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Cea mai dificilă sarcină de până acum | Reinstalarea Flying Coney Ep.28

31 thoughts on “Cea mai dificilă sarcină de până acum | Reinstalarea Flying Coney Ep.28”
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When we first started this journey on YouTube we wanted to create films we love and somehow miss on YouTube. Something new, something more cinematic and something we are proud once the video is out. Big dreams, big boat and our own little big story. Putting out a video that fulfills our own standards is a challenge each and every week. So the schedule is always tight, weeks are stressful and the weekly videos are always dangling on a string. So we’re sorry that you had to wait a bit longer for this video and we can only hope that you see the extra time we put in each and every video to make it „good enough“.
Hello Daniel and Barbara. I love watching you perform this monumental task. I am involved in restoring a steel 158ft WW2 US Navy Landing Craft in Oregon USS LCI713, (a non profit museum ship). We have some You Tube videos if you want to check it out. A few years ago, the LCI713 had almost as much rust as your beautiful ship! Our volunteer restoration crew has been working on this ship since 2004, but in comparison, you two have done more work in 1 year than is humanly possible! You two seem to have so much energy and dedication it is encouraging to see your continuous efforts at restoring Flying Coney. I think we want to try using that rust removal machine (Terco?) that you have, since we have tried several different machines but yours appears to work the best. Anyway try not to get too discouraged you are doing a great job! I cant wait to see how much progress you make every episode. Thank you for making such inspiring videos. I am glad the FC is back in the water now, and looking great! Jerry
it's amazing how much you have done in such a short time to a big boat or ship even as she is a big one when you see her out of the water I couldn't even imagine the daunting task you had taken on to de-rust her and get her fit for the water again you to have done amazing work and its such hard work as a mechanic and body man who repainted cars van busses and coaches the prep work is always the hardest and holding a heavy machine at head height for long lenths of time saps your strength and stamina very quickly and you were both doing it just amazing I am so glad this was filmed before last winter as it means all your hard work has paid off I can't imagine how much stress you too were going through when you kept on finding more holes but you persevered and cracked on which is the only thing to do and is the beauty of a steel hulled ship you can always repair them but the longer she is out of the water the bill keep pilling up so the stress must have been terrible for you guys
but as we have seen you carried on and never walked away from the job which I bet a lot would do if they hadn't got your strong bond and work ethic's and you always get some armchair no-it-alls who think they know more than the pros at the shipyard it makes me laugh al we can do is cheer you on and give you a few ideas what we went through with our own steal hulled boats like ours I manged to do all the welding myself which cut the cost dramatically and we were at a ship yard were we had here we could shot blast her ourselves I bought the shotblaster and then resold it on ebay for more money which I thought was crazy but the bids just kept on coming for it lol lucky on our part it paid for all the twpo pack primer and top coat which I applied myself as a painter by trade I used to work for a bus company were we kept on restoring old busses back to nearly new condition so we had to be able to build and engine and gearbox on our own and repair the body replacing and fabricating knew body panels and then painting them I was a mechanic first by trade and learned bodywork as my second trade which came in so handy for boat restoration but its still very hard work and our boat was a 75 footer but yours looks so much bigger I know I harped on about fitting a bow thruster as I fitted both to mine as I did it myself but you guys are going to have to pay for it as cutting a hole in a ship that size is not going to be cheap I bet it would of sapped up most of your money for just that one job I fitted hydrolic thrusters on mine the hardest part was fitting the tube in the hull at the bow the stern is the easiest to do as its in the webing before the prop so only a small thickness to go through I am so glad I did it as it made so much easier to control as now I can spin her on the spot the stress od de berthing has all gone now but I think when you come to blast the hull in a couple of years time it might be the opatune time to fit a thruster then as I can see the stress in your face when maneuvering such a big boat my thrusters work of a pump from the twin engines volvo pentas which I fitted myself and an electric motor backup if the engines fail so you can still manoeuvre her if the engines cut out for any reason which a lot just don't do as they just run from a pump of the engines or engine so anyway I am so proud of both of you for what you have achieved on such a monumental task and you did it now you can start rebuilding her from the inside out repairing all the webbing and finally woodworking re-designing your boat to what you guys want so good luck for the future and all the best from John from Rugby UK.
