Când navigați pe oceane deschise, aveți un joc în care sărim de pe barcă (intenționat, desigur) și luăm spatele bărcii înainte de a urca și de a o face din nou. Regula neoficială este că dacă cazi peste bord pierzi. Acest joc se numește tragere. După acel mic timp liber în timp ce navigăm pe coasta Thailandei, ajungem la cel mai uimitor loc de scufundări în care cred că am fost vreodată și asta înseamnă ceva. Vizităm și alte două insule thailandeze. Una cu apa limpede super frumoasa. Iar celălalt cu o peșteră uriașă prin care poți înota. Enjoy Urmărește-ne pe Instagram @kiwiboysofficial @declan_hamill @finn_hamill @ivanhamill Urmărește-ne pe părinții noștri YouTube @TheCruisingKiwis Music Credits SKOOL//Sister Nancy | Bam Bam | Remix | Creație | Drake x Wizkid x J Hus Afrobeat Type Beat 2021 – „One Dance”
[FREE] Pink Floyd Type Beat 2023 „Ecstasy” (Prod. Lay)
Am creat un joc de navigație riscant! (a cazut peste bord)

39 thoughts on “Am creat un joc de navigație riscant! (a cazut peste bord)”
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Look at that, I am First in the Que!
Livin Life!
Woaa new word incredible deep blue sea incredible editing and music? Who was the band?
Thanks for sharing
Maybe you can give us verbal instruction on free diving. I remember when you first started. The fish must be hiding from that hot sun.
Spear fishing??
Maybe a collab with Aquatic Apes while you are in Thailand.
A colorful set of small activities writ large! Sometimes with flippers and sometimes without, eh Declan? Looking forward pleasurably for more. Take care.
Have either of you ever accidentally touched fire coral or anything else that stings you?
Wow! What spectacular photography underwater. It's really interesting for me because all we have in Manchester are Swimming Baths. lol. How do you know what depth you are at and how long can you hold your breath underwater? Another terrific video guy's showing us things most of us will never do or see. Keep well and safe. James.
Great video guys!
Great underwater shots. Declan has a very pleasant narrating voice.
Excellent video guy's.
another awsome video boys your video is great you guys keep getting better
Nice video!!
Just add water.
Lot's of people envy the lifestyle you all are living! Enjoy it for us!! Thanks for sharing the life with us on here.
Hey…how deep can you two free dive? Do I remember Finn practicing holding his breathe in an old CK vlog? Seems you two can hold it quite a while also.
Just imagine if you could breath on your own under water.
Love this kinda content, it makes me smile

That water looks so beautiful. You are so lucky to be living on a boat
A beautiful video guys….I am amazed at how long you can hold your breath! Always take care and stay safe!
Kiwi boys seem to breathe underwater! Very cool vid!
Super cool vids! Look forward to more
Excellent episode
That waters a bit clearer than the Manukau Harbour lol . great vid Lads
Keep them coming
My fave thing when I worked on yachts was to practice man overboard drills.
It was freaky, yo, seeing as it took our boat 1km to make its sharpest turn
Yes twas a superyacht
Like every comment written here I am AMAZED how long you two can hold your breath free diving…beautiful and clear underwater film…I am not from New Zealand so when you say on min 4:41 "shaka bah"???? I'm so sorry…I don't know even how to spell it…apologies…what does it mean and how do you write it?…Thanks for the upload…enjoyed it very much!
New subscribed italian, greetings from Italy

Your videos are an extremely enjoyable experience. I especially enjoyed your very insightful comment on the water "…thats water…" Brilliant! Thank you Declan and Ivan, you guys made my day.
Is Ivan circumcised?
How do you young- uns know Sister Nancy- Bam Bam

Another fun video. I wish I was with you all. Too much fun!

. How deep can you guys free dive?
great video
that was a long time holding ur breath while swimming
I would have snatched up sum fish too
beautiful views
I worked on cruise ships for 4 years and got to see many countries, 46 actually. One day hopefully I can get my own boat and do what you guys are doing.
One thing I'm curious about, when you guys go to shore, do you have to show passports? Any kind of customs? I'm guessing they do surprise visits to the boat.
Hi Declan, just curious how deep are you diving? seems a fair way lol
Gotta love the “grateful white kid response”