousands to never find their loved ones. And any body notice his odd choice of OJ, then said, "OJ was charged with killing people, too." Wait…Jim….did you kill someone? He calls private investigation a "dirty business." He confessed by simply projecting. He's the dirty business.

  8. He is such a liar!!! I have seen him do stuff like this over and over again!
    The tag is there, I'm trying to tag you, we keep trying but its crazy, i tagged you… seriously!?!? I haven't got the letter, i went and got the letter and showed it to my lawyer, i have only seen the letter, i haven't taken it to my lawyer yet. BS!!!!!!!

  9. If he doesn't send Queen the letter then call his police office and tell them you want to open an investigation bc your are in the letter and you need a copy of it.

  10. Still catching up with all the lives I missed while me and the kids were super sick!
    My first introduction to Jimmy con was maybe a year or so ago. It was a long while back because voices was still going on MGLs panel all the time. Voices brought him on MGLs live saying it was her friend and they worked together on stuff. Everyone in the chat immediately HATED him. He was saying insanely racist and sexist stuff and something he said rubbed MGL the wrong way and she went off on him. 🤣 it was hilarious.

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