Sare și gudron: Ep.244- Mai departe decât am plecat vreodată

Sare și gudron: Ep.244- Mai departe decât am plecat vreodată

Cu multe luni în urmă, am navigat cu primele noastre (din cele șapte acum) bărci către Mexic. M-am prins de viața de croazieră și am vândut-o acolo pentru a găsi barca care merge oriunde-fă-orice-ocean… nu am trecut de La Paz până acum. Pe acea barca de croazieră robustă a visurilor noastre. Creați cu propriile noastre mâini, ne aventurăm mai departe decât am mers vreodată. Multumesc pentru vizionare! ps. Încerc să răspund la cât mai multe comentarii, dar suntem încă atât de ocupați, așa că vă rog să nu o luați personal 💕 Mult drag!!! –– gaj pe episod ––– unul -donare de timp Puteți, de asemenea, să susțineți proiectul și să puneți în evidență o parte din marfa noastră: Mulțumiri URIAȘE tuturor celor care au achiziționat articole din lista noastră de dorințe. Ne faci un mare pas înainte în proiectele care urmează. Nu am avut niciodată instrumente atât de frumoase. Sunteți cu toții oameni minunați, frumoși, minunați pe care îi adorăm! (Nu fiecare pachet vine cu o notă de cadou, așa că dacă nu ați primit o mulțumire, scuzele noastre și vă rugăm să nu ezitați să ne trimiteți un mesaj pentru a vă mulțumi în mod corespunzător) LISTA DE DORINȚE AMAZON: hz/wishlist/ls/3KI2UF33FRNZQ?ref_=wl_share De asemenea, vă mulțumesc pentru vizionarea/tolerarea reclamelor. Chiar ne ajută financiar. Nu putem controla ce reclame (care depind de obicei de „cookie-urile” dvs., adică istoricul dvs. de internet), dar este o modalitate ușoară și gratuită de a susține proiectul și de a cumpăra mai multe piese pentru barcă. Mulțumesc tuturor 🙂 De asemenea, am încercat să ne menținem Instagram-ul actual. Da tehnologia! Pentru actualizări în timp real, aici este linkul: Muzica prezentată: Dyalla Swain-


44 thoughts on “Sare și gudron: Ep.244- Mai departe decât am plecat vreodată

  1. Big thumbs-up for Swab 👍 He's got new responsibilities (and kids) now 🙂

  2. Here’s a crazy idea – a “coffee table” book version of your scrapbook! A history of Garrett & Ruthie, I’d buy one. ❤❤

  3. You guys are rockin it. The Old pics are so damn cool. GPS mapping to help us know where you are is great. AND SWAB !!!! very smooth video… keep up the awesome story and telling of it as well. Thx.

  4. wonderful episode. We loved this area. sadly we went straight on to Evaristo as we had strong west wind. can't wait to see your next video….

  5. Here I am watching since before the boat was brought to San Francisco and sure would like an episode on how you two decided to build this certain kind of sailing boat and its advantages over others and how it works. Also still see in you two in love the way my wife and I have been for 50 plus years.

  6. tucka and I have watched your channel from the beginning yep way way back then when I say WE we watch your videos I mean my dog TUCKA anI I Here's the thing she recognises the intro music an where ever in the house she comes running / slipping sliding down the passage full pelt barking with joy I recon into the computer room up onto her chair next to me still barking at the screen waiting for her favourite dog SWAB to appear and continues to bark until I have to tell her to sush ……….so cool thank you both for the update on our favourite sea dawg SHE knows the commercial adds music for items containing dogs and responds the same way that part is a pain but funny this has been a long story but i thought you would enjoy it stay safe you two Regards kermit la frog

  7. From laying the keel to working in the snow under a plastic tarp to setting the mast it's all been great to see and share with you. But this episode today was all about sailing from early morning. Even the diary reading and the lunch and the fishing were still all about one solid day, one episode all about simple sailing. And I really enjoyed it. Because I loved sailing and I'm old and had to sell my we 15 foot Sirocco because I dumped it and it was cold and there was no help and it took everything I had so I sold it. And now I watch you. I watch what I miss doing.. And today, altho I have enjoyed all of it to date, I really got what I enjoy most. A simple episode totally about sailing to a place and rhen walking on the beach at that destination. Great stuff. Really hit the spot. Nice banjo.

  8. Another lovely and totally groovy sailing episode. You two bring joy and happiness to the free spirit sailing world. Stay safe and stay groovy.

  9. . Love your channel.
    . Love to see you cuddle so often.
    . Love the music.
    . Love Swab. He's so happy with your sister. She sounds just like you Ruthie. It's uncanny.
    . Love that you are both finally living the dream.

  10. I get so involved listening to you folks sail, talk about what you're doing that I forget sometimes to like and subscribe. You two are great.😊

  11. Thanks for the Swabbie update. So sorry for him that his hearing is going, but he seems to be doing fine with it, for the most part.
    The almost full video of sailing was so relaxing. Thanks for the calming effects of it all. It gave me a feel of being out there myself.

  12. I love watching your videos but I can’t help but wonder, have you guys ever considered a long voyage besides island hopping? Let’s say to Hawaii and back? You have such a beautiful and capable ship begging to stretch her sails into the horizon.

    Awesome seeing Swab again.

  13. If you guys aren't drinking cervasas with the sinola cartel or free diving for lobster off the coast of Acapulco… lol I don't know why your even in Mexico

  14. This was my favorite episode of your entire series. Real sailing. Real boat. Real people. Real life while on passage. No histrionics. Smooth banjo. Thanks.

  15. Between you and SV Tritea, I can enjoy actual sailing videos. All the rest of them are fixing, building or buying boats that are on average way out of most peoples price range. Thanks for staying true to the point of being a sailing channel.

  16. You can't walk bare foot in the sand and brush on the mid Atlantic coast, sand burs !..About the size of an M&M Peanut piece of candy with hard sharp spikes. Very painful, some times penetrate thin shose, ouch !…

  17. Question: still not seeing any comfort in the cockpit when underway (no seating, no shade), long term that won’t last. What are your plans for this?

  18. S&T is my favorite sailing channel for 3 or 4 years now since I first found it.. Loved this episode start to end and it was so great to see Swab again and doing well…I went to a birthday party with 10 other people and wore my favorite cap ..Salt &Tar and several asked about your doings and of course I talked up you two and Redaviva too.. If the party was later today I would have added mentioning Swab as well..He really is a special part of the beginning years and still in all our hearts ❤

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