7 nopți pe mare NAVIGARE PE ATLANTIC | VALUL 31

7 nopți pe mare NAVIGARE PE ATLANTIC |  VALUL 31

7 nopți pe mare NAVIGARE PE ATLANTIC | WAVE 31 #sailing #sailingvideos Instagram: https://instagram.com/sailingtelaru?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@_sailingtelaru?_t=8YaKqrJY9hW&_r=1 Facebook: https://www. facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089246103498&mibextid=LQQJ4d


16 thoughts on “7 nopți pe mare NAVIGARE PE ATLANTIC | VALUL 31

  1. Another great video ! Like how you share face time on camera, most channels are one sided one-way or another ?
    Happy Mother's Day to y'all and remember to call or spend some time with her .

  2. Congratulations, you will be in Bermuda in time to welcome the Antigua to Bermuda Race. I believe there will be some parties.

  3. Great film, thanks for taking us along. I don't know about girly girl, Amber, you seem like a very capable one. Liked the Drake quote Sean!

  4. Is his voice for real? Never heard that accent in my life. It sounds contrived like a cartoon character.

  5. Great story. Seems very dangerous for two bright people. Can you explain why this isn’t a really bad adventure risk? Thanks.

  6. I have just caught up on the last 3 episodes today after being in the outback for a week and notice that the shipboard flower, Amber, is blossoming as a sailing personality, with less and less trace of Estee Lauder on her countenance. Well done, Amber and Sean…or is it Shawn?!

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