7 nopți pe mare NAVIGARE PE ATLANTIC | WAVE 31 #sailing #sailingvideos Instagram: https://instagram.com/sailingtelaru?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@_sailingtelaru?_t=8YaKqrJY9hW&_r=1 Facebook: https://www. facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089246103498&mibextid=LQQJ4d
7 nopți pe mare NAVIGARE PE ATLANTIC | VALUL 31

16 thoughts on “7 nopți pe mare NAVIGARE PE ATLANTIC | VALUL 31”
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Girly girl stole the video, Hands down. Enjoyed the adventure, Thank You
you two are killing it with the route and filming. great story telling and line handling.
Another great video ! Like how you share face time on camera, most channels are one sided one-way or another ?

Happy Mother's Day to y'all and remember to call or spend some time with her .
Thank you both
Amber is the most beautiful lady on the 7 seas

Most entertaining sailing on YouTube ! What an adventure to circumnavigate the globe !
Thank you for the video. Looks like you had a lot of cloudy rainy weather for your passage.
Congratulations, you will be in Bermuda in time to welcome the Antigua to Bermuda Race. I believe there will be some parties.
Great film, thanks for taking us along. I don't know about girly girl, Amber, you seem like a very capable one. Liked the Drake quote Sean!
Enjoyable sailing. Period.
I know nothing about sailing but I can tell your doing it right.
Is his voice for real? Never heard that accent in my life. It sounds contrived like a cartoon character.
Great story. Seems very dangerous for two bright people. Can you explain why this isn’t a really bad adventure risk? Thanks.
I have just caught up on the last 3 episodes today after being in the outback for a week and notice that the shipboard flower, Amber, is blossoming as a sailing personality, with less and less trace of Estee Lauder on her countenance. Well done, Amber and Sean…or is it Shawn?!