O balenă ucigașă răzbunătoare numită Gladis conduce bande de orce în luptă cu iahturi în jurul Gibraltarului și a scufundat deja trei bărci în Europa. Se poate citi ca ceva din Moby Dick, dar în acest caz adevărul este mai ciudat decât povestea fictivă a lui Herman Melville despre balena albă. Cercetătorii cred că o femelă de orcă numită White Gladis a fost hotărâtă să se răzbune după ce a fost traumatizată de o coliziune cu o barcă sau a fost prinsă în plasele de pescuit ilegale. Atacurile lui Gladis sunt acum copiate de restul populației de balene ucigașe, care au învățat cum să bată vasele de la conducătorul lor. Citiți articolul complet aici: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/05/23/killer-whale-gladis-gang-orcas-sinking-yachts-gibraltar/ #whale #attack #boat Abonați-vă la The Telegraph cu oferta noastră specială: doar 1 GBP pentru 3 luni. Începeți încercarea gratuită acum: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/customer/subscribe/digitalsub/3for1/?WT.mc_id=tmgoff_pvid_conversion-subscription_editorial-iniative_03-22_EGW-13_organic_youtube Obțineți cele mai recente titluri: https://www. .telegraph.co.uk/ Telegraph.co.uk și YouTube.com/TelegraphTV sunt site-uri web ale The Telegraph, cel mai bine vândut ziar de calitate din Marea Britanie, care oferă știri și analize despre evenimente din Marea Britanie și din lume, afaceri, sport, stil de viață și cultură.
Balenele ucigașe atacă un iaht în largul coastei Marocului

30 thoughts on “Balenele ucigașe atacă un iaht în largul coastei Marocului”
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Thumbs down, video is weak.
Good for them
Nature is telling us stop reproducing.
I wonder if perhaps a low pulsing electrical current that is enough to deter, but not harm the animal would be effective? Possibly actually a wire to the rudder, and one on the hull? Just enough to repel attacks when activated…
Because humans attack whales they taking revenge
Someone did something to that pods matriarch….one dumb, stupid, pathetically useless troll of a human being must have done something cruel and upsetting to the alpha female while obviously on a boat, and then quickly left before she could make sense of what was happening. Now she attacks any vessel that approaches her because all she can remember seeing was the rudder of the boat that those idiots were on and the rest of the pod are supporting her in her endeavour. Makes me absolutely sick…. I hope whoever it was gets attacked by a pack of stray dogs, gets a glass shard ejected into their eye and gets a pain in their arse that sporadically and randomly jolts them for the rest of their miserable, unsatisfactory and meaningless lives.
she did that on porpoise…
I'm with Gladis on this one.
oh so that's whos consiousness was stuffed in the GladOS robot in the portal-
Can't explain how much I love this.
Looks Like FROM the Book " DER SCHWARM"

A bit over dramatic I think. Orcas do not have the instinct of "Revenge"…
There may be more to this
Trapped in illegal fishing that's a laugh they get trapped in legal fishing far more often
Касатки за последние годы стали проблемой в этом районе. Быстро учатся и учат друг друга.
Just leave the beautiful sentient beings alone. Screaming and shouting in excitement will only attract their attention.
Gladis is surely Gwladys. Welsh Orca.
There may be a god, but there are most certainly beasts.
The regulators of the wild. Good job for them sending and reacting. Need to regulate these oceans. They are doing good things. More power To those beasts. They are doing what they were meant to do.
Orcas in that region know the female who was injured. They are angry with humans and their boats invading the sea. Who can blame them? The noise of engines, the blades that cut, their fishing grounds stolen by Spain, Portugal and other countries. People should be grateful that they do not seek to harm humans who richly deserve to be removed for their trespass and destruction. I am with the Orcas. Leave them be!!!

If they are it's because somthing happened and they are trying to stop it. Take your yacht somewhere else.
Don't start none, won't be none…
The sea is their territory
Getting there own back.. after years of past poaching!
B.S. video.
Good for the Orca's!! I always thought they would take their revenge on humans for everything humans have done to them and their home.
If they ever wanted a plot for a sequel to the movie ORCA, they have one.
How can we help the whales?