DOUĂ MOTOARE MOARTE – Suntem blocați aici? | SailAway 227

DOUĂ MOTOARE MOARTE - Suntem blocați aici?  |  SailAway 227

E TIMPUL să PLĂCĂM, dar descoperim că AMBELE MOTOARE SUNT NEUTILIZATE, posibil dincolo de reparații. În timp ce ne străduim să stabilim DACĂ LE PUTEM REPARAȚI, PUNCĂM RENOVAREA și vă arătăm că CONVENIENȚELE TERENARE nu trebuie neapărat să vină cu o ETICĂ DE PREȚ MARIN. Bucurați-vă!! Și asigurați-vă că vă ABONAȚI pentru CONȚINUT SĂPTĂMÂNAL ÎN FIECARE DUMINICĂ! Noroc!! Vă mulțumim că vizionați SailAway, documentarul de călătorie al unui cuplu aventuros de navigatori, copil și câine, care navighează prin lume!

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34 thoughts on “DOUĂ MOTOARE MOARTE – Suntem blocați aici? | SailAway 227

  1. Hey kids! Lauren glowed sweetest joy when that washer /dryer unit showed up.
    Now, get down to serious business & get those engines right…! Now! Fair winds…

  2. Did you try pulling the glow plugs and seeing if it turns over? 1 leaky, or stuck open injector on an old diesel can cause hydrostatic lock. 1 cylinder is enough to prevent the entire engine from turning over under compression.

  3. What’s the point of a spin dry??? You gotta be kidding me. By far the biggest energy savings in home laundry is better spin cycle.

  4. That engine that won't crank, don't force it. You have exhaust problems on one and this might be water coming in the exhaust line and hydrolocking the engine. Google it. Not insurmountable but a very bad circumstance.

  5. Make sure there is enough good air flow for the freezer to exchange heat/cool in the compartment under the counter !!! It should work and be a great cheap solution !!! Sailing GBU has been doing it for a while…. guess who told them.

  6. Eutectic effect – always keep the freezer as full as possible to reduce power use – also you can use plastic water bottles etc to freeze when you have excess power – name the freezer Rusty ??

  7. I'm not sure that a household appliance on a boat will last very long with all that salt air. Even 'stainless' appliances use cheap stainless, and that's just the door. But good luck. I hope it works out for you.

  8. Very nice freezer. LiFePo house battery banks have been a game changer due to their capacity allowing cruisers to use inverters to power AC powered devices, instead of relying on expensive 12v DC marine devices. The nacelle cabin originally came with a sink and running water so great location for mini clothes washer.
    As far as devices driven by wall warts and laptop bricks, a YTuber (Everlanders in an episode 3 days ago) in a RV has converted just about every DC driven device using inexpensive buck (adjustable and reduce voltage) or boost (adjustable and increase voltage) Dc to DC converters (he purchased via Amazon) to directly power laptops, wifi routers, phone charging and camera battery chargers. They cut out the DC to AC to DC conversion loses and reduce watt draw by about 40-50%. The episode has links to about 10 converters he used ranging from $15 for 10 small ones and $45 for ones that run a hi power laptop. Might be very useful for your hi power laptops you use for Ytube videos and audio books- just a thought.
    I'm sure the awning will come out fine and I'm sure you will appreciate the cockpit shade and dodger stopping spray.
    I'm sure you have worked out the engine issues. Several years back I saw a Ytube where engine head was warped and needed machining, but cost was too high – instead guy bought a short kitchen countertop. glued sandpaper to it and pushed head back and forth on it until head was flat. (started with coarse sandpaper and worked up to fine). Where there is a will, there is a way. Also, depending on your issue, you might want to look up product called Pyro Putty- I've use on exhaust-scavaged exhaust manifold port with good results.

  9. Okay it’s weird to me I have post this on a second sailing channel…an electric carving knife it’s all sorts of foam cleanly, quickly, and without fumes. Usually available second-hand. Enjoying the videos!

  10. Twin tub washing machine. Used to have one we carted about to mining camps. Took an absolute bashing. Thrown on back of truck/ute and travelled 100s and more of km, then thrown off at the next camp. Easy to fix, too.
    What a top spot of the washer. Thank you, Privilege Catamarans 😌

    Oh, don't put a peg under timer dial and forget about it…bloke did that at one camp…12 hours later…shreds. funny as. Well, for us, it was.

  11. Right the ocean never tosses the boat around and makes things move. Why secure the freezer? And what about bring in the power. Not as easy as you show it. I like you and your family, but really your whole approach is condo, not yacht.

  12. Love the thinking outside the box! Another great video…looking forward to the next one.
    Regards from New Zealand

  13. The easiest way to cut foam with no fumes and a very neat cut, is to use a electric or battery operated meat carving knife

  14. You need to take care of your entrance doors very soon. Otherwise you'll need to replace them not to far in the future. Varnish them very soon please. Water and UV destroy not only the varnish but also detoriates the structure of the wood. If it's teak and you don't want to varnish them, it needs to be entirely stripped as Water can't evaporate from the varnished areas as in the naked spots. This leads to uneven movement in the wood and therefore in the glued connections. You might use oil like Owatrol on teak which is very easy and fast to apply just with a fabric piece. I wouldn't use it on mahogany as oil doesn't have any UV protection. But it seems the door is of teak. If you use oil take care to dry the fabric well spread out as oil has self heating properties and can easily start burning. I'm German so you might search for better English explanations.

  15. i must agree that MARINE SUPPLEMENTS are w a y too expensive and for no other reason than to say, "look, we are amrine".

  16. It's so great how Rivers is learning about all aspects of the boat. You're going to have a real, full crew member soon!

  17. When you add a brace to the top, include an exhaust fan and a load meter so you can keep the enclosure cool and monitor energy usage

  18. Ha Ha What's for dinner…I chuckled when you pulled the sausage out of the fridge to put in your new freezer…that's what I am cooking for dinner tonight!!

  19. To cut down on battery draw, you can hang a bunch of clear plastic strips just inside the door, when opening, you can view the contents,the strips will cut down on heat ingress.

  20. Hello
    This was a nice video and I am happy for you, having a nice refrigerator and a new washing machine. I love watching how you are improving your classic cat.

    I have one hint for you from my own experience regarding the fridge. You may experience that the cooling ability will go down, while you are in warm or hot areas like the Caribbean area. The reason is, that the heat within the cabinet, where you build in the fridge may rise as it cannot escape the cabinet. You should make sure, that there is an opening at the back top of the cabinet, so that the warm air can flow out. You can cover the whole with a metal grid, so nothing can fall from above into the cabinet.
    All the best

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