Its hard to understand why you are taking on such an old ship, if you dont want to do the hard work to make it nice. The last videos is only complaining, complaining and more complaining. I used to do simular job, so understand its very hard work, but you knew that before buying the ship. But nice job so far
We built a 32' steel gaff cutter in the early 80's which we sailed from New Zealand to Washington DC. The hardest job was grinding the welds. Seeing all the work you are doing brings back the memories of many difficult hours on a grinder. You are an inspiration, keep up the good work!
Hard work for sure but fantastic to see the progress on this big project – ignore the naysayers and keep up the austrian humour – not to be confused with australian humour from my own land down under :-))
Just a short comment:
Just forget about the grumblers and doubters, they always comment, even on the best projects.
Ignore them and carry on.
Great work!
Your are doing a fantastic job – love your work
tie you tools to a rope on a pully and let the rope carry the load….just saying
You guys are awesome….. I cant wait to see her finished and ready for sea.
Wondering if you try a bungee cord to the deck and then hanging your heavy grinder off the bungee cord to take the weight🤔
Quite a few people in the comments know all about the hardships of a project way smaller then this that broke them, physically, mentally and financially. Of all the project boats in the average boat yard ther are 10 failures for every one succes. People that advise you to run are not all coming from hate. What you have achieved on this huge vessel is a chance of 1 in 100. Very well done indeed, and heaps of respect! I have a 38ft steel ketch that took me 3 summers working full time in the yard while living onboard. Still not done, from June to September i will be on the hard again…. It never ends.
You two are doing something both difficult and amazing. I've enjoyed every video you've put out, and it will be a joy to watch this beautiful ship restored as time goes on.
Truly inspiring and reassuring in your generation to see young folks like you guys restoration of old sailing vessels, difficult and tedious, as well as financially scary, I personally have faith in you guys. I'm getting old now and it's gladdens my heart to see you guys on YouTube sharing the adventures. USA Blake
That boat is as rotten as the Yaba and they replaced their entire hull. That wasn't a bad idea.
Nice to see you save this old girl, nevermind the a-holes
Keep on your excellent work and thanks for sharing everything! And keep your humor! Thats the best way to cope with all the challenges. Looking forward for your next Videos.
I love your guys sense of humor! So glad you were able to smile and power through the hard parts on the rebuild! Isnt it ironic the last part we always fix on a boat is its butt! Thank you for the videos on the rebuild. I realize what a difficult task it is editing and producing them. Cant wait to see Flying Coney when you finally get her done and back to her old glory. Have fun in the camper and hope to see you back on Flying Coney in the not so distant future!
Congratulations. You have my utmost respect!
Another great video. I've been busy and missed the last couple, so I'll go back and watch. I have found, that monumental tasks, create monumental people. Perseverance isn't enough, you become more steadfast and build a will of steel. It will serve you both well in future. You aren't just rebuilding a ship, you are building character. You will never get up in the morning and look at the world in the same way. Congratulations.
Your humor is imaginative and funny and keeps us coming back. Remember, in everything you do, keep an eye out for slips, trips and falls. When you're tired it's a biggie. At least a day a week for rest. We want you two to remain healthy and sane.
One day on the ocean blue,
Far from the lights and youtube,
You'll be recognized by huge smiles,
Though miles away,
Sailing sweet Flying Coney
all the hard work is starting to pay.
Macht bloß weiter mit den Videos! Viele machen gute Videos, aber ihr und Canice seid echt speziell im besten Sinne!
Owning a Boat is a "never ending task"…not that that's a bad thing, you just gotta be "up" for it…
Two naproxen and1 acetaphetamine every 6 hours! Goodonyas! Go get'm tiger (s)!
Nice boat! And soon it will be time to go to sea. Keep on giving
You've taken on a large project , but the important rule is one step at a time . it must seem like an endless task but it will get done and then you move to the next step with each step the boat transforms closer to your dream boat. keep up the good fight we're all pushing for you !
Making the propeller shiny and looking bright and beautiful! I get it. The cherry on top is never amiss. Thanks 🙂
I am am azed at all the work you have put in. I may have given up by now. You both have lots of will power to do this. I am very impressed by the work involved. Keep up the good work . By now I have no ideahwo far along you are, or what year or month. Love whaat you are doing.
Great video
Keep them coming and keep doing you
Don’t worry about haters, they suck!
I must say I admire your never ending efforts to follow your dream. Never give up, never! Kudos :o)
Deep deep respect!! 🙌 I just went through a mini restoration myself and that took a lot of energy… 😅 Good luck!!