săptămâna din viața ADOLESCENTELOR SAILING | Marea Caraibelor

săptămâna din viața ADOLESCENTELOR SAILING |  Marea Caraibelor

de la zile proaste la sărituri la stânci, la zdrobire, la navigație și la parkouring… eu și groms. aceasta. toate. să zicem că dormim bine noaptea 😉 *luați în considerare să vă abonați pentru un videoclip nou în fiecare duminică* vă mulțumesc pentru vizionare!!! Iubire, jadyn 🙂 IG-ul meu: https://instagram.com/jadynmorse?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Canalul familiei mele www.youtube.com/everydaysaturday IG-ul familiei mele: https://instagram.com/_everydaysaturday?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ= = #travel #sailing #teensailor #ocean #boatlife #sailboat #adventure #caribbean #catamaran #sunfish #efoil #cliffjumping


29 thoughts on “săptămâna din viața ADOLESCENTELOR SAILING | Marea Caraibelor

  1. Agree with your Dad saying that he is proud of you, Jadyn, my comment is impressive, that the content, learn all the foil & sailing skills from Brent II from Collette, adding all the boys from Banana Pancakes & your brothers too and editing this into your best video yet. Keep it up.👍💯♥️🎦💦 #bestlifeever #newcomputeryes 🍏🍎

  2. I'm sure you edit these yourself….. You have a great ability to tell a story, a personality worth being interested in, and an instinct for capturing everything. Welcome to the doorway to a successful, abundant and expansive life here on Earth, Starseed!

  3. Really good video Jadyn 🔥Just Suscribed! Simple question : are you guys sailing during nights ? or do you stop motoring or how is it working ?

  4. Watch out Finn, Jadyn is on the move! Nice job Jadyn. Enjoyed seeing Koen in this one? What ever happened to that other brother you have?

  5. Heyy Jadyn! Just discovered your channel:)) Watched two of your videos with my mom she was instantly hooked lol😂 greetings from Guyana🤙🏾🫶🏾

  6. You just keep getting better. The whole truth (good and bad) is always better. Always waiting on the next one 😉

  7. Jadyn you are so so talented! Keep pushing through and making these amazing videos! I absolutely love watching your videos

  8. A great week of fun! Sad about the laptop, but in the end even that had a happy ending. Thanks for sharing your adventures with us all 🥰

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