Episodul 143 – Navigare pe Split și Hvar în Croația, vânturi mari și navigație mare.

Episodul 143 - Navigare pe Split și Hvar în Croația, vânturi mari și navigație mare.

Avem barca înapoi doar la noi din nou! E atât de liniștit! Dar timpul este esențial acum, deoarece avem doar aproximativ două săptămâni pentru a naviga pe ultima coastă a Croației și a pleca înainte de expirarea celor 90 de zile! Începem cu niște lucrări de pregătire și pornim spre mai multe insule frumoase din Croația, încercând să evităm încă o lovitură mare să ne vină în cale. Le mulțumim minunatilor noștri patroni, ajutați cu adevărat ca toate acestea să fie posibile! Nu uitați să mergeți la Patreon pentru a viziona toate filmările suplimentare și pentru a primi toate episoadele noastre cu o săptămână mai devreme. Dacă doriți să deveniți parte din Familia Patron Pickle, vă rugăm să urmați linkul de mai jos și să vă alăturați distracției, ajutorul vostru este foarte apreciat!! http://www.patreon.com/sailingpicklefamily Ne puteți găsi și pe Facebook și Instagram; http://www.facebook.com/sailingpicklefamily http://www.faccebook.com/chris.sailingpickle.79 http://www.instagram.com/sailingpickle http://www.instagram.com/chrissailingpickle http: //www.instagram.com/beaupickle http://www.tiktok.com/nickypiccalilli http://www.tiktok.com/beaupickle muzica introductivă de pe www.bensound.com


18 thoughts on “Episodul 143 – Navigare pe Split și Hvar în Croația, vânturi mari și navigație mare.

  1. Just to let you know their flag is Canadian! I agree that they were way to close to you. Over here in Canada it is free for all the water you can hold in your boat. I mean at a public dock because it is run by the government.

  2. no anchor looks like under water power or comms cable judging by the towers leading to shoreline.

  3. Hi saling Pickle Family how are u guys doing i am doing great my mom had a awesome mother's day yesterday my brother and his wife came down and we all went over to our aunts house she cooked hamburgers and hot dogs and she pasta salad and drinks and dessert and what i gave mom for her mother's gift a $50.00 dollar gift card to olive garden and a nice card and my brother and his wife gave a wine bottle with string lights inside the bottle no wine though lol 😅 see u all on the next video saling Pickle Family the best saling family in the world 😊

  4. If you guys want to stay longer in Schengan then Greece is quite easy to get a digital nomad visa for 1 year 👍⛵️

  5. It's quite an experience watching a wall of rain coming toward you. Love the dog, so sweet. Is anyone on that boat (Leman) who knows anything about anchoring? Bear is still a hoot. We don't get to see Beau very much because she's normally the one running the camera. Two things, one she's very cute and two, she's her mother's daughter. Your poor hubby putting up with that. Fair winds and following seas…

  6. Sadly those same bunkers can be found all over continental Europe, Asia, and half the islands around the world. Especially those of strategic importance in the Pacific during and after WW2. Look at all the Forts in the Atlantic off of The British Isles and the Americas rusting away.

    Unfortunately war is not a uniquely Modern thing nor is it confined to Eastern Europe or Russia. Governments in England and the USA are just as guilty of fighting over land and resources throughout history as any other government you want to name. They always have a great excuse and propaganda to support why they send troops to foreign soil to kill people. Like spreading Freedom and Democracy, bringing Christianity to the Pagans, or "modernizing the savages"… But what it always boils down to is money, power and influence.

  7. They are flying a Canada flag so they may not speak English. Many Canadians speak only French. It's interesting that you have a Yamaha engine on your dinghy, and a ahamaY engine on the same dinghy. Twin engines. 😉

  8. Hope you all safe , you doing well all of your videos absolutely amazing I am always looking forward for your videos, stay safe xx

  9. Hey guys, lovely video. Glad you weren't too ill.
    That idiot in the mono that anchored near to you at the beginning was so rude to just leave his boat with that awful weather. We watched a guy get a 800Euro fine in Sicily for doing that.
    What time of year is this? I assume a little later because Chris has a sweater on.
    Sending hugs to all 🥰⛵⚓🐾

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